Thursday, September 19, 2013

To to take a well deserved rest

It is time for John McCain to sit on the porch and rest. He has done enough. For the country. To the country. It is time for him to get in his rockin' chair and get under a blanket and rest.

Please. Give it a rest Senator. Enough is enough.


The Dude said...

His incompetence led directly to Obama becoming president. Had he not served, and suffered mightily, I might be inclined to label him as something he is not. But damn, he does need to go home and stay there.

rcocean said...

McCain is the out-of-control hot-head you'd see on every TV Western.

They always wanted to string some innocent man up, or start an Indian war, or draw against the villain who'd just rode into town. And then Matt or Lucas would talk them out of it, or oppose them.

Remember "Shane"? Putin is 'Wilson', and McCain is 'Stonewall'.

rcocean said...

Not to forget Hoss, Little Joe, Adam, or Mr. Cartwright.

Bonanza was surrounded by Hot heads.