Friday, September 13, 2013

Sixty Grit said..If that's in reference to the Spinelli meet-up, then ew!

No that as in reference to my honey.

This is in reference to the meet up. I hope I don't embarrass the wife with my table manners. You see I kind of eat like Fred Flintstone. Just sayn'


The Dude said...

You favor him.

ndspinelli said...

When we first got married we took a vacation to visit some friends in Jersey. We went to this steakhouse and I ordered a T-Bone. My bride had just met my friends. Well, I did what any man would do when he got to the t joint, w/ THE BEST MEAT. I picked up the mofo and knawed on it. She was mortified. We have come a long way since 1977. I routinely pick up T-bones, lamb chops, etc. Although, since this is our first meeting, the unwritten rule would be no knowing. However, my bride wouldn't care how you eat, only me.

We took the subway to Manhattan to see the 9/11 Memorial. However, the tix we got were for 4pm. I needed a nap, so I left the bride in Manhattan and I am preparing for a siesta. This is a good example of how we roll.

blake said...

There's no earthly way of gnawing
Which direction we are chawing...

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I do not see Nick being easily embarrassed.