Friday, September 20, 2013

You know you want my sausage.....admit it!

You can even have some potatoes with it bitches.

This is just about one of my all time favorite meals.


Trooper York said...

That's 400 for an hour and a half.

The potatoes should all be approximately the same size so they cook. They are the hold up but you never go wrong making your pork extra crispy.

Michael Haz said...

Are the sausages pre-cooked to add some brownness?

Michael Haz said...

Garlic and onion, are they added to the mix? Asking for a hungry friend. :)

Trooper York said...

No they are baked so they don't get greasy. I know it seem like a long time but you have to keep your eyes on it.

Trooper York said...

First I cut up the potatoes and wash them. Then I put them in a pan with a thin coating of oil. I liberal add salt and pepper and then put a shit pot full of oregano on them. I smush them all around until they are totally coated with oil, salt, pepper and oregano.

Than I add the sausages. For an extra treat you can throw in a can of black olives after you take it out of the oven. Just because....Obama.

Trooper York said...

The sausages are Italian sweet sausages with garlic and fennel already inside.

Trooper York said...

The roast potatoes are the favorite of everyone who eats at my house. When they get nice and crispy there is nothing better.

Michael Haz said...

Mrs. Haz roasts pans of mixed fresh vegetables - onions, garlic, tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, peppers and whatever looks fresh. Coats them with olive oil, salt and pepper, herbs; and roasts them for an hour or so.


The Dude said...

I had a potato earlier this year - perhaps it is time to consume another.

Michael Haz said...

Sixty - ease into it by drinking potato vodka.

I'm waiting for Lisa to call Trooper "Sweety Troopie Potato".

The Dude said...


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Sausage is food of the gods.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Just your average sausage and potato girl...

ndspinelli said...

I do what you just showed but also cook chicken thighs and breasts in w/ it. Those aluminum pans are great, I buy them by the dozen. Fuck Al Gore and all that "save the planet shit." I've scrubbed enough pans. You're right about the spuds, they are great w/ that sausage grease browning them. I use olive oil but you don't need much.

blake said...

My taste runs more toward oysters than snails.

Chip S. said...

Oh, BTW...


Suck it, Yanks.

ricpic said...

Haz beat me to it. Where are the onions, garlic, peppers et al?

Sawx Nation!

Where's the Big Poppy eloquence? F**k f**k f**k.

bagoh20 said...

"Sausage is food of the gods."

That line never works until after the vodka. In fact, it may be completely ineffective, but I can't help saying it anyway. It's like a superstition now. I recommend a Sean Connery voice.