Monday, September 30, 2013

The Last Destination Hospital


Michael Haz said...

You're the only patient? And there's no medical staff? What the.....

Chip S. said...

Trooper probably made a few Richard Speck jokes, so the nurses are all hiding under the beds.

blake said...

Do nurses still know about Richard Speck? Is he like Jason Voorhees for campers? They sit around the campfire and tell stories about him?

ndspinelli said...

blake, One Filipino nurse, who hid under a bed, saw his tattoo, Born to Raise Hell. That's what got him identified. Did you ever see the prison videos w/ him as a cross dresser? Disturbing.

Palladian said...

What, are you in St Vincent's?

Lon Chaney said that the scariest thing was a clown after midnight, but I think it might be an empty hospital.

MamaM said...

...w/ him as a cross dresser?

Hadn't heard about that, nd. Found enough on the wiki to qualify as disturbing though, without seeing the pictures. The story of his childhood and life prior to the murders was also undoing.

I was 12 in 1966 when it happened and we were subscribers to the Chicago Tribune so I read the published details but I didn't know the rest of the hellacious story, from beginning to end until now.

Found this: After Speck's death, Dr. Jan E. Leestma, a neuropathologist at the Chicago Institute of Neurosurgery, performed an autopsy of Speck's brain. Leestma found apparent gross abnormalities. Two areas of the brain — the hippocampus, which involves memory, and the amygdala, which deals with rage and other strong emotions — encroached upon each other, and their boundaries were blurred.

Sad and bizarre story.

The Dude said...

I read about a French artist who had a tattoo that read "Born Toulouse" but I think that might just be a story.

blake said...

I did not know that, Nick.

I do have a visceral dislike of cross-dressing, which may be even stronger than my dislike of clowns...

Chip S. said...

Now that you mention it, a typical clown is a sort of cross dresser.

MamaM said...

"They forgot all about me in the middle of my stress test'

In the doom and gloom category, SonM told me about a guy (unknown to him, same company, different job site) who died last week in one of the Port-a-Jons in the parking lot outside the warehouse. It was 3 hours before someone found out where he'd gone.

Yeah, life's a crap shoot fits that story, which adds another layer of goodness to the standing to God Bless America pee event. Complete with "oceans white with foam"!

I'm glad you have Lisa and whatever saints and angels have been summoned, along with miscreant commenters on the sidelines to accompany you through this.