Saturday, September 21, 2013

They really have to get a life

So the Nutty Perfessor and Leisure Suit Larry put up a post that refers to a thread where Palladian and I posted comments. It is pretty funny. They love to say how we can't leave them alone but every couple of days they have to come over to TOOP to drop a turd as Fiona or refer to us in some way. Someone emailed a link to this thread and when I went over there I had a good idea. I followed the links to various threads and deleted my comments. It was pretty amusing to see all of the people who don't post there that were in those threads. If everyone deleted their comments there would be about two comments per thread. Bissage and Titus. Heh.

It is particularly heartwarming that Inga is their favorite commenter these days. You have to laugh.


ndspinelli said...

They should have a link to Springsteen singing, Glory Days.

ndspinelli said...

My first thought seeing that post in the morning was Annie trying to boost LSL because he couldn't get it up last night.

Trooper York said...

I just have to laugh about how she referred to us as "people who don't post here anymore."

Now that is some shit right there.

ndspinelli said...

She misses you, big boy! And, that "people who don't post here anymore" is a long fuckin' list.

The Dude said...

LE Lee - remember him?

And you missed at least one comment, Troopski.

Chickenlittle was in the house!

Trooper York said...

Most of the people who don't post there are the original thinkers who would write something entertaining instead of the drone speak that they are getting now.

It is just terminally boring and I think they realize that.

I hope they are very happy with Inga and somefeller.


Trooper York said...

But enough about that dumb cunt.

Palladian said...

I haven't referred to those people in public since that shit when down in July, nor have I visited her website so I don't know how anyone could think I was "obsessed" with them. But I'm still hurt by what they did to me, and I still worry about writing anything personal, or discussing my problems on Comment Home, because I am still afraid that woman's piece of shit husband will exploit it to hurt me again.

Trooper York said...

Well she specifically referred to the both of us in her post. It was quite amusing I must say.

Listen we are in a better place.

Nick has the right idea about Althouse, Meade and Inga. Just ignore them. You are doing the right thing in not talking about or to them because they will twist it to hurt you. That is what they do.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

people who don't post here anymore...

Sounds like a techie country song.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Palladian, buck up.

You are better than letting them get at you. You are a better person (by far) than Larry or ol dirty EBL.

They really can't hurt you. They attempted to embarrass you with everything they had (granted it was not much but that is what they were trying to do) and you survived.

Fuck them.

Trooper York said...

Remember you big homo that your real friends had your back.

Some of them were people you didn't even know where your friends like AllenS and Aridog. Others where decent people who you were feuding with like Tim. Those scumbags in Madison deserve each other. Let them rot.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Troop and others, I know you are loath to do so, but when shit like this goes down at least link to it so we can find it without hunting and pecking.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Because I need to let go a few field pizzas. I know that is not lady like but what do you expect, I am ol dirty EBL's twin.

And I am the good one.

Trooper York said...

I do think that a fitting response is to while away a few hours deleting your former comments like Sippican Cottage, Theo Boehm and I did at various times. It really drives them crazy to have such big gaps in their threads and since comments don't mean shit anyway what the fuck do they have to say!

Trooper York said...

Here's the Link to the post inferring that she was talking about us. She even mentions Ruth Anne but not by name.

Trooper York said...

The locution that amuses me is "where there's a discussion of how to buy a light bulb in NYC and a couple of commenters who never comment here anymore are advising me about shops in town."

No that's comedy gold right there.

The Dude said...

This reminds me of Wilbur Mills - he had hired Fanne Fox to work in his office. After her background was revealed and the scandal ensued some wag said "There are some touch typists in DC, the rest are just hunt 'n' peckers".

True then, true now.

The Dude said...

Go back to one of your Adam 12 posts and you will see a comment I made about how to search for one's comments on a blog.

I used that method and deleted 600 or 900 comments over at TOP. Very good thing to do. Worthwhile. Fun and destructive - the way I like it.

Sippican is a man ahead of his time. Kind of like Ike Turner.

Trooper York said...

Well if you are hunting for peckers we should get Palladian back in the conversation. Just sayn'

The Dude said...

I'm not, but she was.

Chip S. said...

At Sixty's informative link I learned that Time ragazine published a list of the Top 10 Mistresses. Nice try at staying relevant, but that shit's worthless w/o nsfw pix, and Maxim owns that.

As for that TOP That's some truly pathetic shit. And wtf is LSL's tie to Purdue? Did he ride in the Little 500 once for the Cutters? If so, I'm guessing Jackie Earle Haley played him in the movie.

The Dude said...

Verne Troyer played him. Just not in a movie.

Isn't the Little 500 held at IU? Just trying to understand, as I used to live in Bloomington.

And why would one attend college in order to learn how to mow a lawn? That makes no sense at all.

Trooper York said...

Maudlin is as maudlin does.

There are some tear soaked pillows and wine piss soak panties tonight.

ndspinelli said...

ChipS, He grew up in West Lafayette and probably hung out in the student center trying to make folks think he was a student. That was after he got all his lawns mowed.

ndspinelli said...

I'm not very bright. I don't get the part about changing your screen name to your user name. I would like to spend Sunday watching football and deleting.

The Dude said...

I responded to your comment in the Fanne Foxe thread, Nickster.

TTBurnett said...

Trooper, I have no idea what's going on with that post. (Yes, I visited the site for the fourth time this year.)
All I see is eye-glazing shit. My reaction is, "You've got to be kidding me." And you think *Boston* is boring?
My only regret is I didn't quite get ALL of Theo Boehm's comments off the air before he evanesced into a faint cloud of aether.

Cody Jarrett said...

Did she edit that post? Because I've read it twice and don't see the parts you're talking about. Maybe I'm just dumb.

Cody Jarrett said...

Tim, if you check back--I wondered if you knew anything about this kid

John Coker.

Plays the heck out of that bass.

Also if you had any recommendations for similar. Thanks.

Chip S. said...

Sixty, yes I confused IU w/ Purdue. Must've been my impulse to tie in cycling, Indy, and Jackie Earle Haley w/ Larry.

i'll claim prosaic license.

The Dude said...

I'm goin' in - tape my feet to the pedals!

The Dude said...

The Mooch was cool. "Punch out". BAM!

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Cody, I think the fog of morning box wine lifted and she went back and fixed it. I do not see it either.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

In the Althouse post titled "Hail , Hail to Old Purdue..." from September 21, 2013, she writes, "There's a gap in the conversation where a commenter expunged her own comments, but apparently she said something that referred (possibly disparagingly) to things that could be photographed in Madison. And Meade says:..."

The commenter who expunged her own comments refers to me.

I did go back and delete a huge amount of my own comments from her blog. It's therapeutic in the same way as popping bubble wrap.

MamaM said...

Expunge is the word.

To erase or strike out; to delete or erase; blot out; obliterate

From the Latin: pungere to prick

Trooper York said...

You have to check out the latest comment about comments. It has to be seen to be believed.

The Dude said...

"I've had a big struggle, peaking over the summer, with the problem of "illegible conversation," as problem commenters maliciously disrupt what might otherwise be a readable comments section."

Bint-speak for "I got drunk off my ass then had a shit fit".


ndspinelli said...

Gents, It's Sunday. She is angriest, nastiest, and most self absorbed on the Sabbath.

blake said...

I'm guessing Jackie Earle Haley played him in the movie.


Methadras said...

The lunatic drunk being their favorite house pet is amusing indeed because I think she deliberately wanted to fangirl herself that way.

drunken sot lunatic sucking lawprof and gardener ass is hilarious. She must really really like taint. It spreads.