Monday, July 29, 2013

Today is one of my favorite days of the year.

It's National Lasagna Day!

Happy Lasagna Day you noodle's!

Today July 29th is officially designated as National Lasagna Day! Now it is July and way too hot to put on the Oven. That is why National Lasagna Day is in July. It is too hot for you to cook so you can go out to eat! All day long many Italian restaurants are offering discounts on a nice heaping plate of Lasagna.

The generally accepted origin of lasagna is that it comes from the Greek word that means
"trivet or stand for a pot", The Romans stole the word and changed it to "lasanum", which means something more like "cooking pot" in Latin. The Italians used it to refer to the pot  that
lasagna is made in. Soon the name of the pot became the name of the dish.

Everybody and their nona has a favorite recipe for lasagna. Bolognese or vegetarian we all know what we like. So let today be a perfect day to enjoy a nice heaping piece of lasagna.

You know who is a big fan of lasagna? Santa Claus. That is why he wears a red suit because he is always staining it with sauce. I bet he is enjoying some right now.

I am going to go out and get a big plate at Vinny's of Carroll Gardens and do it up right!

Merry Lasagna Day!


chickelit said...

Happy Lasagna Day you noodle's!

Isn't it a big fox paw to refer to any Italian pasta as noodles? Spinelli will have your Italian man card for that one.

Chip S. said...

IIRC, Spinelli took the pro-noodle position against EBL's insistence on "pasta".

Pasta noodles are a subset of all noodles.

blake said...

Mah mommah made some lasagna a couple of weeks ago before heading off to Switzerland. So great.

chickelit said...

@Chip S. Yes, but the roles were reversed. I memorialized it in a chirbit.

rcocean said...

Love Lasagna but some restaurants go overboard with the sauce and cheese.

Chip S. said...

I stand corrected on spinelli.

When the sauce fills those undulations in the pasta on the top of the lasagna, does it become wavy gravy?

The Dude said...

Ask Chip Monck.

Methadras said...

I my mom's and my wife's lasagna. They both make excellent lasagna. I finally got my wife a new oven she can make me one in now? Happy time awaitin'

ndspinelli said...

chick, That was a spot on chirbit. Actually, I don't have a problem calling it lasagna "noodles" since they are indeed VERY wide noodles. Maybe it's just clear in my bourbon addled mind.

ndspinelli said...

ChipS did provide a link showing noodles can be made out of many different ingedients, but pasta only from semolina flour. And, I don't have a problem w/ people calling all the different pastas, macaroni. Just NOT NOODLES. The bitch brought up the "Noodle" restaurant near the bar where she got hammered and tried to seduce Trooper.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Thanks for the reminder! I also linked to your comments at Lem's rather than here to the blog (just because Chip S. tipped me off that may allow the unwelcomed to slip in).

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

nspinelli, pasta is a noodle. Not all noodles are pasta (as you noted most are not). But people who call pasta noodles are generally douchenozzels.

ol dirty EBL tried to seduce Troop? Now I guess that would result in a very limp noodle!

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

And I do not think Troop is a douchenozzel, even if he called a pasta dish noodles. It is when protohipsters like old dirty EBL lady do it it bothers me.

Trooper York said...

She wasn't after me or Palladian. She had her eyes on this woman who showed up with her husband. I don't remember her name but I remember the Nutty Perfessor asking her if she like the fish taco.

The general consensus of the congregation was that she was in trouble if a little Dutch boy walked in the joint.

Trooper York said...

I have very little patience about arguments between sauce and gravy or noodles and pasta or whatever the fuck proves you are a real guinea. I know I am a real guinea so who gives a shit.

My Nona always called lasagna noodles so that is good enough for me.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I have heard many a guinea call them noodles and sauce gravy.

So ol EBL wanted to walk on the wild side and get all saphhic huh?

chickelit said...

She had her eyes on this woman who showed up with her husband.

Was she one of the interesting people Althouse wanted to be late for?

Cody Jarrett said...

I think I threw up a little in my mouth.

The perfesser thing, not the lasagna thing.

Cody Jarrett said...

well, she and larry certainly could be cobearding.

Is that a word, cobearding?

I'm generally all in favor of sapphology, but...ewww.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

For the Amazon portal...

Hey, if anyone could drive one to it, Larry can!

Michael Haz said...

Little Lord Dew-Schnozzle is at it again over at Lems. He's pounding his chest over the paltry few bucks he threw Lem's way. Big whoop - a guy who lives rent free pointing out the gen-er-o-sity of tossing 51 bucks into Lem's hat.

Michael Haz said...

And as if by magic, the very instant Dew-Schnozzle shows up, so does Inga. She who never talks about her family is talking about the Navy daughter. I really think the Inga character is Alternatehouse some days. The timing is too perfect.

Cody Jarrett said...

I'm working on an experiment to see if I can get Inga's head to explode.

Or whether I'll vomit myself stupid first.

Cody Jarrett said...

And Larrykins also bought something through the Lemster's Amazon Portal.

"you can thank me for one of those, Lem"

yashu said...
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Chip S. said...

Lonesome Larry, who finds the commenters at Lem's so terrible that he comes back daily to tell them.

"Have a good day at the office, dear. I'm just gonna borrow Lem's blog for a while until Zeus can come over to play."

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

When ever he shows up I post mole men. He ignores it.

MamaM said...

The way he's going after people seems bizarre to me, with behavior so pointed and antagonistic it appears deliberate, as if some strange game is being played.

Only I can't imagine a motive or purpose that would justify such a game or lead to greater good. Even without holding a sunny or respectful view of either A or M, I can't make sense of what I'm seeing him say and do at TOOP.

After Yashu's use of "repugnant", I looked it up and found what I was sensing and picking up about his behavior, expressed in the definition of the word:

Repugn means "to strive against" or "be contradictory or inconsistent"
1. repellent to the senses; causing aversion
2. distasteful; offensive; disgusting
3. contradictory; inconsistent or incompatible

yashu said...

MamaM, I'm scratching my head too.

I sometimes feel pity for even the worst of trolls, because you know those can't be happy people. But this isn't an obscure anonymous voice venting his self-loathing, misanthropy, rage, boredom, desperation. This is a man writing in his own name, self-proclaimed alpha/ winner, partner to one of the most powerful bloggers, spending his time childishly insulting commenters he deems irrelevant beta losers on a no-name blog. (When he's not viciously attacking them.)

He can't quit a group of people he insists should "move on" from their "obsession."

Like you, I still can't make sense of it. Nor of AA's role.

Can it be this obnoxiousness increases AA's blog viewership? I find that hard to believe. They've lost me, anyway.

yashu said...
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yashu said...
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Cody Jarrett said...

The other night youtube for some ungodly reason recommended an A-house video. It was on titled 'baked in the dog cake' or something like that.

Basically Larry is sitting on the stairs and herself wanders past with the camera. He's putting on his shoes, she says "what are you doing" and he says "putting on my shoes".

Then he makes a comment about how he's going to wander the neighborhood to pick up more dogs because that's the kind of lawnboy he is (his words). They bring that damn st. bernard back, she pees on the rug and Larry says "don't worry, I'll get that..."

I dunno. I recommend it. At least a couple of minutes of it. I didn't make it through the whole thing but the whole thing is just...I didn't see the part of the v-log where he pushed her face or whatever. I saw about a minute of it.

But she seems so shaky and sad and stupid in the vid. Like she's on heavy meds or heavy booze, and he seems so unspeakably disgusting.

Just oily and slimy.

Michael Haz said...

Too bad his wife won't allow comments or he'd have someplace else to play. Or not. I think she keeps his commenting on a pretty tight leash.

You'd think that after she finally let him have his own car last year that he'd be able to find something to do in Madison. That city is so full of assholes that being just another asshole is like wearing camo.

The Dude said...

Interesting point, M. Haz - it was always her TT they were cruising around in.

Poor dumb lawnboy doesn't even own a freakin' car. Sad.

It was funny to watch her get defensive whenever anyone mentioned his background, lack of money, lack of education, profound stupidity - defensive, I tells ya.

It's becoming clear why she got so worked up about her boy. He's special.