Friday, October 14, 2011

He's a coxswain?

"Command a Kings Ship" is one of my favorite Bolitho novels. In it John Allday becomes the admirals coxswain. No that is not dirty Titus, he is the guy who steers the captains barge. In the earlier novels Stockdale is the coxswain but he dies in a battle protecting the nephew of the hero. So Allday becomes his new right hand man even though he was a shepard who was pressed into the navy. It is pretty interesting is all.

A good place to jump into the series it was the first novel I bought from Alexander Kent (Douglas Reeman) and it is funny but I have every book he has ever published.

Now I have to get them on the fuckin kindle. Rats.

1 comment:

ricpic said...

Coxswain: isn't that when your pants ride up and you walk around all day pulling down but it's no use IT'S NO USE!