Well yesterday we were at the clothing show and she comes back in to return everything. Everything. Now I don't know if she wore it and wanted to return it or if it was true that she just changed her mind. Anyway she wants to have the money refunded on her card. Now I have a strict policy just like the Mafia. Once in never out. Once I get your money I ain't giving it back. You can get a store credit to get something else but I do not refund unless there is a defect in the garment or you order it online and I don't have your size. So I never give refunds. This mookette goes "Oh I know the owner I am sure she will refund my money." So the employees call us up and we go "No everybody gets a store credit like every other boutique on Court St. No exceptions." They tell her this but she goes "Just have Lee Lee call me at the restaurant so we can talk about it."
Now this is messed up for several reasons. She is really pushing it. I mean I would pay for the dresses in one dinner at her joint. Fuck , the way I tip the tip is probably more than all the fuckin' money she just spent. She wants to hondle over a pissant little amount. I mean I took the clothes back and she can get anything she wants. And we got lots of stuff. Dresses, tops, jeans, jewelry, pocket books, candles, frames, soap, hand wash, sunglasses you fuckin' name and I got it. What the fuck. She wants to piss me off. So I don't go to her restaurant anymore? Because the wife would be uncomfortable about it. She wouldn't want to go out to eat with friends and get into a beef about this with the owner of joint. It would make everyone uncomfortable. Well except for me. I wouldn't care and I know this woman's husband who runs the restaurant would not buy into this. I am sure if her husband heard about this he would lose his fuckin' mind. I mean I have brought many people to their joint and promoted it and recommended it to a lot of people. He would flip out if he knew his wife was jeopardizing our patronage because of a piddling matter like this.
You see she thinks she is special. Hey all my customers are special. But I would rather you didn't buy anything than you buy it and return it. The credit card company charges me a fee for both your purchase and the refund on the card. So I lose money doing that. A lot of money in percentage terms. That is why all the small boutiques have the same policy. You ain't that special sweetie. Even "What Not to Wear" only gets a store credit when they buy something. Even my mother gets a store credit if she buys something. Well she would if I ever made her pay for anything but you get the idea. Jeeez what a pain in my ass.
Problems of a shopkeeper.
My staff knows that anyone who tosses out the phrase, "I know the owner and...[so I should get my way] DOESN'T know me at all. If they did, they would know NOT to use that phrase to try to get anything. I've even had people trot out that phrase, trying to get something. I usually play along without giving in to whatever it is they want. I would wager that that woman doesn't work a minute in her husband's business, at least not on the operational side. She might be the "bookkeeper" or something.
She just doesn't get it.
I told the wife it is the typical situation.
The husband is cool and the wife is a pain in the ass.
She smacked me a good one.
One of my favorite moments was about a year and a half ago; I was closing up the store, one of a small chain, when a car pulled up and an older gentleman got out. He walks up to the door just before I lock it and asks if he can come in, "just to look around." "I'm a friend of [the owner] and I said one of these days I'd like to come around and see one of his stores." I politely explained that unfortunately, we were closing, but he was welcome to come back the next day when we open. "Well, I don't want to buy anything, I just want to have a look around." Oh, that's different! So, not only am I stuck here waiting for you to be satisfied that you've "had a proper look," you're also not going to give me any money. That really makes me want to let you in. I again politely said, I'm sorry, but we're closing and I can't let anyone else in. "Well, I guess I will have to tell [the owner] that I wasn't able to get in to the store." You do that, and maybe he'll call you to your face what I'm only calling you in my head.
Respect your policy but this is why I never buy anything from a boutique business. That and the prices. The big guys give you your money back no problems.
It isn't about the price, it is entirely about the service. If you're shopping based on price you go on the internet. If you're shopping based on service then you go to a boutique where people know their business and are willing to help you.
If your policy is conspicuously posted, and perhaps made clear at the point of sale/cash register, then it's on the buyer.
If however, the policy is implied, and not well communicated by the staff, then the seller needs to take a step back put some policy and procedures in place so that such instances don't recur.
For example, you're at a wake. Understandable you're not available. But why no email from the staff - who would be trained to take the client's contact info - so you can touch base with the customer after the wake and before having to deal with the headaches described in your post?
What's really tragic here is that it sounds like two neighboring businesses that could have helped each other with referrals are now at odds with one another.
A few, too many, years ago I worked in Macy's Men's Department. Macy's... the definition of Customer Service.
One day a customer, young guy, early college, comes in to return an RL mesh knit polo shirt, because it shrunk. Yeah, RL is cotton. Cotton is shrinkage. So I showed this guy that you could just lightly pull at the seams while the garment is wet to restore the shape. He didn't care, his mom told him to return it. I suspect he had a sister who needed a new bikini and the card was maxed, but the Customer... well, the Customer may be welcome to return merchandise but is still usually an ass.
If I were a shop owner my policy would be 'Treat your clothes right, they'll fit you forever'... and you won't need to return them.
Find a better quality restaurant.
Hey I respect if you don't want to buy from a boutique. That's fine with me. Like I said, I rather you don't buy it if you are going to return it. I get burned by the credit card processor on both the purchase and the return.
The policy is posted on a big sign in the store and is promiently posted on the receipt. It is the same policy every other boutique has in Brownstone Brooklyn. I carry it one stop further. I don't refund on any on-line purchases either which is pretty strict. You see I don't want someone order three different sizes and then returning two out of the three garments. The paperwork and the hassle is not worth it.
We spend an average of four hours a trip with our "Real" customers. Not the drive by types but people who want our unique and one of a kind clothing. So you have more than enough time to make up your mind.
This lady just thought she could get over by saying she "knows" the owner. You don't put pressure on an employee. That's just not cool.
We list cleaning instructions with everything we sell. Since we are now manufacturing about 90% of what is in the store we know what is what.
I did replace a cotton shirt that a customer had washed in hot water and dropped a size. But that was a very good customer who had earned that respect. Not someone on their first purchase who is already causing a problem.
Like I said if you are a chronic returner I don't want you as a customer at all. You are not doing me any good. My return rate online is miniscule compared to the big on-line retailers. Because we scrutinize the order and if it doesn’t make sense size wise we call the people up and talk to them. We even Skype with them to get an idea of what works for their body type and adjust it accordingly. To have a less than 5%return rate is unheard of in the business. I pay attention to the details. So I have made friends with people all over the country. Even if we never met in person. We work hard to get it right.
So go to the restaurant. Order up the most expensive thing on the menu and when it comes to the table, say, "No thanks" I changed my mind." And leave.
I like the outfit in the picture.
As I had previously stated if the woman's husband knew she did that he would lose his mind. He knows how much money I have spent in his joint and the people I have sent there and the couple of parties I had there. He would lose his mind. The difference is I would never go into his joint to complain about it. I mean I "Know" the owner but that doesn't entitle me to anything. If he wants to do something nice that is up to him. As it has been since the first time I walked in the door.
I bet if I don't show up for a couple of months he will come by the store. Then I have a dilemma. Do I tell him? Or do I just say I have been real busy and what not and paper over the situation. His wife works in the place so we can't just blow it off and go there because she is sure to come over and press the issue. I am afraid that he might brain her with a frying pan or something.
I looked at the dress this morning and it kinda looks like she wore it and just wanted to return it. It just gets worse you know.
Thanks Wacky. We are doing a lot with seperates and they are working out great.
Oh and I know your brother Herman.
Does that mean I get a discount on his next concert?
If someone pulls this on you, you can offer to take it back and give back money, but you have then to charge a "restocking fee" of 10 or 15 percent, to cover credit card fees and cleaning of returned garments,
You can tell them that for good customers you are willing to waive that charge if they accept a store credit.
I used to own a fairly ritzy live music club. Spendy, dressy, etc., with a significant door charge. Gratis admissions are a part of that business, but you try to keep it down, of course.
I spent a lot of time at the door, shaking hands, etc. One night a guy tried to bluff his way in. Told me he was a real good pal of the owner.
"Really? I just started here. never met him. What's he look like anyway?"
(My door staff is dying)
"Well, uhhh..."
"I heard he's about my height."
"'Bout my weight, too?"
It begins to dawn on him. Anyway, I told him he got the special friend of the owner special - he got to pay for himself, and the next girl in line. :-)
Guy eventually became a regular, but he always got the 2 For 1 Special.
It's remarkable how many Jekyll and Hyde couples come into the store. I've got stories out the yinyang I could tell, but would take up too much time here.
I recall reading an interview with the guy who owns (or owned??) Southwest Airlines. He said, "The customer is NOT always right," and explained how dealing with one asshole can make the trip pleasant for everyone else. Sure, you lose one customer, but the others appreciate you for having the balls to stand up to an asshole who is likely going to ruin their trip.
I had a couple of partners whose wives would pull shit like that. All they could see was the situation in front of them, not the big picture and inevitable payback around the corner.
When patronizing a friend's or good acquaintances' business, I always err on the side of NOT expecting special treatment and, if they are a good friend, I will often overlook what I would not in a stranger's business. That this is not self-evident to many is mystifying.
And speaking of acquaintances, I am well acquainted with Trooper York, but he is not with me. As a frequent reader of Althouse, I enjoy Trooper York's ubiquitous commentary.
Thanks Kurt. And all of the first time commenters on this thread. I really appreciate the feed back. Welcome.
And Windbag I know you know exactly what I mean. The guy in this relationship would lose his shit if he knew she was pulling this stuff. But what are you gonna do. It's not his fault. I don't blame him. But the problem is will his wife make an issue out of it when we come into eat? I mean I don't care I will tell her where to go. My wife would be upset. She doesn't like to be mean in public. I don't have a problem with that.
If it gets any uglier, refund the money with a gross of apologies then go to their restaurant and order a big meal. Eat it and return it immediately and ask for a store credit.
And if anything the owner of the joint will turn on the wife and it will be an ugly scene. Who needs that. I can just go to the Mexican Restuarant where I know they hate all the gringos equally.
Hey that's better than Titus's advice. He said to eat the meal then wait to pinch a loaf and then try to return it.
That's a little over the top.
My way you get to return it with all the other patrons watching and a credit to assure your return.
I tend to not eat at other restaurants in town, because if the service or food is lousy (which unfortunately is frequently the case in this sleepy little town) then I can't complain, else they're at my door the next day making a scene. It's easier to eat at home or go out of town.
Well believe it or not Brooklyn is like a small town. At least for me. I always get to know the owners and the staff wherever we go because if we like it we go back and we eat out a whole lot. I would much rather eat at home.
Hey, Troop, you're big-time now. The evil blogger lady linked to this post from her guest spot on Instapundit.
All that talk about heaven and hell a while ago?
MamaM started to write "Retail is hell", but realized it really includes moments of both. Times when connection, community and a mutually positive exchange takes place, and times when distortion, manipulation, and dysfunction dominate, with the hell of no humor, connection, integrity or respect present.
SonM works at a farm store and the stories he comes home with are unbelievable. The river of weirdness and crap never ceases.
In the midst of that, Lee Lee's Valise sails on with a coat of fresh paint, quality product, a growing reputation for excellence and service, a strong working partner relationship, and the wind of personal and professional integrity blowing the sails.
Well, for me anyway, it would not be smart to buy from a "no return/only credit place" because I often tend to get clothes home and realize, "WTF was I thinking?" And even if you did work with me for four hours there would still be a big chance that I would want to return it. So big stores are the only choice for me.
Now the motorcycle shop I buy stuff from has a 20% restocking fee which keeps me from spending my money before I am sure.
BTW, and it's off topic, but does anyone else find it disconcerting to think that John Wayne owns a boutique?
Glad you put her in her place. She can now go pull that shit over at Nordstroms or Macy's.
The Michaleen Flynn quote made my day. :)
Hey the Duke had a great sense of style. You ever see the horse blankets he used to get his palimino's.
That was very nice of the evil blogger lady. I owe her one. The next Tales of Amy's Garden will be very nice. I promise.
I am working on a new "Laura Bush's Diary" where she and Gorilla Monsoon go in search of the Iron Sheik.
It's gonna be a doozy.
The restocking fee is more trouble than it is worth. I do that with stylists who come in for big time celebrities and think they should get stuff for free. Every girl who shops in my store gets treated like a celebrity.
I just had one girl from Australia and another from Seattle. They both spent about five hours in the shop but bought a bunch of great stuff which I will ship out to them. The girl from Australia is friends with another girl who bought an outfit from us to wear to the Royal Wedding and she was really happy with it. So that is very satisfying that we get return business and recommendations.
They got free sunglasses for being cool.
"Just have Lee Lee call me at the restaurant so we can talk about it."
This seems like a reasonable request. Especially since she is "from the neighborhood", PLUS, you've "broken bread" at her house.
Perhaps you meant to say "It's just like the Mafia." USED to be?
It might seem reasonable but it is trying to get over. Look a rule is a rule. I believe in the rule of law. This isn't the Obama Administration or the Supreme Court where we make up things as we go along. A rule is a rule. Everybody gets treated the same. That is the only way it is fair. You don't try and pressure my employees. That shit ain't right.
I agree with Windbag in the first comment.
There's a local burger place near my home where I do know the owner--very well, in fact.
However, I don't toss around the phrase "I know the owner." Why? Well, for the reason that Windbag intimated... that it would make it seem that I really don't.
But even more, it's because I don't have to. I know restaurants are different from shops, but I am still in that restaurant enough, and talk to the owner frequently enough, that unless someone's been hired between my last visit and the current one, they're probably well aware that I know the owner.
Most importantly, however, I don't presume on our friendship to cost the owner money. I always pay for my food, never asking for a freebie, and on the occasions that he's tried to give me one, I've usually refused, at least once (I think, on average, I accept a freebie about 1 in 3 times it's offered). So, there's no reason for me to try to use the haughty "I know the owner" line, because I treat him like the friend he is, and make sure he can make some money off of my visit.
Maybe that's why I'm always welcome when I walk in the door.
And any bread I broke I paid for in full. You may be sure of that fact.
I am exactly like you Snarky. I am thankful for whatever the owner wants to do but I never presume anything and always pay my way. That is why they always want me to come in. But sometimes things happen and for one reason or another you can't go back to a place because you have a beef with the owners. That usually happens in a bar but it can happen in other places.
I go to a particular theater often enough that the manager will wave us in, and/or give us free popcorn and sodas.
We're not friends or nothin'. She's just a good manager and if I'm in 2-3 times a week, often with not just my kids but the neighbors'...
If she were a friend, I would actually have a hard time with it.
Hell, my mom's a personal trainer and I'm about to hire her for a few sessions. She won't want me to pay but of course I will.
I mean, I'll let her pay for lunch later, if she wants, but this is her business.
What's maybe weird is I never go the other way: I don't ask for my friends to pay for my services. But you can bet I notice when someone does anyway.
You couldn't get me to walk into that restaurant, again!
The nerve of returning clothes that have been worn for a special occasion. I can remember back to the 1950's ... when Klein's was on 14th Street (Union Square). And, they purposely put on huge tags! Where you couldn't return a garment IF the tag had been removed. (Not that some people didn't try!) They try everything they can get away with!
People would return wedding gowns, if they could!
Let alone that Spanx is underwear!
Oh, and guess what? I just wouldn't go IN and spend money at the restaurant. That's the MESSAGE. Let the male owner think you got food poisoning!
He doesn't know his wife pulls this shit? HELLO. He sees her in outfits that are NOT in her closet!
If you sold hats, she'd have bought one to return, too.
And, yes. You're in business to make a profit! You have to open your store even when it's raining outside. And, few customers come by.
If it was an easy way to make a living ... more people would be selling retail.
For people who like to "change their minds," tell them for a small percentage of the sale, they can use Lay Away.
But that's just me.
I have "Lay Away" Carol. All the nannies in the neighborhood put dresses on layaway so they have something nice to wear when they go home to their country. Poor people are never your problem. They are my best customers. And my friends. I treat them right.
And I don't even ask for their birth certificates or anything.
Some Spanx she needed for Communion had us laughing even more than usual. Oh, and best Laura Bush diary yet.
Thanks Meade. To you and the missus. This was very nice of youse guys. When I have a TV show I will pump the blog. I promise.
An Instapundit link is a nice touch. I'm glad to see all the comments. The spanx for communion
cracked me up so much that I almost gagged on a cracker.
I'm looking for that future TV show.
I work a bar, a good one. You disturb another's experience, you go. You bother an employee, you go.
It works. Ten, maybe three percent of customers ruin it for everyone. They're toxic. They can't spend enough to make up for their toxicity, their dragging down, tying up employees.
I don't know your business. Off hand I'd take it back, giver her money back and tell her, nicely, that she won't be served again, ever, and wish her the very best.
"When I have a TV show I will pump the blog. I promise."
Let me guess? Your next line is...
"But could you tell Althouse that I draw the line...and I mean, THE LINE... when she asks for a phone call from my wife when things don't go as we hoped?"
Cause that is just totally, intolerably, NOT like the mafia that I want to talk about tonight.
"You disturb another's experience, you go."
So "they" say.
Gotta "luv em" all, is what I have to say...
But I'm not in the mafia, so what the heck do I know?
There isn't a store keeper who doesn't know of "shrinkage." And, customers who can take up lots of time. And, then come back with what they've bought.
(Heck, some people buy the garment just to take it to their seamstress to get it copied!
And, yes. Even though you spend your money in her restaurant; she's never, ever come in. Till this "event thing." (And, you were not in the store.) She'd have pulled this on you, too.
Her "loving husband" would hit her on the head with a frying pan! REALLY? Quite a couple, I'd say.
By the way, she's LOCAL. Your story is now all over the Internet! People who read this in Brooklyn, probably know your store. And, if so, they probably know the "local" restaurant, as well.
Heck, if you were a shoe store, you'd have everyone checking the PAIR of shoes brought up to buy. Because some people have two different sized feet. So, they divide a "pair" ... and ruin TWO shoes for ya.
Yes. Poor people who work for others, and who come buy wanting to buy something ... so they have to bring money in each week ... Are, in fact, wonderful customers! You're getting their cash before anything leaves your store. And, it also means people look into your windows. And, look how long they have to work to afford a garment. Or a bag.
Oh, what can happen ahead? It's a small world. Someone else may have been at the "communion." And, seen the outfit. What if someone comes by and tells you ... what they saw this "restaurateur" wearing that day?
You think I'm kidding?
You can't be in retail with enough eyes in your head to see everything.
And, yes, shoud you EVER have a conversation with this dame. Or her husband. You can expect to be on the receiving end of her complaint.
You're quite lucky that she usually doesn't shop in your store!
The husband who can throw a fit with a frying pan, actually has more problems than his wife!
If you can't help yourself, and you "have to go there to eat," be prepared for one of them to spit into your plate. (Back in the kitchen.)
Just like other retailers ... restaurateurs also have to deal with their rages. And, customers they hate. Or they think of as "blowhards."
"Just have Lee Lee call me at the restaurant so we can talk about it."
Maybe if we diagram this sentence we could make some sense of your neighbor's request?
It shouldn't take anywhere near four hours, so you might find it quaintly cost effective too.
Remember that quote from Ferris Bueller after the mom tells dad that "I picked her up at the police station and she blew the Vermont deal"...and he said "Well I think we should just shoot her".
Grist for the wheel.
oh and happy mother's day to your long suffering.....
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