We were out at our niece's Communion all day so I don't know what is going on with all the drama with missing blogs and what not. The communion was at 9am so the biggest drama was getting the wife to the church on time. It was in Staten Island which is torture and the party was all the way near the outerbridge crossing. It was hell.
But it is over now.
Didn't Godfather Part II open this way?
(I mean the 1st communion party.)
No it was a wedding.
I recall the wedding started GF1 and the communion on Lake Tahoe was GF2.
Should you worry about the kid in black?
You know you are right I didn't have my glases and didn't see you wrote 2.
Meanwhile, on the same day, I took my choirboy son to sing at a Confirmation Mass at St. Paul's in Cambridge in the morning. And my other son was confirmed at our local parish in the late afternoon. So I spent 5-1/2 hours in churches yesterday, but didn't mind a bit. I actually love going to Mass, the longer the better. And my son who was confirmed played his violin in Bach's setting of "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" along with the organ and choir. It was really not bad.
All in all, a very good day.
At the same time, the frontrunner for the Presidency of France was raping a maid in a New York hotel suite.
He would have been a lot better off going to Mass.
The church part was the best part of the day. It was wonderful. It was the party part that was a pain in the ass.
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