Saturday, May 28, 2011

Tyler Perry's White House of Pain

(Family quarters, upstairs at the White House at the breakfast table)
Michelle Obama: Hello momma. Hello Auntie Madea. I need some coffee please.
Marian Robinson (Michelle’s mom) Child you look terrible. What’s the matter? Is that no account husband keeping you up all night with his foolishness?Michelle Obama: Now Mama don’t start, I had to help with the crises.
Marian Robinson: What crises? Did we run out of waffles again?
Michelle Obama: No it’s all the problems we have been having. He is having a problem with the Jews and that Bibi has been all mean to him. And he is going to Poland and that nasty Pollack union guy won’t meet with him. It’s just not fair. Don’t they know they are just supposed to shut up and do what we say. I mean we won the election.
Madea: Don’t be a damn fool Michelle. You can’t get people to do what you want just by wishing for it. You have to grab what you want with both hands. Right Crack?
Crack Emcee: Dat’s right Madea. Just don’t be grabbing me so tight. You brusied up little Crack and now he be all sore and tender.
Marian Robinson: Damn straight Madea. I remember how you handled it back in the day. Rough. That’s the way a real man likes it.
Madea: Dat how I do. When I saw that Macho Response blog I emailed this devil and invited this boy to visit me in the White House. And now he be having waffles with us this morning.
Michelle Obama: I wondered who was making all that noise last night. I thought maybe we bombed another cave and got a terrorist or something.
Madea: He was bombing a cave allright.
Michelle Obama: No you didn’t!
Madea: Yes I did. Yes he did. Now we have to help him. Have that skinny half a cracker husband of yours call up that Instapundit pussy and put him on the computer right quick or I will make his life a misery.
Michelle Obama: I will pass it along Auntie.
Marian Robinson: You do that honey. Now have some waffles before that fool wakes up and hogs them all. Crack. Get off you lazy ass and make us some waffles before I smack you ass silly.


The Crack Emcee said...


(As usual,...)

ricpic said...

I wonder what the Walessa snub is all about? Maybe word's got back to the home country that Chi's Poles are out of the loop when it comes to the patronage/graft action. But come to think of it isn't Boganevich or however you spell his name part of or was part of the Obama-Rahm Emanuel gang? Curioser and curioser.

Are chicken and waffles all that great? Never had 'em.

blake said...


BHO caved to the Russians on the missle treaty that was going to protect Eastern Europe. The Poles didn't care for that.

Also, BHO's a freakin' commie. Walesa isn't fond of those.