To be a fan is to be disappointed most of the time. Your team can't win every year. In fact when they make that magical run to a World Championship it is like a magic carpet ride. Everything has to break your way. Injuries can not devastate your players. You have to get the breaks. You have to get most of the calls. Things have to break your way. It doesn't happen every year.
To be a fan is to be disappointed most of the time.
Yankee fans have it much better than most. We win more often then most everyone else. We spend the money to get the best players and we want them to produce. And true Yankees do produce. They do the things that make us win. Babe Ruth. Joe D. Mikey and Whitey and Yogi. Thurman. Reggie. Jeter, Posada, O'Niel, Posada and Mariano. Robbie Cano. They did what they needed to do to win.
You saw it tonight. Jorge is finished as a Yankee but he had three hits. Jeter had an infield hit that he beat out and sent a long drive that almost tied it up. Mariano pitched a one-two-three ninth. They are true Yankees. Winners. They fought to the last.
A-Rod struck out with the bases loaded. He struck out to end the game. He failed miserably as he has done for most of his career. Did you see his face when he struck out with the bases loaded? He was a tight lipped tight assed mess. He froze. He choked. His disgraced the uniform. He might have Hall of Fame numbers but he is a drag on the team. As he has been since the day he got here. We would have been a lot better off without him. His bloated salary and his off the field antics have only brought trouble to the Yankees. He is a disgrace to the uniform.
I am only glad that George didn't live to see this. He would have personally gone into the locker room and told A-Rod what every Yankee fan is thinking tonight. Alex you are a loser. We don't want you on our team. You need to go. Now. Waive your no trade. Find another home.
Strike out with the bases loaded on another team. Go and don't let the door hit you in your steriod injected ass. You are not a "True Yankee."
A-rod must go.
You got only 2 runs in a game 5 at home....that's more than just A-Rod failing.
Good Series, though...we may well lose to Texas. (hope not though!)
A-Rod is the reason we lost Ron.
He makes more money than anyone else. He is the power spot. He has the burden and he has to take the heat. The game was in his hand to win. A single would have tied it up. And he choked. Big time. As he has done many times before.
A-Rod must go.
Arod was no Gerhig.
But I repeat myself
Cheer up Troop, there'll be a good game to watch tomorrow - Brewers losing at home.
Yeah...I understand that about the whole power spot idea....it's weird to think of another club able to take that salary though! Boston?
The Yankees will pick up a piece of it.
I don't think it can happen but you never know.
How about a trade to Seattle for King Felix?
We could throw in Jesus Montero.
Trooper, it seems like Posada is leaving on bad terms also! What happened there?
For us, I doubt Betemit will be returning...But They Do Love Delmon Young!
Plus, we need a 2nd baseman badly!
Illich has said he's willing to drop some coin! (Ordonez and Guillen are gone, certainly)
I feel sorry for the Yankees. The 41st Pennant is always the hardest.
It's so sad.
Forgive me while I dry my alligator tears in Boston.
You can't blame A Rod, he got a bad batch of 'roids and wasn't himself.
Sure, blame Rodriguez. But come on, he was under a enormous amount of pressure to perform.
And you really have to blame those Tiger pitchers some too I think. How dare they?
Arod sucks. He should go to Boston.
Ah, but Peter, we got rid of him early and often.
I'd say that I understand how you feel, but really, I've been a fan of the Brewers for all of my life. Accordingly, I have no idea what it's like to root for a team that is expected to win, or at least contend.
But, I know you're a big fan, and I feel for you.
And you're right about A-Rod. They pay him $30 million to get a hit in precisely that situation. He didn't come through.
I was watching Trooper and the way that guy was throwing, Ahole-Rod should have been swinging for an opposite field single or double and then hope Texiera could drive him home with another hit. But he was swinging for the fences. Tough loss for you though.
A Rod is really hot though.
I say cut him some slack.
Could you imagine what his hog looks like?
Th' cahtoon strip down the left side of this, my favorite blog, says it all.
In a mere 10 days then entire AL East was revealed for the Stimulus Package of Baseball the rest of us knew it was.
The Sawx revealed themselves for the Collapse-a-teers all of New England secretly wanted them to be.
Perry beat Rubio. Good thing Michigan knows the flights to Texas better than the other way around.
And Trooper is left with a centaur with more revenue than Bolivia.
Look at this clip...
I think The Big Potato called you "the Jankees".
He managed to confuse both English and Spanish speakers both. That takes talent.
It was a team-wide collapse. On Mike & Mike one of the Mikes said that in the series as a whole, with men in scoring position, Jeter, Granderson, Cano, Rodriguez and Texiera were a combined 3 for 28. I think men in scoring position means men on second not first. Anyway, though Rodriguez choked worst they all choked when it counted.
Ah, ricpic, do we know about team-wide collapse here in Red Sox Nation.
But I suppose it's some consolation to know that our forefathers' Red Sox are back.
A lot of local color has been drained out of New England in the 30 years I've been here: There are street signs in far too many places these days. Kids don't talk about liking frapps any more (I've heard the term "milk shake" actually used for this!). I haven't seen a corner "Spa" in years. The old, sweaty gym-sock-smelling Gaaden has been torn down and replaced by a generic sports facility, still known as the Garden, but it just isn't the same. The old North End is a shadow of its former self. The Orange Line doesn't sound like World War II any more. My kids have grown up largely accentless (although our California relatives have been sounding funnier and funnier for years now).
And then the Sox won a World Series. And the Pats turned into a powerhouse. The End Time seemed upon us.
But the Sox are back fading in September. Boston is a comfortable, family-values, traditional place in many ways. And so it's nice to see at least one of our old New England traditions revived for what looks like the foreseeable future.
Go Sox!
That's a great 'toon, TT.
Lotsa happy Detroiters! Anyone hear from the Sport who is Darcy?
Maybe some other team needs a Centaur fielder.
BTW, to get a little acroynmy-hip on you, the Yankees are known as the MFY around heah.
Flyover America rules.
Kiss it, Coasties.
It's ok Sweaty Meadey. We'll have our revenge with the "fertilizer" dropped from those flights. ;-)
Mark McGwire's team must be so proud.
Aw, Ritmo. You can do better than that.
Coming from a guy whose salvo consists of "kiss it"?
I think not.
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