Saturday, August 4, 2012

Chickenlittle gets a haircut


chickelit said...

It's called animal husbandry. It's neither cruel nor harmful.

ndspinelli said...

chickelit must have had a few farmboy friends from Cross Plains. They'll tell you sheep are the best but chickens are underrated.

chickelit said...

chickelit must have had a few farmboy friends from Cross Plains.

I did indeed. This is like the third time you've mentioned Cross Plains. What's up with that?

ndspinelli said...

Just drove through there this afternoon on the scenic route back from LaCrosse. I am intriqued by the dual city school district ala Monona Grove where we reside. The liberal, urban Monona and the fast growing Cottage Grove. Don't get spooked Bruce. Some folks get spooked because I'm a PI. Don't!

ndspinelli said...

Unless you have something that happened in Cross Plains!!!