Monday, August 6, 2012

I don't know if you have noticed.....

But I have a lot of trouble with authority. That is I don't respond well. The only person who can tell me what to do is my wife. Or at least I like to think that is the case. That was the cause of the big problems I had with the producers and the network when we made the show. I think guys like ND Spinelli and me were tortured by the nuns so much that we become rebels and want to tell everyone to go piss up a rope.

It can cause problems.

So we are going to the show and we have to get our badges. You wear them around your neck. Now they provide lanyards to wear the badge and when you walk in this dude with a tricorder zaps it to show that you attended. After that is is only around your neck so people can read it and tell where you store is from and who you are. Which we don't want anybody to know. So I always turn it backwards.

Anyway our daughter was with us yesterday and she needed to register on-site. We get on the line and this Chic-a-fil protestor guy is processing our forms. Now the wife and I are already in the system but he is making a big deal of checking us out when all he had to do is rip off the card and hand it back to us. But first he attaches to a red lanyard. Now we have our own personal lanyards that one of our vendors made for us. I has a spot for our business cards and another spot to put the cards of the people we are visiting at the show. So I go to this mo "That's ok don't waste it I have my own." He goes "No you have to wear ours for security purposes." What the fuck Nanny Bloomberg? What kind of security purpose is served by having a different colored lanyard. They have red for buyers and blue for exhibitors and yellow for guests. It is just a quick way for the vendors to id you. Nothing to do with security. What a bunch of bullshit. I just shake my head.

As we leave the table I take the lanyard and throw it in the garbage and put the ticket in my personal one. Nobody said jack about it in the show. Nobody stopped me. No buzzers went off. I was not surrounded with security personal. Nothing happened. What a bunch of bullshit. It is just another example of people wanting to control every fucking thing. What you eat. What you drink. What you wear. What the fuck.


blake said...

Good lord. You'd think the exhibition of petty tyranny all over the place would give some people pause when they encourage major tyranny from the various government agencies.

I don't think it's being a Catholic, I think it's being a goddamned American.

That's why we came to this country. It's why we kept pushing westward. We are the country of leave-us-the-fuck-alone.

Chip S. said...

Some people insist on reliving their glory days as hall monitors.

ndspinelli said...

After Columbine schools reacted manically, which is certainly understandable. However, one of the schools where I subbed had a lebo cow Nazi as principal. She had these horseshit id badges made up that could be copied by a blind midget. This Nazi went around trying to catch people and admonish them for not wearing their id. Well..she caught me and started talking to me like I was a fucking 4th grader in front of a bunch of other teachers and students. I explained to her what else I did for a living and then said to her what a guy who worked for the FBI said to me years back. "There's only one thing worse than no security, and that's a false sense of security..and that's much worse!" I then pointed out to the cow how easy these were to copy. The teachers were shocked and the kids snickered. The cow just huffed off.

And Trooper, what could you possibly mean about my problem w/ authority???

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

ndspinelli, I think he meant it as you have a "gift." The one things the nuns could teach better than anyone is how to think under pressure.

ndspinelli said...

EBL, True. Nuns are the best female ballbusters in the world.

ricpic said...

If they had a beige lanyard for just looking, which is a polite way of saying leave-me-the-fuck-alone, I'd wear it.