what if tits grew on trees but you couldn't pick them..only suckle on them.
And there would be different kind of tit trees. Blacky's and nippys and whitey's and large and small and old and young and saggy and perky and pouting and pierced and tatted and some with even nipple hair?
The tit trees would not be low hanging because of age requirements to suckle and teens may vandalize them. It is important that they are kept in pristine condition. You could suckle on a tit for hours but the tit will regain it's full tit figure. And there will be rotating tits. If a tit has been sucked to kingdom come the tit will rotate which will allow time for the sucked out tit to replenish. And if anyone tries to actually pick a tit an alarm will go off, the tit police will appear, and the tit thief will go to jail for lifetime.
Seems he's trying to do away with pussies in general since some with trunks carry names like:
Weeping European Beech
Flat Spine Prickly Ash
American Bladdernut
Buckthorn Bumelia
Sargent Cherry
Chaste Tree
Devil's Walking Stick
And that's stopping at D. You get the picture. Much safer to stick solely with the tit tree and avoid anything to with those sorts along with wood from the Bitternut, Mocknut, Pignut, and Shagbark Hickories.
The Weeping Yaupon Holly aka Ilex vomitoria f. pendula might also be good to avoid.
Allie Oop!! What a surprise. I thought this was the big wedding weekend with the daughter home! Precious, never-to-be-repeated, one-of-a-kind times to be lived through in full awareness, present with loved ones. Opportunities for interactions and memories that cannot be replaced with anything more real and good!
Why would anyone with a tricky digestive system set off by stress spend time this weekend tip toeing around a community known to be unsafe, stressful and upsetting?
Hmmmmmm, would blaming someone for upsetting a wedding be even more satisfying than accusing them of causing great physical distress?
Oh, by gosh and golly. Is my face read! What was I thinking!! The big event isn't this happening this weekend, but NEXT. The cat-o-nine-tales will not be enough. Bring out the Stinging Nettles!!!
Years ago, there was another who experienced a similar vision toward the end of his life. He foresaw a special place with a river of clear flowing water and on each side of the river stood the tree of life bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month, and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.
Sounds sort of like a tit tree to me, especially considering one of the many names of the One who's considered the source of the vision is El Shaddai, the many breasted one.
I hate Sarah Jessica Parker, Robin Williams, Tim Robbins, Susan Saradon, the BJ Hunnicut guy, brussel sprouts, the Boston Red Sox, commies and well, lawyers.
Or this!
Who framed Roger Rabbit?
Tex Avery
Very nice. She does not do the best cover of that song, but she looks good doing it.
Lola Albright is a great name for a sultry chanteuse.
I never meet anyone named Lola. Probably cuz of the damn Kinks.
Tatiana's another good femme fatale name. I know one of those.
Diana Krall resembles her, I think.
Just crossed my mind when I first glanced at her.
what if tits grew on trees but you couldn't pick them..only suckle on them.
And there would be different kind of tit trees. Blacky's and nippys and whitey's and large and small and old and young and saggy and perky and pouting and pierced and tatted and some with even nipple hair?
tit trees.
consider the possibilities.
I would also like to see talking vagina gardens and penis parks.
Phallus in Wonderland.
She was the real deal.
I just heard that another one of my all time favorite shows will be on MeTV.
With the one and only Julie London!!!!!!!!!!
She was in her late forties when that show was on.
Older. Wiser. Experiance. Could show you a thing or too.
AND THAT NURSE HAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
You don't need oxy when you've got Julie and Lola.
And tit trees Chip
Older. Wiser. Experiance. Could show you a thing or too.
Ripe fruit.
Low hanging fruit.
The tit trees would not be low hanging because of age requirements to suckle and teens may vandalize them. It is important that they are kept in pristine condition. You could suckle on a tit for hours but the tit will regain it's full tit figure. And there will be rotating tits. If a tit has been sucked to kingdom come the tit will rotate which will allow time for the sucked out tit to replenish. And if anyone tries to actually pick a tit an alarm will go off, the tit police will appear, and the tit thief will go to jail for lifetime.
Will there be pussy willows?
Chip that is dirty.
Have some class man.
This is a classy joint.
Will there be pussy willows?
Seems he's trying to do away with pussies in general since some with trunks carry names like:
Weeping European Beech
Flat Spine Prickly Ash
American Bladdernut
Buckthorn Bumelia
Sargent Cherry
Chaste Tree
Devil's Walking Stick
And that's stopping at D. You get the picture. Much safer to stick solely with the tit tree and avoid anything to with those sorts along with wood from the Bitternut, Mocknut, Pignut, and Shagbark Hickories.
The Weeping Yaupon Holly aka Ilex vomitoria f. pendula might also be good to avoid.
No Chip, but there will be cat tails.
Allie Oop!! What a surprise. I thought this was the big wedding weekend with the daughter home! Precious, never-to-be-repeated, one-of-a-kind times to be lived through in full awareness, present with loved ones. Opportunities for interactions and memories that cannot be replaced with anything more real and good!
Why would anyone with a tricky digestive system set off by stress spend time this weekend tip toeing around a community known to be unsafe, stressful and upsetting?
Hmmmmmm, would blaming someone for upsetting a wedding be even more satisfying than accusing them of causing great physical distress?
Only time will tell.
Oh, by gosh and golly. Is my face read! What was I thinking!! The big event isn't this happening this weekend, but NEXT. The cat-o-nine-tales will not be enough. Bring out the Stinging Nettles!!!
As for Titus and his Vision:
Years ago, there was another who experienced a similar vision toward the end of his life. He foresaw a special place with a river of clear flowing water and on each side of the river stood the tree of life bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month, and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.
Sounds sort of like a tit tree to me, especially considering one of the many names of the One who's considered the source of the vision is El Shaddai, the many breasted one.
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