Sunday, July 14, 2013
I am a good boy!
- chickelit said...
Meade adds a certain frisson of bitch to the threads.
July 14, 2013 at 1:57 PM
- The Dude said...
He really needs to find another patch of dirt to play in.
July 14, 2013 at 1:59 PM
- Chip S. said...
If he and she ever drive the TT to LA, they should be sure to eat at Café Gratitude, where they can read the menu to each other and feel affirmed.
July 14, 2013 at 2:00 PM
- chickelit said...
Sixty: I think he's just doing what he used to do at Isthmus (so I read numerous times via Althouse) which was to gadfly the forum.
He's also doing what he perceived people did to the threads at Althouse. -
July 14, 2013 at 2:02 PM
- windbag said...
- keep using that word...
July 14, 2013 at 2:02 PM
- chickelit said...
- keep using that word...
"A-house"? I'll try to keep it down. -
July 14, 2013 at 2:04 PM
- The Dude said...
Lem's is going to hell, and I helped. Oh well, at least we still have Troopski's place.
July 14, 2013 at 2:07 PM
- chickelit said...
Let's get something straight, Sixty: chirbit link
July 14, 2013 at 2:14 PM
- Trooper York said...
El Pollo Raylan
Sixty: I think he's just doing what he used to do at Isthmus (so I read numerous times via Althouse) which was to gadfly the forum
I think that is a very astute comment. We know what flies are attracted do now don't we? -
July 14, 2013 at 3:00 PM
- Evi L. Bloggerlady said...
Meade is just showing himself to be a dick.
I am going to make a suggestion, we mock the bs comments over there, over here. We let the douchebags reveal themselves at Lem's. And out of respect to Lem we keep promoting him and positively support what he is doing...
Even though the Freak Show has come to town.
July 14, 2013 at 3:25 PM
- The Dude said...
Oh my, E. P. - you made my afternoon. Still laughing here. Well done...
July 14, 2013 at 3:35 PM
- The Dude said...
Evi - good eye noticing that Titus and Meade have the same avatar.
It's a shame I can't not respond to that mess, so I better just stay away.
Inga is up to her old tricks - answering her own comments. By their tics shall we know them. -
July 14, 2013 at 3:39 PM
- ndspinelli said...
I don't know much about Lem, but it's certainly been lively over there.
July 14, 2013 at 4:14 PM
- Evi L. Bloggerlady said...
Meade July 14, 2013 at 1:08 PM
It bad advice made in bad faith.
To avoid cluttering Lem's place with responses I will respond to you all here: Titus, you were funnier as an OTT gay dude than as Meade. Or is the reverse and Meade like to get his Jack Cassidy on and walk on the wild side? Although it is reported Cassidy was quite endowed which I suspect is not the case for Meadey (not much there, hence the reason Althouse is getting cranky). -
July 14, 2013 at 4:21 PM
- Chip S. said...
Is that why they called him "Butch"?
July 14, 2013 at 4:26 PM
- Dust Bunny Queen said...
Since the traffic at TOP has dropped off and they probably only have a few people emailing them, I imagine that Meade doesn't have much to do with his life now. Also he probably needs to give A a wide berth for now.
And not really related, but sort of I uploaded this photo from Reddit and it really made me laugh
Sleeping Areas Hope it is big enough to read the text. -
July 14, 2013 at 4:26 PM
- Evi L. Bloggerlady said...
He was popular with the dudes...
But he wasn't gay.
He just showed up to bed with Shirley Jones in a negligee and high heels on their honeymoon. You would think that he would save that revelation for at least a few months after they were married.
Oh he also used to take care of Cole Porter. -
July 14, 2013 at 4:28 PM
- Evi L. Bloggerlady said...
This has to be Titus...
Still sort of funny he is sock-puppeting Meadey. -
July 14, 2013 at 4:29 PM
- Chip S. said...
Wow, Roger J is absolutely pwning Meade at Lem's.
Garryowen, you magnificent bastard, I read your comments! -
July 14, 2013 at 4:48 PM
- Chip S. said...
That stupid fuck Meade said this to Roger J:
More advice: look up the word minion.
Well, here's Definition1 of minion:
a servile dependent, follower, or underling
which is precisely what Roger J objected to.
What a fucking dick.
Why did you guys ever like him back in the day? -
July 14, 2013 at 5:02 PM
- Trooper York said...
Well he was different before he got married.
I guess reenacting David Gests life did not work out for him.
Sad really. -
July 14, 2013 at 5:09 PM
- Trooper York said...
I think he is really losing it.
I mean really.
He just stated that Cedarford is not a bigot and that Crack is not a Negro.
I think he has gone off the deep end. -
July 14, 2013 at 5:09 PM
- Chip S. said...
Maybe he's auditioning for the edutcher role at Lem's.
July 14, 2013 at 5:11 PM
- Chip S. said...
I suppose I'd go crazy too if my nuts were in a glass jar on the mantle.
July 14, 2013 at 5:12 PM
- Roger J. said...
Troopers all--look--my difficulty with meade is that he comes onto another blog when he doesn't let comments on his own blog. That's what I referred to as "optics."
If he chooses to defame Gen Abrams and all the professional serving officers under him--his business.
Its not worth a flame war--honestly I am totally in sympathy with NIck, our fellow commenter who lost his 14 year companion. Meade is an idiot--Nick has some real hurt going on.
As I said on another blog, my friend Madison Man told me when I put my precious dog down: "some day you will look into the eyes of another dog and find the one you lost." Great advice mad man -
July 14, 2013 at 5:23 PM
- Trooper York said...
Roger I am sorry to hear about you losing your friend.
It is always tough to lose such a loyal long term friend and companion.
That is why it is so hard to have pets. You miss them too much when they are gone. -
July 14, 2013 at 5:29 PM
- Michael Haz said...
It's like dealing with garagemahal...better to ignore than to engage.
July 14, 2013 at 5:29 PM
- Trooper York said...
I think Meade is making a major unforced error by revealing the guy I know from emails that he used to send me.
I think many people are going to have their eyes opened by his crazy over the top screeds.
What he said to Roger was just stupid. But hey that's the real Meade. -
July 14, 2013 at 5:30 PM
- Michael Haz said...
I wasn't referring to dogs. I've lost four big, happy dogs in twenty years, and know what that feels like.
July 14, 2013 at 5:30 PM
- Dust Bunny Queen said...
@ Spinelli and Roger: God's cruel trick on us. To give us pets to love and then give them such short life spans. Losing a pet is terrible and you grieve just as you do for any other beloved family member.
The best tactic to take with Meade and Inga and such is to just ignore their comments. It's hard and I have already violated my own rule. Doh! -
July 14, 2013 at 5:33 PM
- Chip S. said...
Damn, now I had to go and see for myself what Meade said about C4. So I skimmed a bunch of stuff at Lem's.
But Meade says he had a bumper sticker once that said "Fight Racism", so I guess he must know what he's talkin' about.
Geez, I'm tryin' hard to follow TTB's solid advice and stay away from all that crap. But I can't stop clicking Evi's links.
It's pretty clear from just a couple of days of Lem's blogging why TOP went ass over teakettle.
(At first I wrote "off the rails", but changed it for MH's sake.) -
July 14, 2013 at 5:33 PM
- Icepick said...
He just stated that Cedarford is not a bigot and that Crack is not a Negro.
Okay, pretending that Crack isn't black is one thing, pretending that Cedarford isn't a bigot is another. It must just be a put-on to piss all over the refugees from the old commentariat. -
July 14, 2013 at 5:36 PM
- Michael Haz said...
Cedarford is a bigot. Change every time he said "Jews" to "gays" and see how AA and LM react.
July 14, 2013 at 5:38 PM
- Chip S. said...
He didn't mean that Crack isn't black. He's just making some lame point about the word kneegrow.
Proving only that Trooper's humor is utterly lost on him. -
July 14, 2013 at 5:39 PM
- Michael Haz said...
And Crack is Norwegian. Everyone knows that.
July 14, 2013 at 5:39 PM
- Trooper York said...
I posted a reply to an attack by Meade but it seems to have been eaten by blogger a couple of times.
The format that Lem is using is starting to frustrate me. It is just not working.
July 14, 2013 at 5:41 PM
- Trooper York said...
To think that I was going to give this Meade/evil blogger lady thing a rest today.
Man it is such a shitstorm. -
July 14, 2013 at 5:41 PM
- Chip S. said...
There's a time for going meade/evil on someone's ass, and a time for renaissance.
#elpolloraylan -
July 14, 2013 at 5:45 PM
- Michael Haz said...
Sooo...the guy married to the blog hostess who now does not take comments calls someone else's blog a "private clubhouse"?
The meltdown continues and expands. -
July 14, 2013 at 5:46 PM
- Chip S. said...
Althouse is not a bully. She is gracious, considerate, and caring.
The Manchurian Commenter. -
July 14, 2013 at 5:54 PM
- The Dude said...
Go back, scroll slowly through - there are some interesting comments in there.
July 14, 2013 at 5:59 PM
- Roger J. said...
Dust Bunny: you have for almost 10 years been one of my favorite commenters--the hubby is one lucky man. I got wrapped up in one way street with Meade and just dropped it. But as far as I was concerned I don't much care if meade lives or dies--but I do really really care if Nick had to put Coco down. One of the things, IMO, that makes us human is that we care for kittens and puppies. And we know wheh we undertake the task it is going to be time limited--but if you make the lives of the least among us better, it, IMO, make us better--it still hurts in the last days--but I hope we did good.
July 14, 2013 at 6:04 PM
- Roger J. said...
Trooper--my apologies for throwing gas on the fire--it wasn't intended--I just thought it was stupid to make comments on a blog when the commenter doesn't allow comments on his own blog. But his gratiutious swipe about minions--and these minions are serving officers and NCOs who have done more than the commenter has ever done. really pissed me off. Meade is fucking ass.
July 14, 2013 at 6:08 PM
- The Dude said...
Pets, don't get me started. I lost a cat last year, a friend's cat got killed by a dog, and I had to bury those two.
I lost a beloved 14 year old dog 5 years ago, but that allowed my new Border Collie puppy to come into my life. She is so full of boundless energy that just seeing her bounce into the room gladdens my heart.
My other dog is now 12, and like me, is gray around the muzzle, hard of hearing and likes to sleep. As I have written here before I should have named him Fido - he is always faithful, and I appreciate every day we have together.
Okay, enough about that. Pets good, but dang it, they leave us too soon. -
July 14, 2013 at 6:09 PM
- Icepick said...
The format that Lem is using is starting to frustrate me. It is just not working.
The nested comments are nice - as long as you don't get too many comments. Have you hit the "Load More" button at the bottom? You might find that you comment posted every time. Or not. Blogger HAS been eating comments lately. -
July 14, 2013 at 6:18 PM
- Roger J. said...
Sixty grit--you are a brave man--border collies are the most intelligent dogs but also among the most labor intensive. Good luck with you girl--she will be a devoted pet.
July 14, 2013 at 6:25 PM
- Trooper York said...
Well it ate my comment linked to the post where Meade called me a bigot three times and I am not going to post it again.
It's just not worth it. -
July 14, 2013 at 6:26 PM
- Dust Bunny Queen said...
Roger....Thank you very much. I appreciate the compliment.
I think that I'm the lucky one in my marriage My husband and I can argue about it, who is the luckiest :-) -
July 14, 2013 at 6:34 PM
- Trooper York said...
When I hit the "Load more" it just spins and spins and nothing happens.
Like ice skating.
Or hockey. -
July 14, 2013 at 6:36 PM
- The Dude said...
Thanks Roger J - I had to learn a lot, fast, even though I had had dogs for years. Among the things I learned was that the Dog Whisperer was full of it when it comes to intelligent dogs - if you try to dominate a BC it will not end well. You have to be smarter than the dog in order to train her - would it be admitting too much for me to say that it was a close thing? ;^)
We go for walks, she patrols the border of the property, and I allow her to herd me at feeding time - all in all, that seems to fulfill her need to work. She seems to like living here, and I think the world of her. It's a good arrangement.
She has an incredible vertical leap - can jump head high when she is standing still. I built my fence 5' tall just in case, but she has never shown any inclination to escape - that's a good thing. She could probably figure out how to operate the gate were she so inclined. -
July 14, 2013 at 6:36 PM
- chickelit said...
The nested comments are nice - as long as you don't get too many comments. Have you hit the "Load More" button at the bottom? You might find that you comment posted every time. Or not. Blogger HAS been eating comments lately.
As rhhardin pointed out, you have to click that little button several times--until it goes away. -
July 14, 2013 at 6:40 PM
- Icepick said...
As rhhardin pointed out, you have to click that little button several times--until it goes away.
In that case Lem should probably get rid of nested comments. It's not bad if the comment threads don't get too long. -
July 14, 2013 at 6:43 PM
- chickelit said...
Troop, if you see madawaskan again, you should invite her into the club house.
July 14, 2013 at 6:44 PM
- chickelit said...
Nesting has advantages I use it because I want people to feel cozy like love birds. But it's no good for high volume comment sections.
July 14, 2013 at 6:46 PM
- Trooper York said...
I think the high volume is only a temporary thing for Lem. It was for me after a few days during a blog fight with the evil blogger lady.
Most of the comments are coming from just a few people including me, Meade and couple of youse guys.
Eventually he will go down to the 20 or 30 comment size and should be fine. -
July 14, 2013 at 7:20 PM
- Darcy said...
Nick lost his dog??
Aww. :(
What did Meade say about Nick losing his dog?
(Am I too annoying asking for updates from things I miss all the time?? :) ) -
July 14, 2013 at 8:15 PM
- Dust Bunny Queen said...
Something I posted over at Lem's place, because I want him to succeed and I think that he is really a sensitive soul....unlike myself:
For crying out loud!
Lem posts a topic about Zimmerman and everyone decides to start picking scabs on old wounds.
Meade is here stirring the shit and trying to drive traffic back to Althouse. Doesn't he have anything better to do????
Anonymouses are dropping itty bitty turds everywhere. Personal vendettas and feuds are cropping up YET again. The same old crap that shit all over Althouse's blog. Lem is trying to run a nice place here people......take it OUTSIDE as they would say in my younger bar hopping days :-)
Come on people, we are better than this.....(in my best school marm voice). Or as my parents would say on one of our thousand mile car trips to me and my brother....."Don't make me stop this car and come back there!!" -
July 14, 2013 at 9:28 PM
- Trooper York said...
You know you have a point DBQ.
I don't want to mess it up for Lem but I feel like I can't let Meade have free reign to shit all over me as he has done in those posts.
But maybe you are right. I have a busy week so maybe I should just let it slide. -
July 15, 2013 at 12:55 AM
- Trooper York said...
I think I will just let Lem's blog alone for a while.
Personally I don't think it will be around all that long anyway. I wish him well but blogging everyday gets to be a chore.
Trust me I know how tough it really is and I don't think Lem wants to be bogged down with it. -
July 15, 2013 at 12:58 AM
- chickelit said...
Trust me I know how tough it really is and I don't think Lem wants to be bogged down with it.
"Blogged down" should be its own verb. -
July 15, 2013 at 11:16 AM
- The Crack Emcee said...
Chip S.,
If he and she ever drive the TT to LA, they should be sure to eat at Café Gratitude, where they can read the menu to each other and feel affirmed.
It's a cult - but I agree. -
July 15, 2013 at 3:18 PM
- Chip S. said...
Crack, thx for the link. I knew they were insufferable, but didn't know the rest of it.
Truest words on the internet:
there are so very few "rational" people in the San Francisco Bay Area. -
July 15, 2013 at 3:39 PM