Wednesday, July 24, 2013

There's something about Mary....

But he seems to be ok.

I have heard from Palladian and he is doing much better. Several people have stepped up and he can see his way clear now until he gets back on his feet in the fall.

Now we can go back to making fun of the fucking bastard with a clear conscience.


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Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yeah - that sure as shit wouldn't have happened if I was there.

I even tip as good as I can when doing a take-out order.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Or whatever you call it... "to-go"...

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Fuck! 2 AM already rolled around. Ok, good night. Don't worry, Chickie. Don't stew too much, Palladian. Trooper, you've done some good battle, but Freeman won't have much more opportunity to prove what she'll allow from Yoko anyway, as he's basically been publicly, morally neutered. Inga's a nut. Chickie can write awesome prose-y puns. Tim and Palladian are all good, and we're all gonna do what we can to help. Narcissists don't like being ignored but they don't like their socially impotent husbands being publicly smacked up side the head with a back of a rhetorical hand even less. Oh, and they're shitty tippers. Bag's mustache is still sexy. Have I missed anything? Good fucking night!

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Troop, that is a good way to go.

yashu said...

Good night, Ritmo!

Trooper York said...

Look it is as simple as that. The interaction with the wait staff is telling. Palladian and I both got to know their names and had a pleasant time. She was above all that. It was funny really. That was when I first got the idea that she was not my kind of people.

Now this blog thing is the waiter thing writ large. You measly fucks with your scrunched up faces. How dare you question the Queen. The email Palladian describes is just another proof that they ain't worth a shit.

bagoh20 said...

I usually have to pee when the check comes. It's a medical condition, and the doctor says I don't have to apologize for it, as long as I pay his bill on time.

Icepick said...

I psychologize, because (stupid naive me) I still find it hard to accept that people can just be so shitty. Just plain shitty.

I could introduce you to my family. Well, the ones that aren't dead. There are lots of shitty people here. I'm almost free and clear of the lot of them, though, and thank God. But at the moment I've got all the disadvantages of being an orphan and few of the advantages. But just a little while longer....

Trooper York said...

Thanks Ritmo and good night all.

Youse guys are the greatest.

bagoh20 said...

Oh Oh, here comes the waiter. See you guys tomorrow.

Icepick said...

It just took other people longer to catch on.

Guilty as charged.

I suspect in my case I've just learned to ignore certain things because it's just too damned unpleasant to have to acknowledge some aspects of people's characters. That bit my on the ass with my sister after our mother died, but ultimately I still came out of it with a roof over my head, so no lasting harm done. And a great boon in finally having to confront that issue.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

You and Lisa are awesome. Thanks for providing a nice tavern for us here.

What's the difference between a tavern and elephant farts?

One is a bar room. The other is a ba-ROOOOOOOM!

[I'll be here all week. Tip your waitresses!]

Icepick said...

Peace out, everyone.

Palladian said...

I remember the night you and me and Althouse had drinks at that little joint on Henry St. next to Noodle Pudding.

Do you remember that she was over an hour late, apparently because she was deciding whether to come or not, since it was "just" you and me, and not anyone "exciting"?

She was a drunken mess then and all she wanted to do was guess which guy was Titus in the bar and wanted to know if she should ban him. When somebody does that then I wonder what makes me think she won't do the same thing to me when I am not around.

That she ever like "Titus" should have been a warning sign. I'm not a terribly good judge of people, but I do know a poisonous, evil faggot when I see one, and I disliked him from the first comment he ever posted.

But then the tell tale thing happened. When the check came she did not pull her weight. You and I laid the wood so to speak. I remember shit like that. If MichaelH or chickie or Bags or Ritmo or Icepick or Ruth Anne or DBQ or Darcy or anybody else who posts here were there that would not have happened. So she turned to shit in my eyes then.

Huh. I don't remember what happened at that point because I was too infatuated with Mrs Trooper and her compliments about my first perfume formula.

But I can imagine what went down. I'm always "with" the waitstaff when I go out to eat, since I come from a long line of peasants and vassals. Back when I had money, I didn't like to go out much because I hated the idea of someone waiting on me at all. I tipped 30 percent usually.

Hell, when I had the wherewithal to entertain young latino gentlemen, it was all about them being serviced.

blake said...

I never got the Titus thing, though he seemed far less camp around here than at TOP. Mostly I just skipped over him.

I was never convinced he was real. At the same time, the details he gave out were enough for anyone who cared to find him. All while he seemed to panic at the notion anyone would.

Yeah, I don't get it. Very sockpuppety feel somehow.

Trooper York said...

Trust me dude it went down that way. And the wife thought you were very cool and was disappointed you didn't get it together enough to have your stuff in the store.

On the other hand she had two words to describe the evil blogger lady.

Nasty cunt.

Trooper York said...

Oh and by the way my wife is always right.

Palladian said...

And the wife thought you were very cool and was disappointed you didn't get it together enough to have your stuff in the store.

Oh I'm going to get it together. I spent a lot of time and money after that meeting developing and improving the product(s). The formula books are still with me. The idea is not dead.

yashu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darcy said...

So good to hear from you, Palladian. And the interaction between you and Tim has touched me. Dammit. I cry over everything. It's a curse. :)

Wow, did the NYT times get this story wrong way back. Missed a lot of details! But most everything comes out in the wash.

And yashu:
I'm looking to you and a few others for the confirmation that what I've taken in lately (and know) are true. Mostly because I have a sense of your neutrality -- or objectivity. I don't mean that others didn't have that, just that your persona seemed especially so at TOP.

So nice to read your comments, always.

yashu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
yashu said...

Darcy, thanks. Don't know that I deserve that, but I'm honored, anyway.

(Here's a secret, though, speaking of psychologizing. Sometimes the appearance of neutrality/ objectivity is due to an avoidance of confrontation/ conflict. That's not always a bad thing, but it's not always a good thing, either. In life, as in politics.)

I've always thought highly of your objectivity, too-- and perspicacity and frankness, as well. You saw M's trolling for what it was, before anyone else. And weren't afraid to call it when you saw it.

Michael Haz said...

Good morning friends. Looks like it was a busy night!

When do we get back to talking about boobs? (The jiggley thingies, not the couple who live in a house near State Street in Madison?)

Icepick said...

yashu, I liked you comment at 5:17 AM. I know at least some of the genesis of the problems in my family. Many of us are prone to depression, and there's just a mean streak that goes way back. It just heaps up on people.

But I've become very unforgiving with my sister for a couple of reasons. First, she and her husband have tried to put me and my family out on the street a couple of times in recent years. I MIGHT be able to overlook that if it was just me, but with my wife and daughter I find that unforgivable.

Second, she knows damned well she's a depressive, she's sought treatment in the past, but she quit when it didn't work. There are alternate treatments others in the (extended) family have found very effective (and yes, that includes me) and she refuses to do anything about it. Preferring to wallow in the misery and then spread it around to everyone you allegedly care about when you KNOW there is a better way is just ... sick, I don't know.

Anyway, I like your comments on this issue. Especially:

Sometimes the appearance of neutrality/ objectivity is due to an avoidance of confrontation/ conflict. That's not always a bad thing, but it's not always a good thing, either.

That describes my interactions with my family to a tee. I don't notice things because I don't want to deal with the inevitable confrontations. (This is especially the case when you know that nothing is going to change because of any confrontations.) Afterwards, everything seems so self-evident.

Michael Haz said...

Icepick - what I've learned from dealing with people ( including some in my family) is that some people are not happy unless they are unhappy.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Troop: I'm pretty sure she never spoke to Larry

Would that be Leisure Suit Larry?

My thought is that when someone has been banned from the Trooper York blog, do you also disable their email address from being able to see the site.

It is problematic how some people can see the postings aka: access the main page through blog links. For instance people could like from Crack's site and see the blog. However if I am not signed into my gmail account or signed onto one of my other accounts that doesn't have access and try to access this blog then I am denied even being able to see the front page.

Irregardless, unless we give out our personal information in a blog comment or send out our information by contacting those other people that we do not wish to have it, we are pretty safe.

However a mole? There is a pretty good chance of existing.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

But I can imagine what went down. I'm always "with" the waitstaff when I go out to eat, since I come from a long line of peasants and vassals. Back when I had money, I didn't like to go out much because I hated the idea of someone waiting on me at all. I tipped 30 percent usually.

There is nothing wrong with someone who provides service. But it is very right to tip them generously for good service and tip them well even for regular service.

And I can't say I am surprised ol dirty EBL is a mooch.

Michael Haz said...

Personal information,

Bunny, I've got your number 867-5309.

Michael Haz said...

Aaaannnd.... Despite promises that he'd go away, Hedge Trimmer Boy just posted at Lem's again, defending what he did to Palladian. Amazing that some took him at his word.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Freeman Hunt has been very kind to me, giving me leads on freelance jobs and checking on me several times after that L Meade incident.

She's a good person in my book.

I think that Freeman has a good heart but is very naive. Once she gets tricked several times by Leisure Suit Larry, she will wise up.

Icepick said...

But it is very right to tip them generously for good service and tip them well even for regular service.

Especially if you eat there all the time. You know what I'm sayin', I know you do!

Icepick said...

Do you remember that she was over an hour late, apparently because she was deciding whether to come or not, since it was "just" you and me, and not anyone "exciting"?

Okay, that would have sealed the deal for me right there. If you're going to be an hour late, you had better at least INVENT a good reason, and in this day of cell phones not sending someone a message is just intentional rudeness.

Icepick said...

Amazing that some took him at his word.

I just don't think they parsed what he said correctly. He is married to a lawyer, after all.

Icepick said...

Hey, do their Google searches ping if they get mentioned HERE? Hmmmm.

Icepick said...

I think that Freeman has a good heart but is very naive.

I think it is more of a blind spot. But the end result is the same.

bagoh20 said...

Nice fat thread you're sporting here Trooper. Something got you excited?

Darcy said...

Oh my God. Leisure Suit Larry. Oh. LOL.

(I had that game. Remember the little hand that came up on the screen when you had to wait for the next part of the game to load?)

LSL. Let's book that.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

If you're going to be an hour late, you had better at least INVENT a good reason, and in this day of cell phones not sending someone a message is just intentional rudeness.

If you are going to be an hour late, without a damned good reason, I'm already going to be pretty liquored up. If that is the case you are going to get a pretty big piece of my mind. The internal governor is gone (cowering in a corner of my mind) and there isn't much filter between what I think and what you are going to hear. There is isn't much filtering when I'm sober either. I call it being blunt.....My husband calls it OMG!

Michael Haz said...

Darcy - A game? Heck in one owned a leisure suit. And I actually wore it. Once. The laughter still rings in my ears.

It was better than my Nehru jacket, though..

Michael Haz said...

*I owned*

Darcy said...

Haha! Well, I think very few men escaped wearing one during those times, Michael.

But LSL was a real character and DBQ is a genius for the comparison. I'm still laughing.

Darcy said...


Kind of you at 7:51. Thank you.

(FYI - I had to look up perspicacity. Then I got all puffed up for a few seconds. :) )

Ruth Anne Adams said...

Who was that ass, man?

Was that the Lawn Arranger?

And we didn't even get a chance to thank him.

ndspinelli said...

One of the first things I picked up about Annie was that she is cheap, and damn proud of it. I've busted her on that many times. And yes, people who treat waitstaff badly and are shitty tippers are a deal breaker for me. When you grow up in a family that owns a restaurant/catering biz, it's a cardinal sin.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ Darcy

I used to play the Leisure Suit Larry game on my old Nintendo system. Damn I wish I still had that set with all the games (Zelda) it is very collectible now. Worth a lot of money.

When I was playing it my daughter who was pretty young at the time also wanted to play. Since the game is all about Larry getting laid, I was conflicted, but figured--- what the Hell, she is too young to know what is going on and if she did figure it out....probably a good thing to be prepared for the sleazy Leisure Suit Larry's that she will meet in her life time.

Althouse probably should have played this game.

Darcy said...

LSL appears to be swinging wildly.

Michael Haz said...

LSL appears to be swinging wildly.

That's an ugly image......

ndspinelli said...

Ruth Anne, That was an interesting exchange w/ Reynolds. I have no doubt Meade is fine w/ Reynolds. You see, we huddled masses are not worthy of the royalty of the duo, Reynolds is. That's why the duo are friendless. They are too good for most everyone, and those who they believe are worthy eventually learn what narcissistic assholes they are. If Reynolds gets together w/ both, he'll get his mind right soon enough. They are both the same, Meade is just more phoney w/ a welcoming veneer.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards.

Oops it was an MS Dos game. So my Nintendo recollections are mistaken. LOL. Those early games were such fun.

ndspinelli said...

Back in the 70's I worked @ Leavenworth. When inmates were released, they were issued a leisure suit. Some were navy, dark brown, etc. But the brothers always chose the lime green, red, etc. When my bride and I were walking around town in KC we could always pick out the dudes recently released from Leavenworth.

Ruth Anne Adams said...


In the kindergarten report card of life, the "Plays Well With Others" is marked "Needs Improvement."

Darcy said...

My LSL game was a floppy disk! But yeah, he was a sleaze.

And I loved Nintendo too! My favorite game was the Star Wars game.

Trooper York said...

I think you coined a phrase there DBQ!

Ruth Anne Adams said...

Tetris. 12 steps for that addiction, too.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Paperboy was another fungame that we would play.

a paperboy on a bicycle delivering newspapers along a suburban street which is displayed in a cabinet perspective view. The player attempts to deliver a week of daily newspapers to subscribing customers, attempts to vandalize non-subscribers' homes and must avoid hazards along the street. Subscribers are lost by missing a delivery or damaging a subscriber's house.

I loved vandalizing the non subscribers....Cheap bastards!

Trooper York said...

That fat girls remark is vintage Leisure Suit Larry.

I wonder what all those feminists think about them.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

LOL Thanks Trooper

Leisure Suit Larry is precisely what he is. Sleazy, self interested, scum.

Michael Haz said...

It's too bad that whomever decided to selectively delete LSL's comments. The way to deal with an adult bully isn't acceding to his demands but rather to expose those demands for a greater audience to see.

Copying every one of his posts onto a different blog called What Meade Said would expose his bullying and assholery to more eyes.

Michael Haz said...

I wonder if one of our cadre hasn't kept copies.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

You can choose email follow up comments if you like....then all comments on the thread will be sent to you. Even those comments that have been deleted by the author or by the administrator. All those deleted Inga/Alley Oop and Meade deletions would still show up in your in box.

Personally, I don't want that much crap in my email. BUT....if someone wanted to document it, you could create a throwaway email and post one comment, then request all the follow up comments to come your way.

Just my evil mind at work.

Michael Haz said...

DBQ - Ditto. I delete the emails.

chickelit said...

I usually get follow-up emails after I make a comment on a thread, so I've seen all of Meade's nastiness. I don't save them though.

chickelit said...

LSL is a great name. I had an uncle (now deceased) who was coder for IBM since the 60's. He used to treat us to Leisure Suit Larry when I was fairly young.

chickelit said...

I think Inga and Meade are dead set on getting that post and thread deleted on Lems. If it happens, it wasn't me.

Icepick said...

I'm completely against deleting the whole post, but I've got no problem with Meade's comments getting deleted. It isn't about Meade, or Palladian. It's about what kind of community do you want to build. I don't mind arguments, and I don't even mind a fight. But that crap is completely toxic, and "showing" Meade to be the bully isn't justification enough to leave that crap up.

A dog shits in my yard, I don't leave it there as evidence, I get rid of it. Usually by tossing it into the yard of my neighbor, because it is always his dogs when that happens. Unfortunately, that isn't a completely apt analogy, because there is no way to throw that shit back into Althouse's yard.

Icepick said...

Also, I don't think anyone other than Meade and Inga want the whole thread deleted, and I can't see it happening.

Trooper York said...

Chickie I think you should express that fact to Lem and the others who are predisposed to protect Meade's reputation.

They won't take that advice from me. Of course that should only be if you feel the same way. That this display of dickiness needs to be available for future reference.

Trooper York said...

Meade and Inga are definitely working together. Witness the fact that she didn't protest at him using her name and avatar.

I don't want to engage her at all no matter how many shots she takes as she is a lunatic.

Trooper York said...

Too late. I bet the friends of LSL will move to strike it all from the record.

Icepick said...

I don't want to engage her at all no matter how many shots she takes as she is a lunatic.

I usually ignore her, but felt this morning that she needs to be engaged, although I hope I'm done for the moment.

They really need a Razib Khan (KHHHAAAAAAAAAANNNNNN!!!!!!!) in charge of comments. Or a Paul Anka.

Trooper York said...

It is a mugs game to engage her on any level. She is certifiably insane and should be avoided at all costs.

As Methadras has outlined she is bad, bad news.

Icepick said...

It is foolish, but she is making a particular point that I want to see rebuked: Namely that what happened elsewhere needs to be punished at CH. That's bullshit, and deserves to be called such.

Chip S. said...

If you guys who are TP members are looking for Rules, I've got a suggestion:

Anyone whose comments are so terrible and so numerous as to cause an entire thread to be deleted should be banned.

Simple. Just make sure to announce it first. Retroactively imposed rules suck.

Of course, I'm not an authority on the smooth managing of blog comment threads like LSL, so there's that.

Icepick said...

Chip S, banning someone without taking the blog private, as Trooper has done, isn't really feasible in Blogger. The best that could be done would be to go through and just delete the comments as they come up.

But the problems with that are (a) administrators aren't online all the time and (b) it will still be subject to what Mary did, which is endlessly reposting comments until entire threads are nothing but long lists of deletions, which is in and of itself a thread killer.

Chip S. said...

It's simple as can be. Just delete every comment every chance you get.

Think of it as a form of not feeding trolls.

Icepick said...

Chip S, I would actually volunteer for that job. I'm just stating that it has practical problems. Do you really think Meade wouldn't just blast through threads, posting comments over and over again?

The Dude said...

So I spent the evening and this morning installing new software then verifying that it works with my other software and hardware.

For some reason, that computer will not allow me to log into this site.

Oh well - on the plus side, I get work done.

On the minus side, I miss comment strings that go on longer than, well, no apt metaphor springs to mind, so longer than usual will have to do.

LSL - good one.

TOOP - not bad, and it even works in reverse.

867-5309 = -4442

That's about it - must resume working if I am going to pay for all this expensive software.

Chip S. said...

Obviously I do.

If his shit isn't staying up, people won't respond to it. And he'll give up.

What's the downside? He's gonna get worse?

Icepick said...

What's the downside? He's gonna get worse?

Yes, I believe he will.

And then there's the sock puppet issue.

But this is all academic. I don't think Lem is the kind of hard ass that would take these kinds of positions.

Trooper York said...

The thing is he caught his dick in his zipper and is scrambling to cover his tracks as he is aided by his minions and apologists.

Now excuse me while I go to take my mantle of self-righteousness to the cleaners.

The Dude said...

I hear Bethany knows a good laundry - Sanctimonious and Pious. Not Chinese, but as you know, two Wongs won't make it white.

Methadras said...

MamaM said...

The game is indeed a curious one.

Methadras, do you recall how the name of the commenter who revealed Inga's Name entered the thread and and who brought it up? It appears as if you may have been set up more than once.

July 25, 2013 at 12:18 AM

/snipped the rest for size

MamaM, I honestly do not remember who did that, but once it was revealed, I just went to google and 2 seconds later, pop, there it is, a facebook and a pintrest site. I put it up on Althouse because of all the sock puppeting issues that came up and how she was outed on those sock puppets by someone (i forget) and reveal who all of her sock puppets were. I freely admit that I went overboard in the heat of the argument and did it, but no harm and no foul came of it.

Skip to much later and I become embroiled in the lunacy that somehow I was involved in outing her kid's info and harping on Garage's sick kid. No matter how many times I told her, she wouldn't listen. But not once, never did I ever say, "Hey, I'm gonna call or email your employer and tell them how you are stalking me..." or whatever other nonsense she is claiming.

Either way, she's a very dangerous and psychopathic person and I can't afford to be associated with any of that anymore personally or professionally. She is threatening me and my livelihood and my relationships with people. Way way way beyond the pale into insanity because she can't seem to get a grip on reality.

Look at the post that trooper posted today on the Mann and Eade post:

Trooper York said...

Whatever you say Freeman.

I don't want to get in a pissing match with you as we have avoided that for a long time.

I kept my blog private as I didn't want Meade to publish private information about other people as he did when he revealed Methadras info that he got in private email to third parties or Palladian's private business or my real name as he has done the past few weeks.

There is nothing I have said about them at my blog that I would not say here. I just have to protect the other people that Meade and Althouse would try to damage as they have done the last few days.

How about this. Imagine the worst possible thing I could say about them and assume that I said it. Go nuts.

I don't care.

July 25, 2013 at 12:27 AM

And then four minutes later she literally chimes right in on cue:

Blogger Inga said...

Anyone who cannot see Trooper York as the hate filled bitter jealous man that he is by now is a terrible judge of character.

If you are trying to say Meade gave me any info about Methadras, you are very wrong.

July 25, 2013 at 12:31 AM

Trooper never mentioned her by name, but somehow she knew that the third party was her. Don't you find that odd if not an unspoken admission of guilt right there. She confirmed it by denying it. Unless she has some other method of explaining how that happened, this is so far the only credible and plausible way it happened. I just want to put this behind me. I have better things to deal with than dealing with real crazy. I mean she is batshit unhinged bananas crazy and I don't care what anyone says.

The Dude said...

I have three words for you, Benjamine, three words "Francisco Jose Garzon".

Methadras said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

Troop - I think the thing here (and I said as much over there that I can or at least probably should delete) is that you and I and maybe some others have a bit of I told you so-itis... You know what I mean? And I think Freeman just came as late as Palladian to understanding how unrestrained they could be. She's just trying to save herself some embarrassment, maybe? I don't think that's the worst thing. As long as you make her realize with canine, olfactory memory that this is entirely natural and predictable of them, then you've done your job.

And I think she knows it. If nothing else, the comments over there tonight, should they remain in perpetuity, sort of guarantee it.

My friendship is to you though so advise as you see fit what you want me to do with my comments over there and I'll proceed accordingly.

Things are going better than I think is obvious. A huge battle's already been won. It's tempting to further direct and divide spoils, but I think there will be enough plenty from here on out for anyone who wants a piece.

Ritmo, when I came here to Troopers we had a small discussion about the folks that I embroiled myself with over at TOP. You're name came up, but Troop said, "Hey, I know this guy personally, give him a chance. He ain't a bad guy..." so I thought to myself, well, maybe he's right and I've been wrong and that our engagements together while ideological embroiled the personal in the back and forth. After some reflection, I do have to say that I feel bad about that only because I shut off the potential that what Troop said was true, so in that thinking I'd like to apologize to you for the environment I created with you in those situations. If you can see it in your heart to accept that, it would be most appreciated.

The Dude said...

Benjamine? Really? How did that "e" sneak in there?

Darcy said...

There you guys go again making me cry! Stop it.

Darcy said...

And by stop it, I mean "more, please". :)

The Dude said...


What, you weren't talkin' to me?


Methadras said...

Chip S. said...

It's funny how sometimes other people see stuff that we totally miss.

When I first started hanging out at TOP about 2 yrs ago, my gf at the time took one glance at the site and told me AA was a horrible person. Like an idiot, I disagreed w/ her.

Now trying to find her ph no somewhere...

Chip, if you aren't looking for it because you think those people you are dealing with on the up and up, then you will most likely not see it at all. After a while they will give their game away and then you do, but stuff like this is mind boggling because it is unnecessary and beyond hurtful to many.

Chip S. said...

Just got back from a quick trip that took me past some painted-over graffiti, which seemed immediately, as it were, to present a good analogy.

What's the proper response to graffiti? Is it worthwhile to whitewash it or scrub it, only to have it reappear? Or will the "artist" be sufficiently discouraged by the reduction in the number of eyeball hits he gets to move on?

Don't know. Just some thoughts. But I do know this: if someone was painting ugly stuff on the side of my bldg and he asked me if I wanted him to go away, I wouldn't say "No, just paint nice stuff." I'd say, "Hell, yes."

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I am finding a lot of malware on my computer. Dust up with MrGreenJeans and all of a sudden this?

I have no proof it was douchebag, but I would not put it past him. FYI.

Trooper York said...

That was very well done Meth.

Not to put on the mantle of self-congratulation but I do find it very satisfying that various people can come together here and make amends in the spirit of forgiveness and amity. I think that is what Lem's place was supposed to be about but it didn't work out that way. So far.

I mean we dust it up here pretty good but in the end we can all go to bar for a drink and all can be forgotten.

That is a lesson you just can't teach some people.

Trooper York said...

It also amuses me how some people attack me for having a closed blog and claim that I am talking about them all the time.

It is like that sometimes when you are not allowed in the club. It strikes at your self-esteem somehow. It is just pretty funny.

Like I give a shit about 90% of those douchenozzles. If I valued their opinion and trusted them they would be here. Just sayn'

The Dude said...

And for the record, Troopski, I would piss on you.

Even if you were on fire.

Even if I started the fire.

Just sayin'...

ndspinelli said...

Ruth Anne, "Runs w/ scissors" is on my son's permanent record.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

Do you recall the episode "My Old Kentucky Home" during the third season of Mad Men? Roger and his new bride Jane threw a Derby Day party at their country club. Jane got really wasted and needed to be carried off. Then Roger mused to Don:

Roger: You know, my mother was right. It's a mistake to be conspicuously happy. Some people don't like it.
Don: No one thinks you're happy. They think you're foolish.
Roger: You know, that's the great thing about a place like this, you can come here and be happy, and you get to choose your guests.

And that's the scene that sprang to mind for me. Of course, Don pulls a Roger the next season when he and Betty divorce, he hits rock bottom and marries zhoubizoubizou Megan. And I got to see Trudy and Pete Campbell dance the Charleston.

Chip S. said...

@Sixty, my local tv news said the train operator's name was Cruz Controle.

They may have been misinformed.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

I like this one.

I've often wanted to get one for my mom that reads "I yell because I care."

Ruth Anne Adams said...

Chip S.:
You sure it wasn't Otto?

Chip S. said...

Could be, Ruth Anne.

I believe that "Otto" is a fairly common name among the descendants of the Spanish Moops.

ndspinelli said...

Ruth Anne, LOL! I need to get a t-shirt w/ that symbol for the boy.

Methadras said...

Trooper York said...

That was very well done Meth.

Not to put on the mantle of self-congratulation but I do find it very satisfying that various people can come together here and make amends in the spirit of forgiveness and amity. I think that is what Lem's place was supposed to be about but it didn't work out that way. So far.

I mean we dust it up here pretty good but in the end we can all go to bar for a drink and all can be forgotten.

That is a lesson you just can't teach some people.

Thanks, but I meant it because I thought it over, plus the short discussion you and I had. Not to mention that the atmosphere here is different than it was over at TOP. Which is to say more combative and in that vein, I was a combatant. However, the distinction is, is that having stepped away from that, I no longer need to be a combatant, but probably more reflective and if being there taught me anything, it was that. Some people will get it, some people won't or will choose not to or can't ever because they aren't wired for it. Some people are grudge holders and score keepers and would rather hang their hat on that than anything else. Better for them to be forever bitter than to chaulk it up to a small victory or defeat and move on to the next engagement. The difference is, is that no one dies here in wordland, just a bruised ego or a lesson learned.

I meant what I said to Ritmo just like I extended the same sentiment to PHX over at Lem's. If he chooses not to accept, I can accept that, but that won't change my sentiment either way. Sometimes people won't accept apologies because of past hurts. It happens and I get it. I hope it doesn't happen here is all.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Lem will not even put my blog on his blog roll. That is probably because Freeman thinks it is insulting to Ann and Meade.

Okay, I asked. I had Lem on my blog roll in amount five minutes after it started (and btw, if I do not have any of your blogs up it may be do to blogger not always working with other formats). But if you request, I will do it.

Oh and did you know Meade's blog is private too? Does Freeman get upset with him about that?

As Troop says, this is sort of in the open anyway. The only reason for having it private is to keep douchenozels like Meade and Inga from shitting all over the threads.

Trooper York said...

I think Lem thinks it is insulting too. Plus I don't want to put it all on Freeman. I don't think she calls the shots.

But it sucks that he won't put you on the blogroll.

Palladian said...

I think we (the people now posting on Lem's blog) should start up a neutral, new, well-designed, non-Blogger blog. That was my idea from the start but then everyone went to Lem's place. I like Lem, but I don't think one person should be " in charge" of the decisions, and even if one person is in charge, Lem's just not very good at it. I don't know how to bring this up over there. I don't want to insult Lem, but I don't really want to be involved in that blog as it now stands. I want a place that's built to purpose (I could do it) and that has good commenter-management capabilities and clearly defined administrator rules from the start.

Palladian said...

Inga has now decided to follow Laurence Meade's shining example and is posting my eBay feedback record.

Darcy said...

I'm in as far as commenting goes and whatever else besides actual blog posts. I'll go where my favorite commenters go.

Meade has just reposted his nastiness at Lem's on that last long thread, asking people to "think".

Is he insane? I'm serious. They've gone off their trolley.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

He's violating the first rule of holes.

"When one finds oneself in a hole, quit digging."

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I like Lem (and I have always spoken highly of him), but the blog roll? Why not? Meh.

I am all for Palladian's idea. A Confederacy of Exiles.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

Someone was musing about pre-nups. When they announced the engagement, I STRONGLY encouraged a pre-nup because they both had offspring from previous marriages. Wisconsin is a unique state. To my knowledge, it's the only state that has switched from a common law property state to a "marital property" state. The gist of the law is that while folks are married, the presumption is that they both partake of an undivided 1/2 interest in the property earned while married. In such a state, it behooves the lesser earner to stay married. At divorce, however, courts go about dividing property as they must. Property that can be shown to have been brought TO the marriage reverts back to its original owner. If it was partially acquired before and then after marriage [as in a house where mortgage payments were paid pre- and post-marriage], the property gets apportioned based on contributions.

I haven't been practicing since the late 80s in WI. Changes may have occured in the past quarter century.

[holy crap. am I that old?]

Ruth Anne Adams said...

I'm all for finding a new lily pad. But I dislike the term 'exile' as if somewhere else was our home and we're now kicked out. We're more nomadic. Nomad Is An Island. Or something like that.

chickelit said...

Meade put up a series of redacted comments beginning with a link to my post which "instigated" the whole thing. I instigated a discussion of the meaning of the Vortex.

I made an offer to trade the drawing for an iPhone.

Palladian posted a link to one of his drawings which Meade construed as an offer for sale, which he then responded to in the deleted comment.

Meade completely misunderstood things and can't man up to having made a mistake is the way I see it. Oh and he wants that drawing off the internet or something.

ndspinelli said...

Ruth Anne, I did virtually no divorce work but your description of our marital property state sounds correct.

Darcy said...

I'd call him a dick but that would be too nice.

Hi Ruth Anne! So true. It's kind of bizarre to watch.

chickelit said...

I'm not going to humor Meade by paying him attention in that thread. He's trolling, and needs to be ignored.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

I'm tempted to offer him $51 and an egg salad sandwich to GTF out of there. The twist is that the sandwich is from 2007.

MamaM said...

Methadras, I've been out for the day, as I need to remove myself from the darkness from time to time or I become engulfed. I'm not sure you understood what I was asking or referring to in the quotes listed at in my 12:18 comment here last night.

What I was calling to your attention were the three questions asked:

Who was the commenter who revealed Inga's last name?
and then again
My question is who was that guy?
Where did he go?

Which leads me to wonder why anyone, especially someone as astute as the questioner, would feel the need to bring those questions up in Lem's new blog. I'm having difficulty understanding how those questions pertain or fit the conversation at hand.

Believe me, I'm fully aware of how the Oop operates and what it means to be the focus of her tractor beam. I'm also aware of how the initial story of the name exposure I was in no way suggesting you were involved in the initial incident or subsequent comments you happened to make that got you embroiled in Oop's obsession and craziness.

I can't think of a good reason for anyone (other than Oop) to bring that subject into a conversation at TOOP, and repeat the question again, as was done in the quotes I posted. Even more curious to me is the fact that the subject came up immediately after you linked two names together.

Something doesn't make sense to me.

On a side note: IMO, when it comes to Inga's craziness, no contact is the best policy. According to her own words, she has legal and union connections, and it's my belief she is not adverse to using them for her advantage. It's fully possible, from what I understand of her contacts, for her to have found your name/location from someone other than the A&M connection, though I wouldn't rule that out as probable either.

MamaM said...

The sentence should read:

*I'm also aware of how the initial story of the name exposure happened, and I was in no way suggesting you were involved*

bagoh20 said...

I'm all for a non-Blogger platform, but Lem is a good guy. I like his hands off approach, especially for a this experiment. He might be the perfect person to run a commenter powered site. He seems relatively ego-free.

After, his blog took off and everyone landed there, I thought of what I thought was a great idea. The commenter powered blog would be heavily monetized, and all proceeds would go to charities that the commentariat would periodically vote for. I just think that would be a fun way to both blog and give to charity.

I wish I had thought of it sooner, and convinced everyone to go there. I don't think people will leave Lem now. He's a deservedly well-liked guy, and hasn't pissed anyone off yet, which is remarkable.

The Dude said...

I have a lot of family law experience right here in NC.

My take away, other than the clothes on my back and no sucking chest wounds was "Do not seek the marriage!"

So I haven't and life is good.

I was talking to my one remaining brother last evening about my oldest brother, gone these many years now, regarding his many marriages. We know of three for sure, and he called his last POOSSLQ his "common law wife". I said that there is no common law marriage. And you can't get married if your previous one is not over, through annulment or divorce.

But as Troop says, what the fuck do I know?

Family law - ain't it grand? Or 40 grand or something...

Ruth Anne Adams said...

The expression I've heard is "Marriage is grand; divorce is ten grand."

Trooper York said...

Chickie I deleted one of your double posts.

Please do not sue me.

Trooper York said...

You have it right chickie. He can hoist up his own petard all by himself.

He doesn't need any help from us.

The Dude said...

RAA - makin' me chuckle here.

My father said, in his best Foghorn Leghorn voice "Boy, it cost me a half a million to divorce your mamma. It was worth every penny!"

At the end of his life I asked what happened to the rest of his money, he said "Spent most of it on booze and women - must have wasted the rest."

Yeah, probably neither one of those were original to him, but they were both applicable.

Michael Haz said...

I'm back from a four hour motorcycle on Township and Farm roads. Beautiful day, very light traffic. As always, a good ride clears my mind, gives me some quiet time to think. And often to put matters into simple terms so I can easily understand them.

Lem's blog is Israel; Meade and Inga are the Palestinians.

What the Palestinians want is the complete destruction of Israel and the subjugation of its people. There are pretend peace treaties, but they are only head fakes for suckers. As soon as there is the slightest suggestion of an insult, an allusion, an innuendo, the rocket attacks begin anew.

The pacifists are suckers for this, telling the world again and again to just "be nice" to the Palestinians. The Palestinians sense weakness it this and launch more attacks. They don't abide by the Geneva Conventions.

Lem has two choices. He can build a wall around Israel by moving to Wordpress where he can control Palestinian attacks, or he can kiss Israel goodbye. His enemies want it dead and they will not be appeased.

Methadras said...

Palladian said...

Inga has now decided to follow Laurence Meade's shining example and is posting my eBay feedback record.

Is there something more evil than the type of insanity this human being displays? Is there a word for it? Psychopath, rage monster, animal? What? Truly bizarre. I've never seen anything like it. I've seen and experienced lunatics before, but not like this.

Methadras said...

Ruth Anne Adams said...

He's violating the first rule of holes.

"When one finds oneself in a hole, quit digging."

Oh, I thought the first rule of holes was to not talk about holes. I didn't get the memo. Sorry.

Methadras said...

Darcy said...

There you guys go again making me cry! Stop it.

Sorry Darcy... Happy tears?

Methadras said...

MamaM said...

Methadras, I've been out for the day, as I need to remove myself from the darkness from time to time or I become engulfed. I'm not sure you understood what I was asking or referring to in the quotes listed at in my 12:18 comment here last night.

What I was calling to your attention were the three questions asked:

Who was the commenter who revealed Inga's last name?
and then again
My question is who was that guy?
Where did he go?

Which leads me to wonder why anyone, especially someone as astute as the questioner, would feel the need to bring those questions up in Lem's new blog. I'm having difficulty understanding how those questions pertain or fit the conversation at hand.

Believe me, I'm fully aware of how the Oop operates and what it means to be the focus of her tractor beam. I'm also aware of how the initial story of the name exposure I was in no way suggesting you were involved in the initial incident or subsequent comments you happened to make that got you embroiled in Oop's obsession and craziness.

I can't think of a good reason for anyone (other than Oop) to bring that subject into a conversation at TOOP, and repeat the question again, as was done in the quotes I posted. Even more curious to me is the fact that the subject came up immediately after you linked two names together.

Something doesn't make sense to me.

On a side note: IMO, when it comes to Inga's craziness, no contact is the best policy. According to her own words, she has legal and union connections, and it's my belief she is not adverse to using them for her advantage. It's fully possible, from what I understand of her contacts, for her to have found your name/location from someone other than the A&M connection, though I wouldn't rule that out as probable either.

Ah, I see what you mean now. Sorry, I misunderstood. Yeah, I think now looking back on it that it might have been a self-bomb thrown to justify the outrage displayed.

If the unhinged lunatic does have union/legal connections, then I didn't know that either and would make her even more diabolical than I anticipated. I figured on the timing since that I contacted Mr. Cialis, The Lawnmower Man that she all of a sudden sometime later outs me. Whatever though. As long as she doesn't take it beyond what happened, then I will let it drop. I have my connections too and they run deeper than she could possibly imagine. All I'd have to do is make one phone call or two.

bagoh20 said...

Inga only wants to hurt Palladian because other people are defending him, and she's jealous of that. And also she suspects he gets more hog than her. I'm not gay, but if I had to choose one.........I'd just kill myself.

blake said...

I remember the first LSL--a text adventure called "Softcore Adventure", I think--but I don't think I played it.

One of my cousins got LSL3: Passionate Patty In Pursuit Of The Pulsating Pectorals and I borrowed that from him.

Thing about Larry is that he was sleazy, but a lovable loser. I mean, after all, you are playing him, so it's a little hard not to identify.

And all he wanted was a little nookie. (Wasn't that his first enemy? The evil Doctor Nonookie?)

In other words, Larry is no Larry.

Darcy said...


Happy tears. :)

Michael Haz said...

It's always the ones who claim they love the First amendment who want to quell other people's right to speak freely.

blake said...

Shut up.

blake said...

(That's a joke.)

Michael Haz said...

That's it. I'm publishing pictures of your family. Because its not my fault.

blake said...

I admire your commitment to principle. And to interest.

You're an American hero.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If the unhinged lunatic does have union/legal connections, then I didn't know that either and would make her even more diabolical than I anticipated. I figured on the timing since that I contacted Mr. Cialis, The Lawnmower Man that she all of a sudden sometime later outs me. Whatever though. As long as she doesn't take it beyond what happened, then I will let it drop. I have my connections too and they run deeper than she could possibly imagine. All I'd have to do is make one phone call or two.

The idea of loyalty escapes her.

Looks like Inga's trying to weasel Larry on over into her perpetual grievance.

Granted, I'm not trying to stir up more trash-thoughts re: that selfish bitz, or these sorry episodes in general. That's the last thing that's needed.

I'm just saying: No kidding?

I guess stranger things have happened.

Whatever. Keepin' it short. Movin' along and keep on truckin'!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hey Meth - I'm just seeing your comment now. I appreciate what you're saying, and that's pretty big of you, but the apology's almost just a formality, at this point. When you're here and even on other things I've seen you say at TOP more recently, I could see you were a good guy. That place just had a way of bringing out the worst in people. Times change, people realize things... Check out for instance how my idea of a certain unmentionable who's giving you trouble has changed, well, if not 180 degrees, at least a good 120 degrees from where it was. People learn things, it's no big deal.

The place we were at warped perceptions and we were both capable of some 200 proof vitriol. The only thing I'd say is just to be careful, because people can use that, as they were using everyone there. Just be your own man, as you are, think for yourself. I'm sure you're a good guy. We were just two pit bulls in Michael Vick's hangout. Which has now been destroyed with napalm, shuttered shut, signs on the door, blindfolds off... The inhabitants safely escorted away. I'd realized at least a half a year ago there was no reason to fight. People just have strong opinions, that's all, and now that we're freed from anchoring them to how conniving lunatics will use them, it's all good, right?

Well, sorry if I've been getting verbose again, but you said a lot back there so I probably figured I'd owed ya one. Plus, it's reprehensible what a certain someone is pulling with you so just know that I'll back you up on that.

But that bitz does do some scary things. She doesn't even realize it, is the scary part. Be careful but know that I do agree she's way out of line and ignores bounds to a point that's not defensible at all. I don't see how anyone can defend that.

Do not call Frankenstein and she will retreat.

Methadras said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

Hey Meth - I'm just seeing your comment now. I appreciate what you're saying, and that's pretty big of you, but the apology's almost just a formality, at this point. When you're here and even on other things I've seen you say at TOP more recently, I could see you were a good guy. That place just had a way of bringing out the worst in people. Times change, people realize things... Check out for instance how my idea of a certain unmentionable who's giving you trouble has changed, well, if not 180 degrees, at least a good 120 degrees from where it was. People learn things, it's no big deal.

The place we were at warped perceptions and we were both capable of some 200 proof vitriol. The only thing I'd say is just to be careful, because people can use that, as they were using everyone there. Just be your own man, as you are, think for yourself. I'm sure you're a good guy. We were just two pit bulls in Michael Vick's hangout. Which has now been destroyed with napalm, shuttered shut, signs on the door, blindfolds off... The inhabitants safely escorted away. I'd realized at least a half a year ago there was no reason to fight. People just have strong opinions, that's all, and now that we're freed from anchoring them to how conniving lunatics will use them, it's all good, right?

Well, sorry if I've been getting verbose again, but you said a lot back there so I probably figured I'd owed ya one. Plus, it's reprehensible what a certain someone is pulling with you so just know that I'll back you up on that.

But that bitz does do some scary things. She doesn't even realize it, is the scary part. Be careful but know that I do agree she's way out of line and ignores bounds to a point that's not defensible at all. I don't see how anyone can defend that.

Do not call Frankenstein and she will retreat.

Ritmo, understood. I didn't see it as a formality, but rather a serious need to say that I'm sorry. I think those things need to be said and said with sincerity, honesty, and with good faith. I don't even want to talk about the depraved lunatic anymore really. I think there are hopeless people in life, she fills that role.

TOP in a lot of ways helped me focus the points I was trying to get across, but now seeing it from the rear view mirror I'd say the professor reveled in the conflict. It took the heat off of her until her sacred cows started getting scrutiny, then we got to see the real deal and it wasn't pleasant either. FEH, they can burn in it for all I care. Commentors made that place and the lack of them will kill it. Let tweedle drunk and tweedle cialis run around thinking they hold some form of moral high ground. All they are doing is showing what banality and empty thoughts they really cling too look like.

But anyway, thank you for the kind word.

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