Saturday, October 1, 2011


No this is not a post about the time Cedarford was running after ricpic at the Althouse commenters meeting. It's about this stupid movie I saw yesterday.

Every so often we play hooky with our good friends and go to a movie and dinner. Since it was my birthday this week they treated us which was very nice of them. We went to Astoria to the Kaufman Studios as we usually do and saw "Contagion" which is the epidemic movie. Now the movie was really true to live since it was all Gwyneth Platrows fault. She caught a deadly disease in China and spread it throughout the United States. There were heroic doctors and UN Health Care Workers and nasty businessmen and horrible bloggers. You know the usual liberal bullshit.

But I did get to see them rip off Gynnies scalp and cut open her skull. If only they could do that in real life!

The dinner was superb at our favorite joint in Astoria. We didn't have a reservation so they sat us in the wine bar which was actually a lot better as it was much quieter and they had wide screen TV's with the Yankee game. It was a lot of fun.


Michael Haz said...

Hey Trooper, Happy Birthday, and warmest wishes for many more.

chickelit said...

Gwynneth was hot in Iron Man I & II.

blake said...

I knew you'd like that part, Troop!

CL--was it just me, or did GP look botoxed in Iron Man?

Kevin Walsh said...

I was hoping for another Andromeda Strain. Soderbergh had something less exciting in mind.

chickelit said...

CL--was it just me, or did GP look botoxed in Iron Man?

I didn't notice her face.