Friday, September 30, 2011

Yvonne a know whose who?

Hey it takes a Lotta Love!


Titus said...

Dont forget the tennis dyke Yvonne Goolagan.

ricpic said...

Vanessa Hudgens? Vanessa Hudgens' older sister? Vanessa Hudgens' mother?

Lotta love...Lotte Lenya?

OK, I'll stop.

chickelit said...

No clue?

chickelit said...

She does look like ironrails ironweight's type.

blake said...


MamaM said...


chickelit said...


Kevin Walsh said...

Yvonne Elliman.

It was Nicolette Larson who had the hit with "LOtta LOve" though.

chickelit said...

@Kevin Walsh: Interesting pop music blog you have. I had a quick peek and want to go back later.

I did a something similar, trying to describe 50 years of pop music in my life 50 Years of Mytunes, starting in 1960. I only made it through 1995 though. Harsh and embarassing critics detected that I lost focus after 1995.

TTBurnett said...

This, BTW, is a damn fine blog, linked from Heer Kevin Walsh's popmuziek webpagina.

Jesus, I wish I had the time to do something like it.

Sorry for the Dutch. My internet connection seems to be going through Holland again.

You don't want to know what happens when it wanders into Finland.

TTBurnett said...

There's some strange mental stuff going on here. Honest-to-God, I was sitting here at work, waiting for a machine to finish its cycle so I can go home. I was daydreaming about Holland and my old Dutch girlfriend, and I idly clicked on Trooper's blog. Blogger opened in Dutch, with all the link labels, etc. in that congenial language. I posted the last comment from a Dutch page, and when I returned to Google, it was in Dutch.

Reloaded. Now it's English.

Safari is supposed to be an advanced browser, but does OS X now read your mind, in addition to spying on everything else about you?

TTBurnett said...

Going back through my browser histories, I see that I was actually using Firefox. I often have Safari open at the same time, as well. So it's nice to know Steve Jobs wasn't stealing my thoughts along with my money.

I'm sure Trooper's been in Dutch before, but this literal occasion was probably some proxy weirdness with our ISP. I'm not the only one this has happened to, nor was this the first time.

Everybody knows déjà vu, but is there a term for a situation where you're thinking some random thought, and somebody starts talking about what's been running through your mind, or it suddenly comes up on the computer or TV? We've all had this happen. It seems similar to déjà vu. But I don't know any word or short term for it. Someone want to coin a phrase?

chickelit said...

Damn, Tim. I clicked on your second link thinking it would take me some place new and it just took me back to where I had just been...Keven Walsh's music blog.

Talk about trippy. I thought you were going to take me somewhere Dutch.

Around two years ago, I logged onto Trooper's blog and I swore the comments had been transposed: all the commenter's names and comments had been rearranged which really freaked me out for a bit. I knew then it was time to take a break.

TTBurnett said...

Chickelit--Just thought I'd provide a live link to Kevin Walsh's blog.

There wasn't one in your post, and I had to go back to his profile to find it. That's when I noticed the Dutch weirdness.

I thought initially he was just some guy using Dutch to give him some Euro-edge. Or maybe he was Dutch living in New York. Then it dawned on me that the Dutch stuff was from Blogger and not his content.

Weird, because I was just thinking about an old Dutch friend who had died, and my mind had wandered into a daydream, wondering what happened to my girlfriend, how much I had enjoyed my last trip to Holland....

Then Blogger turned Dutch. Yipes! Can my thoughts influence our ISP's proxy connections? Is my laptop reading my mind?

Turns out there's a perfectly rational explanation. We've had this happen before. It's a long story, and this is too long already

But sometimes this kind of coincidence happens, and because it's related to your inner, private thoughts, it feels like you're making some deeper connection with events. When this happens, I end up feeling something like I do after a dèjá vu episode.

I needed a break. Believe me, I needed a break. But this was not related, except some escapism to Trooper's blog.

Kevin Walsh said...

I ceased Condensed Pop a couple of years ago to concentrate on, but I may return to it at any time.

ricpic said...

Speaking of strange mental stuff, it somehow got in my head that Troop was at the opening playoff game last night, which got suspended when the sky opened up. Hope I'm wrong. It's a sin - if sins can be assigned such minor stuff - that these fall classics are played at night. Picture perfect weather in NYC all day and then just as the game had barely begun a veritable flood. Well, if this mental image that's so insistent about Troop being thoroughly discommoded is correct at least his ticket will get him into tonight's 2nd attempt at a 1st game. Unless he lost the ticket, or threw it away, or tore it up in disgust. Oh NO!!!

Trooper York said...

Sorry but I gave up my season tickets ten years ago. I was invited to go but I couldn't so we were watching it on TV at a restuarant with some friends.