He is trying to tell me that the Packers are better than the Giants as a franchise. Let's face it....Green Bay wouldn't even have a team if it wasn't for the Giants. That moron Wellington Mara agreed to a commie plan of spreading the TV wealth and the Packers got to keep their team instead of moving to Jacksonville or Charlotte or something! Plus they sent Vince Lombardi to coach them as a favor to the league. I think Pete Rozelle must of had pictures of Wellington doing Laverne when she was working with Oscar Madison and she was giving him a rusty trombone or something. Otherwise I can't explain it.
There would have never been a Green Bay Packers without the largess of the New York Giants.
Steinbrenner never would have done it. He would have driven them into the ground.
NDSpinelli looks an awful lot like Ray Nietzsche did until he grew that moustache and started doing that TV show in SF where they check out old wive's tails.
It's interesting that you don't refute my point..you just make lame ass excuses why the Giants are inferior. You're losing your street cred paisan!
chickenlittle, I did have a porn star mustache earlier in my life, just like Nietzsche and Jeff Kent.
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