Friday, September 23, 2011

Put The Lime In The Coconut

Time to go to the Mexican joint for some margarita's!


Trooper York said...

Just got some good news. Have to go out and celebrate.

Big time!

Trooper York said...

Cause you know that thing we were talking about?

Looks like its happening this weekend.

chickelit said...

Congratulations Troop! To paraphrase John Lennon, you could become bigger than Althouse now.

Don't blow it.

I had a feeling something was up. That's what was behind the line and offers coming over the phone...

MamaM said...

Aw chickenlittle...the brownstone cowboy was good on the first play...looks like you're the percipient of a two-fer.

Titus said...

I had a "fish pedicure" tonight with a friend of mine.

Hundreds of little fish ate the dead skin off my feet.

It was fabulous. It tickled, hee hee.

My feet are now smooth and ready to be sucked.

Good night.

ndspinelli said... drink Mexican, but do you eat Mexican. There's a basic concept that many people don't understand about regional food in the US. All regions of countries have different cuisine, the foundation being local meat, produce, dairy, etc. But, what's great about the US is all of the different immigrant influences. In Chicago/Milwaukee one of the good food culture that goes back the farthest is German. You can get very good German food. The Italian food is ok in Chicago but bad in Wisconsin..just not that many dagos made it out here.

I travel a lot and always eat what the locals eat. If I'm in the Central or Mountain time zone I don't eat seafood. I have a standing joke w/ my kids, "Don't ever eat Chinese in Iowa". What I don't understand are people who ignore this pretty basic concept. I surmise it's the Olive Garden, PF Changing of America. I'll get off my soapbox now. Thank you for the indulgence. And, whatever you're celebrating, Trooper..congratulazioni!

Titus said...

I am soaking my testicles or balls in essential oils right now.

They are tingling wingling.

Titus said...

I will be heading over to the corner barbershop for a cut and shave.

Read Wheels Mag, play some guitar and then head to the gym.

Creatine Smoothie was delish.

Have a super, great day and make it one of the best of your entire lives.


MamaM said...

Why not go for a little more lime and try a fishy wishy tingling wingling ball soak?

chickelit said...

I am soaking my testicles or balls in essential oils right now.

Palmolive dish soap? You're soaking in it Madge.

Titus said...

LOL Chick and MamaM.

I am fresh, pumped and horny.

Titus said...

One of my best friends dogs name is Lincoln after the president.

Isn't that patriotic?

Trooper York said...

I thought he named him after the cars he liked to chase?