Thursday, September 22, 2011

I want respect!

"I'm your older brother, Mike, and I was stepped over!"
"That's the way Pop wanted it."
"It ain't the way I wanted it! I can handle things! I'm smart! Not like everybody says... like dumb... I'm smart and I want respect"
"Well you aren't going to find it here Fredo. Maybe you should start your own blog. Just sayn'"


blake said...

That doesn't work either.

Peter V. Bella said...

"Now, how about you take the afternoon off and go fishing."

chickelit said...

Fredo comments here?

ricpic said...

That doesn't work here.

Time will tell.

The Dude said...

Is Ma still alive?

J said...
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chickelit said...

Zooma Zooma Baccalà!!!

Trooper York said...

Don't we all have a little Fredo in us?

ndspinelli said...

I always called Ted Kennedy the "Fredo" of that family.

The Dude said...

Mary Jo would be more analogous.

WALT said...

If you knew your movie actors you would have realized that he was a very talented actor that life cut way too short... To play Fredo the way he did was true talent.. And everyone knows who loved him until his death don't we..

J said...

Nina Rota's musick nearly saved that boring, mob soap opera--the acting, fuggetaboutit. Heat: now --there was Pacino-Deniro

ndspinelli said...

Heat sucked J. You're entering Carol Herman territory w/ your pedestrian taste and provincial thought.

J said...

And not recognizing Nina Rota--classic italian film-composer--some paysano there. More like ...Pat Boonius! aka ol Barf-a-roni

J said...

Why not leave that up, TY? Truth, ie veritas--it's important. Ill fill you in on details--"spinellli" (racist) aka Barf-a-roni here is pure WASP (teutonic in his own words)--and he detests italian,catholics, hispanics ,and irish cats as well . Mention like...Pacino/DeNiro , Coppola, Rota,etc and he has a little fit.

Trooper York said...

I am not much for anti-gay stuff J.

Or anti-jewish stuff.

We kid them but we love them.

They are our brothers and sisters. Just saying.

J said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J said...

Im not really a gay-basher ,TY--I opposed prop 8 in CA. BarfBoy didn't. But....pointing out his atheism etc seems called for

He just lies--plays liberal -tolerant at times, and then goes back to his other sites and then he's all about gay-bashing, a racist, and anti-semitic. The "Fred4Pres" hick on Althouse--that's him too--no blog, no info ,no posts. (im nearly certain...check it out)

TTBurnett said...

I was going to say, I've been thrown out of better places than this.

But from the looks of this thread so far, I think I'm getting out in the nick of time.

I was also going to say, I'm a member of a group blog, where I sometimes write my long-winded, boring posts for people who generally say good things about them (not that we can't all use some improvement in the writing dept.).

So, the URL there is...uh...well...maybe some of you might actually show up. I'm not sure the other members would approve. You see, you're just not our sort.


Trooper York said...

I would hate to see you go Tim but you have to do what you have to do.

I don't think the way to fight something is to run away from it. I tried that on the EBL place and I was wrong. It is better to be in the arena and duke it out.

Blogging ain't beanbag.

chickelit said...

@Tim: I noticed you started blogging again. Good on you and I wish your older one was still around.

chickelit said...

J must have said something really vile for Troop to have shit canned.

Why am I not surprised?

Trooper York said...

J I don't go for bashing the gays or the jews or anyone else in straight out nasty attacks. Unless of course it is funny.

The fact that someone doesn't post any personal identification does not mean that it all comes from the same person. Although I suspect that some of the people who post here are not who they say they are that is fine with me.

It is more important what they say instead of who they are. I don't try to id anybody. Everybody is welcome. Just be funny and bust balls.

Let the chips fall where they may.

Trooper York said...

You know J and Tim have a lot more in common then they want to admit. They seem overly obsessed about who the people who comment really are. You guys should not worry so much about who specific commenters really are and just riff off of the comments.

It shouldn't be that big a deal to you. You know what I mean?

J said...

There's a link to a profile--Timmy the Flutemaker!--but no blog. Maybe some of TY's wiseguys can work something up for TimTim's blog. Flutemakin'? Ah yeah we had some goombas running some racket like that in Passaic, connected to the family Genovese.

chickelit said...

@Tim: You and I are alike insofar as you love to blog about music like I do about chemistry and science history. I'm content that people show up from time to time to look at it.

Politics moves so fast that I don't have the time to keep up, really. So I mostly leave the political blogging to the professionals.

I don't care for J either, but it's not right to let it* win here.
* I'm still confused about J's gender. "It" aka Id is perfectly good pronoun for J.

chickelit said...

I don't try to id anybody.

LOL typo, especially after my last comment!

(yes, I may be laughing alone)

Trooper York said...

You never laugh alone buddy.

Trooper York said...

Everybody blogs and comments for their own reasons.

I do it to have fun. I hope it is fun when you visit here.

Then I have done what I set out to do.

Trooper York said...

J I have know Tim for several years and he is a good guy. Just a little serious.

Please don't worry about who it is that is posting. That doesn't matter to me and it shouldn't matter to you.

Just throw in some comments from your prespective. Some of the stuff you have to say is pretty interesting. You and I have some similar interest like nior fiction and serial killers. Just sayn"


chickelit said...

@J: LOL!

I guess I'm over you!

chickelit said...

But I'll still delete your ass at my blog unless you add value.

Trooper York said...

See that's the kind of stuff that doesn't play here J.

You can insult people if you are witty or funny. But straight out nonsense like you just posted is not fun for anyone. Even you. You can do better than that chica.

Up your game.

Trooper York said...

It takes talent to stand out here at Trooper York.

You have it you just have to use it.

J said...

I got plenty of talent and humor as well.

But when little lying snitches start into their lies and frauds (chk, barfRon ,the a-tards, whoever etc) -- challenge time. Mano a mano. A ring. Or pistols. sword ,even chessboard. Honor matters ,TY. Even cafeteria catholics should realize that. That's better than klan, hells angels, or mormon tactics, isn't it? Don't make me call the san diego angels on ya, Chkie

chickelit said...

Don't make me call the san diego angels on ya, Chkie

My backyard neighbor had his own MC. I think he even met Barger (who's retired in Phoenix now).

Bring it on!

chickelit said...

J said...
I got plenty of talent and humor as well.

Well, like the MamaM said, show us your stuff!

Trooper York said...

But J you can't be the internets police. Lies and fraud if they are they are such do not directly affect you. You should not worry about it.

Being an internet tough guy doesn't impress anybody. Being funny and witty and inventive is what counts. Just sayn'

Trooper York said...

I kinda like you hipster nior posting style. You can comment on the subjects at hand in that vein and be pretty smart and entertaining. Forget about who the other people are and what they are saying and give me your take on what the thread is about. That is interesting. Just sayn'

Trooper York said...

You see Fredo wanted respect because of who he was not what he did. You have to earn respect with talent.

It doesn't matter who you are or who the other guy "really" is. It mattters what you do.

J said...

It's ...noir pops. Jeez.

Im not a netnanny. And really don't give a f*ck ,except when it affects me--and what yr lurker-troll-stalker Byro-Barf/Hoss/Timmy et al spews/lies does affect me ..and Im pretty sure he had a nice chitchat with Chkie. Probably with you too,TY.

john said...

Trooper York said...
I kinda like you hipster nior posting style. You can comment on the subjects at hand in that vein and be pretty smart and entertaining.

Like "Trooper-Jew"? That really cracked me up. Deleted comment, so I'm not sure if that ended up in the "hipster" or "pretty smart and entertaining" column. Little help with this would be appreciated.

Trooper York said...

Those are different people J. I know you don't think so. And people don't talk about you behind your back dude. Seriously.

Trooper York said...

That is the kind of thing I was talking about john. I don't care if you call me TrooperJew....I mean what does that even mean? I mean I still have my german helmet so to speak. So it is kind of silly. And not really an insult.

But it is the kind of thing we don't need here. Just sayn'

john said...

I didnt call you that, Trooper. That was in a comment that got deleted a few days ago.

chickelit said...

Trooper: That kind of name calling would be very out of character for John but very in character for J.

Just an observation.

Trooper York said...

Oh you guys misunderstood me. I remember that post. I deleted it. I know that John didn't post it. I was talking to J to let him know that this kind of bullshit is not tolerated.

Now if he wanted to call me Trooper/Hymie/Hienie well that would be funny. Just sayn'

Trooper York said...

John would call me some kind of rock and Chick would call me some smelly kind of gas.

Which would both be accurate by the way.

Trooper York said...

I kinda like the hip bop talk. It's a style. It's different. J could do a lot with it. But spewing stupid insults ain't much. He could give his spin on stuff like he did with the Ellroy threads. I like to learn what people very different from me think. But hey that's just me.

john said...

If J called you Trooper/Hymie we could infer his name is Jesse.

MamaM said...

Holes in a thread cause MamaM's didactic stink finger to start itching and waving; a good clue her own stuff is activating.

Fight or Flight is a primitive protection/defense response from the lower brain. Higher order thinking in humans includes imagination, sorting, flexibility, humor and playfulness. It involves a willingness to consider mutuality and engage in give-and-take exchanges without immediately going for the jugular, freezing or fleeing the scene.

When a pattern of going for the jugular and running is accompanied by intensity, there's a good chance something unresolved is lurking in and lighting up the grey matter, often without conscious awareness.

This type of response is similar in nature to the more intense type that eventually wired up Bundy and Manson.

Which makes Bundybears funny and not funny at the same time.

It is this edge of awareness and paradox the MamaM sees Trooper York walking. In doing so, he pokes while inviting a exchange of comment, laughter and mutual consideration.

It ain't beanbag. More like cornhole.

chickelit said...

MamaM said: It ain't beanbag. More like cornhole.

Trooper's a lot funnier than Stephen Colbert in front of Congress.

J said...

"MamaM's didactic stink finger...yada yada"

Would a nice catholic/ethnic mother write such garbage?? Hell no. Even ..a yenta would not.

It's...Hoss aka B***n B****my, TY. Pure tripe. Looks pseudo-profound--with some stupid newagey psychobabble- but it's just bullshit. He doesnt know jack about writing---traditional,crime ,beat, etc

Crime writers (and "noir") back in the day did get ugly TY. Macho. Aggressive. etc. So did gonzo-say HSThompson. Bukowski.
Like ,when I get ahold of this phony sac yid, he's _______d

Trooper York said...

Hey that might be right. But you shouldn't get so hacked up Hossaroni.

Life is too short.

My Jamaican friends have a saying
"The higher up the monkey goes in the tree the more of his ass you can see."

Let people hoist up their petard and show their ass. You don't have to stress about.

Bukowski and them didn't care about what other people did. They just wanted to know where their next drink and blowjob was coming from. Just sayn'

Trooper York said...

Hey a Bukowskin post coming up.

Look forward to your analysis.

chickelit said...

Hey a Bukowskin post coming up

That sounds very Wisconskin!

dbp said...

Blogging for riches:

Step 1. Start a blog where there are lots of "commenters", but really it is all the same guy playing all the parts. Eventually, like years later, some rube will stumble upon the blog and discover the truth.

Step 2. ???????????

Step 3. Profit!

MamaM said...

Does chickenlittle know cornholeis a game?

Trooper York said...

No but Titus does.

Not that theres anything wrong with that.