Carol_Herman said...
Good analogy from Basketball. But to win games you still need the players who get the ball into the basket. I love it when they put the balls in my mouth. Is that like a basket?
Now. If you want to grab a hissing cat, I'd suggest you aim for the scruff of the neck. I hate it when my kitty starts to hiss. Some call it queefing. I call it the Indiana love call. Those Hooisers come running when they hear the call of the pussy.
And, in this instance? You know I don't think the Chief Justice was sitting there, talking to Ann Walsh-Bradley on how they can anger Prosser. I think they were talking about irritating his prostate.
Because Justice Prosser shows up with 3 others. And, both ladies also knew how the decision broke. Like my water after my third rug rat. I flooded the Wabash and the Tallachee bridge.
I think Ann Walsh-Bradley is crazy enough that she flew off the handle! Cause Shirley was holding her handle. By the root e toot toot!
And, I also think when Justice Prosser saw her coming ... and flailing her arms ... (And, he couldn't go backwards except into a piece of furniture) ... He aimed NOT TO GET HIT IN HIS FACE! Now I don't think it's so bad. I like it when it hits me in the face. I have been hit in the face with more balls than Yogi Berra. But not Mike Piazza though.
Roggensack also intervened. Facing Bradley. If Justice Prosser was being the aggressor ... Roggensack would have face Justice Prosser, instead. Isn't Roggensack that thing at the end of Thor when all the Norweigans fight or something? Or is that the thing that would hit me on the chin when I was giving Roger Clemens a hummer?
I think the threat to GO PUBLIC also belongs to Ann Walsh-Bradley. This was HER GAME. While the Chief Justice (for a moment), thought her mask was going to fall off of her face! PANIC TIME! I hate it when my mask falls off. That happened at Plato's retreat once and that was why I had to shoot Andy Warhol.
For Shirley Abrahamson to lose her mask was on par with a woman's wig flying off in public! (This is why once women wouldn't go out without their hats on.) I always let them keep their hats on. And their boots. And their fake noses.
So, after this went public ... And, you'll never find out "who" leaked it ... The court, itself, has suffered damage. As if a rock flew in a window and shattered glass. That's what happens when I leak. I have a very strong flow.
Then? Well, why did Mark Bradley say his wife is now having crying fits? That she turns to tears for two or three minutes, at a spurt, before she regains her sanity? I wish I could regain my sanity. But I don't like to wash much anymore so I guess I am very un-sanity.
Sure. Judges should know the law. And, not just use it to make false CRIMINAL CHARGES appear out of the woodwork. Only termites should appear out of the woodwork. And those giant spiders. Yeah. That's right.
The damage has been done. The spiders are crawling on me now!
How it will get fixed? Stay tuned. (ET will call home.) I hate that Mary Hart. What a bitch. Her voice vibrates my fillings in my toothes and I can't sleep.
That is why I am always posting on the internets.
Hey here is a picture of me without make up. Enjoy Boys!
Carol is the perfect straight women for your comedy, Trooper York.
I almost choked on Obama peas as I read your post. Waffles and peas without chicken is like Carol Herman without a computer.
Bless her heart.
This is much too coherent for a CH parody (he said, half joking, but only half).
Enjoy Boys!
Queefs alive! The lay-dees don't need pics for clarity. The hissing kitty/Indiana love call was graphic enough.
With this one, TY qualifies himself for Advanced Hermanuetics.
But, this parody does really spotlight how the mold was broken after HC.
Trooper is a great writer, but his parody doesn't come close to free wheeling, free association randomness, but still strangely connectedness of the real not-schlemiel, when she's really on.
Even so, for the record, I do skip a fair number of her comments.
So, maybe I'm missing some of her real gems, but not the original JEM, who was a figment of the computer Synergy
And, the Holograms, who were not hooligans.
FOOTBALL does make sense, but SOCCER is what I know.
Where the goal is blocked by the ONLY one allowed hands. Quick hands make the game.
My quick scanning and skipping could, perhaps, block the clunkers.
So the gems sail through. On a cloud. And, tits.
[This parody stuff is harder than it looks. Who else will take a swing.]
This parody stuff is harder than it looks. Who else will take a swing.
The MamaM likes wacky, but has tried and can't do it, which is why she appreciates TY's efforts along with ricpic's and pbAndJ's. The style is much harder to replicate than it seems.
More than one head could account for some of the freewheeling, free association randomness present in the Carol_Herman's comments.
For someone who never lived in Wisconsin, Carol_Herman sure has an unnatural interest in the whole Prosser thing.
Short sentences. Plastic reindeer. Made up words. Sentence fragments, even. KAPEESH! Misspelled Yiddish. Yiddisher pickle. Another fine mess. Ollie. Oxen free. The slaves. Lincoln said that. I remember that. He-man see payshun proclamation.
Farther west you go, then you are there. Where there is no there, there. Oakland. Where the oak fell. On top of Kloppenhoppen. SPIN!!!
You have a gift, Trooper. Too bad you are a Giant's fan.
When I was in college my friends were from both north and south Jersey, NY and Philly fans. Every year we would attend "The Classic"..Giant/Eagle games. This was back in the early 70's when both teams were mediocre, but the games were great. I was a Giants fan back then. I was a Chiefs fan later in the 70's when I moved there. We got season tickets as a wedding gift. The Chiefs really sucked in the years I lived there. Before I got married, I sold beer @ Chiefs and Royals games for a couple seasons..good cash. The Royals were great back then.I lived in Chicago in the 80's but never really became a Bears fan, I couldn't stand McMahon. It took me awhile but I've become a Packer fan. I even got a share in the team[gift]. However, I don't like the cult aspect. The older I get the more I just become more a fan of the sport, and less a fan of a specific team. It's higher order thinking, something foreign to rabid NY fans.
I offered an olive branch to Carol"Ditzy"Herman after she made a cryptic comment on a Ryan Braun thread. No more baseball comments and I'll hold fire. However, I made it clear I can't call off Trooper"Luca Brasi"York.
The real question is what did the interesting email chickenlittle received from the Carol_Herman contain besides the pictures TY has been parceling out?
I'll never tell!
I picture Carol as like a republican Ruth Buzzi in La Rue, on psych. meds or something. Whacky but not so funny (rabidly right wing as well).
The A-house insistence on defending Prosser was BS as well. Regardless of politics, it's fairly obvious from the reports that DP has...issues. Bradley's a small lady, as well--overlooked by most of the TP macho types
(rabidly right wing as well)
Sorry, I don't see that. But then, I don't see any "fairly ordinary, moderate views" out of you either.
But you know, fairly controversal people get accepted over here, versus over there.
There's something in the drinks Troop serves.
Why, if Carol_Herman showed here (again), I'd be the first to buy her a drink.
Maybe because you don't know what ordinary, normal views are, chk., given that you think BushCo was the greatest Admin. since like Nixon-Kissinger.
Miss Herman's....insane. She was just praising Rumsfeld as a genius a few hours ago.
BTW, I forgot to say thanks to J for making me look prescient on Althouse today link.
Carol Herman is blog fodder. You young boys should respect an
old women’s rants.
Good thing she's not the old Bilderberger women in that picture.
"BTW, I forgot to say thanks to J for making me look prescient on Althouse today."
Well it is written that man from Oceanside speaks with single tongue.
an old women’s rants.
Carol_Herman could also be the work of a husband/wife team, a pair of partners or a misogynistic male writer who enjoys goofing around.
or a misogynistic male writer who enjoys goofing around.
Yes, could be a male--. Chk-lil in his party dress?? TY? Or one of the other AA regs---maybe Edutcher, or Quaestor in drag. "Herman"'s stupid and right-wing enough to be a AA male.
@Tim: Here I though Ciconna was the name of an Italian porn star who changed her name to Madonna.
Thanks for the musical interlude. That reminds, me that I miss reader_iam.
J said: Yes, could be a male--. Chk-lil in his party dress??
You mean the one I put on to make me feel like J. Edgar Huber? I only wear that when I'm inspecting your file.
I don't do impersonations.
Yeah you sound like a Nixonian sort of snitch...and a shyster? Probably in violation of some Bar rule for even being online during swindling hours
“Carol_Herman could also be the work of a husband/wife team, a pair of partners or a misogynistic male writer who enjoys goofing around.”
After all Carol may be Mr. Ed.
In the nether world of the nets personas are created to give voice to a myriad of ideas. Does it really matter who they are in the “real” world? The person behind the mask is no concern to me. I look for humor in the nets and I enjoy it were I find it.
Wild, weird stuff. Well done, Troop!
I look for humor in the nets and I enjoy it were I find it.
All humor has context.
The person behind the mask is no concern to me. I look for humor in the nets and I enjoy it were I find it.
True enough. Yet I detest it when a character lacking "real basis" inquires about personal details.
"Carol_Herman could also be the work of a husband/wife team, a pair of partners or a misogynistic male writer who enjoys goofing around."
Mmmm...doesn't have to be a team or a misogynist. Just someone busting our balls.
Could be easily be Troop, considering his brilliant range of writing style take-offs. Or, ahem, chick or Mama with their love of wordplay. But I agree with Tim...I've considered Maxine (whoever she was).
Aren't you closing in on that age Deborah???
But I agree with Tim...I've considered Maxine (whoever she was).
Maxine had an anti-Althousian edge which Carol lacks. But I agree, Carol and Maxine are the same basic archetype.
Or, ahem, chick or Mama with their love of wordplay.
'Taint me!
The Carol Herman Mix
A dash of Sixty,
A dip of Ritmo
A dose of TY,
A smackeral of ricpic
A peck from Chickenlittle
A tit-bit from Titus
A smile from Deborah
Mix well and Slather
MamaM said...
Aren't you closing in on that age Deborah???
Deborah only projects ageless sensibility.
You do the same.
Ah, chicklittle...that's why the MamaM accords you peck!
That should read, Ah, Chickenlittle, that's why the MamaM accords you a peck.
Age? You lost me! But if you mean love of wordplay, I fall into that category with you and chick, don't I?
And, also, forgive me for forgetting you, Tim, but with Sir Archy and the cockroach, you also possess the requisite skills.
(Thanks for the courtly compliment, chick, you rascal.)
Also, Mama, I posted something the other day at the end of the last CH thread, where you talked about your yearbook entry. But apparently it was eaten by blogger, as was one at Althouse.
Anyway, THANKS for the sweet thoughts. I ended with something like how you and I are all class:
Re: the C_H Mix
For variation add one or more of the following:
A spate of Spinnelli
A spoon of pbandj
A snicker of Sorin
A whiff of J,
A splash of Tincture of Tim
I ended with something like how you and I are all class:
All class it is, with Mama on a roll in her blue flowered dress and Deborah holding it together in ruffles and feathers. What a pair. The fun is in the ad lib.
Missed the comment on the other thread and was glad to find it here. As always, the MamaM enjoys a good riposte!
Carol Herman might be the work of...."Raul" (aka Hoss, aka ..."Byro"), the occasional Ahouse commenter--in his right wing zany mode. He's leftist at times, then sneaks back to his pro-Mitt Romneytoid sites and presto chango.. he's a rightist teabagger.. CarolSpeak's stupid and disruptive enough to be Raul.
Maybe we'll link to Raul's "poetry" site (even Carol's a bit of an improvement on that)
"Stupid trooper york thinks presidents pitch in games after the season opener. Give it a rest."
At the beginning she seemed neutral, unperterbed, and full of good will. Recently, she's combative and throwing out the F-bomb a lot.
Don_Bonhomie, the imagined better half.
You seem taken with the husband/wife team concept. Meh. I surmise it's a singleton.
Ouch. I meant not in a cooperating pair bent on mischief.
Meh. I surmise it's a singleton. Could be. To MamaM's ears the comments contain a build up that sound as if one person is riffing off another. For a 70+ year old to single handedly come up with the energy to deliver that much goofiness, opinion, intensity and real world fact and connection is quite a feat. Definitely an odd combination of grounded and screwball.
And...here's the tell-all:
What 70 year old woman who likes to talk and gas could repeatedly resist Trooper York's most charming invitations to stop by his house to see his etchings?
Agreed, Tim.
MM, I can easily see a talkative 70 y/o doing long stream-of-consciousness posts. Yes there could definitely be someone there, but the odds point to a sockpuppet or troll...but who is being trolled? The reason for going against the poster actually being 70 is the use of modern slang, which I recently saw, and the F word...that's pretty new to her, I think. But honestly, I skip most of her stuff.
I notice Althouse reaching out to her.
I think Carol Herman is definitely a construct. A sock puppet if you will.
Maxine Weiss was a good guess. It might be from the same people who did that.
Maxine was a lot different than Jeremy or Raul in that she wasn't only political but included lots of extras about fashion and manners and proper etiquette. The commonality with Maxine and Carol will be that they start out as humerous and benign and gradualy turn savage and bitter. Wait and see. It's coming. It might not be for weeks or months but the mask will slip.
It is only a matter of time.
You can run but you can't hide.
Right Dr. Jeckyl.
Maybe Carol's ..."deborah".. looks like another sock puppet itself.
Carol's a jew, tho that's pretty obvious. ---
I'm no C4--never would approve of Hitler. But that doesn't mean there aren't zionist rackets of sorts (even in blogland), along with other mafias. Carol seems like an aged NY molly of a sort--one of meyer lansky's dames .
What a tangled web we weave.
Life is strange. The MamaM is clearing out a pile of papers which accumulate because she still likes to print things off for pondering and came on an article printed in 2009 about lies.
Next to the tangled web quote by Sir W Scott was this one, also by him:
"I cannot tell how the truth may be; I say the tale as it was said to me"
Hey Tim I thought Sabaki was that Jap wine they serve at Benihanna's.
Does that come in boxes now?
How apt, MM. I liken my stacks of papers...articles, bills, mementos...to archeological strata. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I just pitched the whole lot.
Tim, so it is like Aikido? Using the energy of your opponents, so they essentially defeat themselves?
That so Mr "Deborah?"
Wow...this dude has been online and fooling you, since 10/2010. Trooper--"Deborah" just one of his dozens of s-names. What's another a name for a male who pretends to be a female online?? f*ggot works
Trace it and yll find....Raul! (aka byro the tee-shirt salesman, and Romneytoid supporter). Not Carol tho---CH's a bit too complex for Deb-Raul
Shoot. I misspelled archaeological.
"Deborah"'s also pbAndJFellow Republican too. Compare the scrawlings--same dude. Sick twisted ...theatre queer, and Romneytoid. ...this is one of his sites: Raul-Hoss-byro
Onto you, as usual--HossRon. Get the fuck off of here, Mormon trash.
Oh, dear.
While consistency, wit, good humor, and insight are not gender dependent traits, they account for the reason the MamaM consistently enjoys Deborah's comments.
Tim...when you are on, you are on! The MamaM didn't know sabaki from souklava but the wiki on it was fun and made her laugh, along with the Oh, dear.
Loved the Ciconia. Never ran across him in school.
70 comments? TY record?
Oblig. (and oddly appropriate):
"It's a trap!"
No my April Fools post of about three years back is the all time champ with hundreds of comments.
But this is up there which is pretty funny to me.
I can have the best Laura Bush's Diary which is laugh out loud funny and I am lucky to get one comment. This gets over 70?
phonies, TY.
That's what your blog attracts--note how most of them don't even have a blog, but some weird name, and no info. Althouse also is like that (with plenty of psychos)
"Mama" sounds male too.
"Tim" also bogus (and what's up with the non sequiturs, having nothing to do with CH? weird).
Is Raul-Byro-Deborah/PB&J talking to itself?? It's been known to do that--on Digby he invented dozens of names (including female) and has little psychotic conversations with itself . Also troll-rated/banned at DU.
Astute, J. TY is at the bottom of the sock drawer, apparently. The only real people here are me and thee, and I'm not so sure about me.
And Tim. He's real. Some of his friends may not be.
With Laura Bush, the speculation is all sewed up, so this audience of one ends up entertained and daunted. Those babies walk the edge of reality. Like the Vachss stuff. Sort of like getting too close a look at the guy with the hunted eyes who hung himself.
This parody laughs at spoof and is wide open for speculation.
However, two whiffs of J was more than enough. He should has stuck with one, when he sounded semi-lucid and semi-literate.
Curiouser and curiouser.
Thanks for the kind words above, me. I mean MamaM :)
He should has stuck with one,when he sounded semi-lucid and semi-literate.
Alas Mr "Mama"--you're neither. My points are completely lucid and reasonable. Joe Friday-like. Just the facts-- taking a look at your sites and your writing, it's quite obvious you're males putting on some weird schtick. Indeed, it's not curiouser, either Mr. Deborah--it's rather pathetic.
Tim--I'm not an Englishman, grazi a Dios. Not really into Anglo lit.--digressions might do for theaterical types, but this...is Trooper York iddn't it? Not Murder She Wrote. AS stated above--I prefer Sam Spade to Sherlock Holmes--though even Holmes and Watson placed a high value on...facts. Edwardians aren't about Schackaspeare.
I love Scarlatti. (Both of them!)
Your link seems to be borked, though.
Thanks, also, to MamaM for the kind words.
I'd just like to let her know that even when I'm "off," I avoid emulating a cheese.
I make an exception for those occasions when I am reminded of the sensible and polite citizens, some I know well, of the old Duchy of Limburg—now scattered among three European countries—and I am forced to compare them in my mind to certain interlocutors on the internet. THEN you may find an intentional effort to recall the national dairy product of those otherwise admirable people.
but tiny and intense (what commenter can you think of?)
Like you Timmy? No one gives a f*ck about yr wiki muzak spam/derailments either-- I doubt you know treble clef from Alex Trebek for that matter.
I might be in love.
I dig the paint job on that harpsicord in the video Tim linked.
It reminds me of the painted player piano we had as kids. The one my dad butchered.
STFU , chikie perp
And Im onto to yr little games, mormon trash
I'm smiling at you now J.
Im laughing at you, chkie
I've not had an active profile or commented anywhere in months, nor read much in the Blogger section of the blogosphere for a while, so it's odd to see that Tim is still obsessed with me after all this time. He even sees me in other commenters' profiles, which is sort of what a psychotic or senile person would do IRL. Or what Pogo used to do when deluding himself into seeing me as an apparition of Amanda Marcotte.
His objection to channeling the rabidly anti-semitic Cedarford on purely utilitarian grounds was also a very special thing to behold.
Tim, hit the hash pipe a little more often and stay off the wine-and-cheese circuit. It's what got you all in a huffy mess in the first place, remember?
And Tim, stop being such a damn snob, for crying out loud. You can mention a piece of "classical" Euro-snob culture without performing a boring dissertation on how it is best enjoyed.
You really have no touch for the common man. Meade and Palladian were apparently not only right on that but right to deny you mercy for how they lit into you about it. The last things I had ever said in reference to you on the internets were meaningful and nice, but apparently kindness is a favor that your heart is too small to return.
You'd better start getting in touch with your emotions quick, my friend. All this endless pontificating on piddly little details of elitist pursuits just exposes you as a mile wide and an inch deep. You build skyscrapers of civilization in your mind without any thought as to where the sewers and parks should go.
As that paragon of all that is underappreciated in underclass American culture, Bart Simpson, would say: Get bent, please. And quick!
Love, Ritmo.
But why post a photo of Oprah? Isn't that image a bit off topic?
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