"What does that even mean?"
"And I ain't a Morman."
"How could I be a Morman when I can't even get married to one woman."
"Everytime I try to get married the girl gets run over by a horse or something."
"Now you have to excuse me."
"HOP SING! Time to shave my back."
"I have to ride out to Hossback Mountain."
Sort of an insult to Mr Blocker-- Hossaroni's not that talented. Like a wannabe Hoss. Need some of Hossaroni's dialogue ...like first year nursing student meets Charlie Manson...BUSH IS A F-ING CHILD RAPING HITLER-DEVIL, etc
tho' H-roni has a softer side too! Elvis-roni. Or is it Donny Osmond like on 'roids...come on, Love me Tender, H-roni
I like the pilot. I'd love to see the series.
The forbearing use of power does not only form a touchstone, but the manner in which an individual enjoys certain advantages over others is a test of a true gentleman. The power which the strong have over the weak, the employer over the employed, the educated over the unlettered, the experienced over the confiding, even the clever over the silly--the forbearing or inoffensive use of all this power or authority, or a total abstinence from it when the case admits it, will show the gentleman in a plain light. Gen. Robert E Lee
"Mama Manilla" , with its usual non sequitur--unrelated, unfunny wack comment. That'd be Hossaroni (as is Timmy).
Actually ah suggest.....Hossaroni's aka B***n B*****y is.... actually a....Ted Bundy type. Psychotic murderer, long-time drug abuser with severe mental problems. Just has hid his tracks well for years.
Actually ah suggest.....Hossaroni's aka B***n B*****y is.... actually a....Ted Bundy type. Psychotic murderer, long-time drug abuser with severe mental problems. Just has hid his tracks well for years.
Your personal dispute with "Hoss" is hardly a reason to hijack an entire blog. Just sayin'.
Actually he/it's hijacked it (and many other blogs) with countless bogus names, stupid pointless comments, derailing. I don't mention it that much--but note the title of this thread. And yll also note the insults/defamation
from it.
@J Actually, I'm referring to your email.
No I don't know "who you really are".
Chalk it up to my density.
In my defense, let me just state that I don't trust anyone who "reveals" themself while retaining plausible deniability.
Plus I have bigger fish to fry today.
Believe what you want to. At any rate this POS's a lying fraud--uses a Abbie Hoffman avatar on DU, rants and raves along with the leftists and then sneaks on to rightwing/TP sites to proclaim love for Romney, argues for lower taxes, and spew racist BS--then will deny that he does either. Classic ratfink (and I say that as political moderate--not reg. in GOP or Dems)
My street attorney knows about the freak and this issue (as does the LASD--not because of me, though. Idont get cops involved (unless I know there's serious shit going down) --snitching is Hoss Belcharoni's speciality).
No "Timmy". I wasn't talking about TY or Chklittle, was I.
Talking abut you, perp. (And lets see--a pattern emerges - no posts,no blogs, no info. The Hoss MO...)
No, you should go away, yokel (meth and Jesus..You mean like Sac--your residence, little lib-rall). In fact once the trace work's done--you will.
(apologies TY. Ive said enough re "Hosss" ..but I'm nearly certain nearly all the posts (apart from ckh , a few others) on yr site are the work of one psychotic).
J thank you for the explaination.
Let me explain my policy.
Anyone is welcome to post here under any guise they choose. If it is a sockpuppet or two names for the same person that is fine with me. I don't care.
My only rule is that we try to be funny and bust balls. Or at least smart and caring. We bust on each other but are not afraid to cut each other some slack.
I don't care how many names one person might have. I want to treat each as a seperate character and hopefully a seperate point of view.
I think tracing IP addresses and worrying about who is who is not worth the effort.
Just so we are clear, Trooper, it is spelled "separate".
You're welcome.
Sorry I stepped away to do something in the store.
Just so you know, I have know Tim for a long time and he is a friend of mine.
He is not a sock puppet.
He is much worse.
He is a Red Sox fan.
NOBODY expects the Spelling Inquisition!
@Tim: I may be traveling to Boston again soon on business. I'll be sure to give a shout if I have any free time.
How could I be a Morman when I can't even get married to one woman.
A Mermen I should turn to be.
Funny thing about Dan Blocker was that he was under contract to Warners before he got lucky with Bonanza, so you get to see him next to another big guy, Clint Walker, and you realize ol' Hoss wasn't so big, after all, just average height, but heavy.
And the heavy's what killed him.
PS You read about how he (along with the other two) treated Guy Williams and then David Canary and you realize he wasn't a big man at all.
How is it that General Lee had that kind of prose in him, that kind of insight, and our present leaders, with the rarest of rare exceptions, don't? Is there any question that we have deteriorated as a species? I think the answer is clear and the answer is painful. Of course Lee was brought up to model himself after the ideal of a gentleman. And yet that ideal is still out there. It can be recaptured. The past. To resurrect the past. The best of the past. That is the struggle. That is the heart of the struggle. To resurrect the past in us and make it live. Again.
Pompous as hell but I'm gonna let it stand and post it anyhow.
Hossaroni! The San Francisco treat!
Lest anyone accuse me of being a puppet, mind you. Muppet, sure. Jim Henson look-alike, that's a given, other than the dead part, at least so far.
But I am workin' on it, apparently. Today at the ER a little doctor, whose last name ended in a "z", got me to thinkin' about the recent go-around about affirmative action at the EBL's place, and I have to tell you, that was one hideous doctor. Crack would say that I have to forget about race and realize he was just a lousy, antagonistic doctor, and might have been so even if he had been born in this country or if he spoke English. It _could_ happen.
Oh well, back to bustin' Troop's "spelling". Have to make hay while I am still on this side of the sod.
Hey Sixty, until you have a hindoo doc you ain't experienced the truly truly awful.
I have had those before, but I think I cowed them.
And just so we are clear, the first doctor I saw today was African American, and he, unlike Senor Doctor, actually paid attention to what I was telling him and was helpful. His shift ended and I was left with the one burrito brother who couldn't fly.
Did I ever tell you about a cute little NC school teacher I dated back in the 90s? Cute lil Cherokee girl, dumber than a rock. Thought the word "tortilla" was pronounced "tor-till-ah". Yep, teachers are overpaid.
Okay, I am watching Ron White the comedian on television and must be getting a contact drunk or something.
I have new neighbors in the apartment below me. They are hipster straighties and I had them. She is some vogue nip and he is some straggly, skinny jeans wearing fucker.
They are in their late 20's and her fucking dad bought the place for them in cash. $850,000 dollars.
Now they are having a party and smoking on the Juliet Balcony below me and I can smell the fucking smoke.
Fortunately, I did feel so much fab then them when I got on the elevator and they tried to diss me. They were by the elevator keys and I said, " Penthouse please, thanks". That shut them up.
Hate them not had them.
I live in Cambridge, Tim, hugs.
Between Central and Harvard Square, with a view of both squares from my fabulous full length windows.
Tim, for the price I paid for the place and the condo fees, yes I do have parking.
Although, the bottom floor of my building is a dentist office and some patron always steals my spot, which is the first spot to the door of my building. I go in there and give them some shit. There are three parking places for the dentist office. The rest are for tenants and have are loft numbers on the pavement.
When I rented out the place, if the renter didn't have a car, I could of rented it out for $300-400 month.
Unfortunately, the guy had a car.
He was a professor at the Divinity School at Harvard and left the place spotless. He was like 70, lived in Pittsburgh, but was in Cambridge for the year teaching.
My spot is not enclosed though!
But it is a space. My first parking space since I have lived here and it is fucking heaven.
Holy Hossaroni! Turns out there was a the High School English Teacher in the hey stack after all.
According to the wiki, Blocker had a Master's degree and worked as a high school English and drama teacher in Sonora, Texas, a sixth grade teacher and coach in Carlsbad, New Mexico and a finally a teacher in California.
In regards to astonishing bullshit and WTF concerns mentioned earlier, the MamaM once again states for Tim's express benefit that she is not a puppet of any famous or infamous blogger. When he erroneously presumes her to be and presents her as such, he does a disservice to everyone involved, including himself. The MamaM consistently comments on this blog and others from her own life situation.
Titus, someone has been hogging your space and filling the hole left behind while you were settling in and sampling tapas. Send in the clouds!
I had a four way tonight and I feel awful.
I cheated on my husband.
I was worshiped. One guy sucked my pecs, as another guy sucked my hog, and another guy ate my ass, and I made out with another guy.
They were all Latins.
I am a piece of shit.
Do I tell my husband, who is now on a flight from Mexico to India? He would be devastated.
I was fingering one of the guys asses and I can still smell him on my fingers.
I am horrible.
Hey Steve, you paranoid freak, do you think it is even approaching smart to publish that much information about where you live? Seriously dude, it's time for you to have another fit of pansy hysteria based just on what anyone could now figure out about you and your debased (allegedly) life.
Looks like you poked the "J" nest. I will from this point on call him The Riddler.
On a nostalgic note, Trooper. I went to Arlington Park outside Chicago on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. I hit 3 exactas which is the best I've ever done. But, of interest to you and all baseball fans, presenting the trophy to the winner of the feature race was none other than Moose Skowron..looking pretty good for a guy in his 80's! He's a good Chicago pollack
Are you all aware there is a Dan Blocker State park just north of LA on the coast.It's a beautiful spot and worth the drive if you're in LA.
Titus..quit the self loathing. Say a perfect Act of Contrition and move forward.
You may continue the self loathing, as you are an unfaithful wife, but for the love of God, wash the shit off your fingers. That's disgusting.
Sixty Grit said... but for the love of God, wash the shit off your fingers. That's disgusting.
It's also laden with bacteria and is very unhealthy. Especially whatever hides under the nails. Go make friends with some bleach, Titus--or at least some Palmolive. Soak in it, Madge.
I was first attracted to Trooper York's because of the rowdy pub-like atmosphere rather than the autocratic classroom or genteel cafe ambience of other blog spaces.
Is that changing, or is someone intent on changing that?
The song remains the same. It is what we make of it.
We are as rowdy as we ever are and shouldn't let some new poster harsh our mellow. I will dissappear the worst aspects of that situation but general or non-combative comments can go by. I like to give everyone the chance to comment and don't try to look behind the mask to see who someone "really is."
It's not that important.
Say your piece. Don't back down. Have some fun. Bust some balls.
This is the Fellowship of the Ring Dings.
Touched a nerve, eh Timmy von Casa Grande? Your long-winded, pseudo-erudite rants give you away ....Hossaroni.
TY--I don't mind gonzo ,at least when you got some people who can write it, or fake it well. Alas, that isn't the case here. Some yukmeisters, pollito el paysano, and... ol Hossaroni suckpuppetry--- Timmy, that obnoxious f*g Titus the ladyboy (Hoss's favorite role), MamaM..probably Sixty Grit as well when he puts on his yokel act. And one of his stoner pals "Carol the Hobo Herman"
when you stick to hard boiled it's not too bad. Otherwise about like ...talent night at the westSac trailer park
Titus admits he's horrible...
But will not change.
Who you callin' "Casa Grande Tim"? You ignorant jerk (at least we know what j stands for). If your sources were worth 2c you would know that I have all trailer parks west of Vaughn, including westsac. Tim gets the NE incl. romneyland. All lds-assigned.
Wer'e way ahaead of you and you can't catch up.
BTW J, is it "TY" or "T-J"?
I washed my hands thoroughly, thanks Sixty, for the advice.
And I have moved on.
Time to walk the dog at the beach.
I don't think J is dangerous. I think he is attempting to write gonzo-style, which should be both edgy and humorous but is instead coming off as edgy and creepy.
Either that or he is deranged. Hard to say really.
It's not that important.
Say your piece. Don't back down. Have some fun. Bust some balls.
This is the Fellowship of the Ring Dings.
Well, joints do change with time. Sometimes for the worse, sometimes for the better. I'm just missing some of the old regulars.
The regulars make the place.
"Here Comes A Regular"
Carry On.
TimTim aka Hossaroni the Salesman with his phony -sophisticate act again .
You're no sophisticate Hoss, Duke of Casa Grande. You don't know Moriarty from the Book of Moron .... or a chess opening from... Brigid O'Shaughnessy. Oo oo wiki time again
Stultorum infinitus est numerus.
Talk about riding out to Hossback mountain. Anyone who thinks Titus is going to come out for a meet and reveal luncheon is galloping with Old Dobbin on unsteady ground.
The very thought of someone seeing him in the fresh fruit aisle tends to send Titus into a spin.
However, the Cloud stirred up by the Stink Finger was fulsome and full bodied, with a fresh flavor J has yet to match.
This place used to be funny.
I guess someone's mission is accomplished.
Well done!
Call security, Hoss? I am going to call security on you (and have already traced you to Sac county, acid boy). Better flush yr dope. And you got yr snitchin' wrong. LA County, dreck.
yr little soap opera rhetoric isn't worth jack. You can't write. And defending the LDS again--hmmm. surprising. From..LSD to LDS! That's degenerate.
York can delete me. Or better, delete you, mormon swine
"This place used to be funny"
Grumps. It's important to keep your sense of humor.
And your glass filled ... I am on my second and inted to have a third. After all, you don't want the terrorists to win, do you?
If Tim is such a pussy that he can't hack J, then fuck him. I for one, am glad his pompous ass has been kicked to the curb. Good riddance, you fucktard.
I mean really, how difficult is it to ignore J?
Sixty Grit said...
If Tim is such a pussy that he can't hack J, then fuck him. I for one, am glad his pompous ass has been kicked to the curb. Good riddance, you fucktard.
That's pretty rich, coming from someone whose most salient contribution has been a spellchecker.
Aw, look at the pussy boy go - you really are easy to hook, lamewad. Now go complain to your mommy that the guys on the internet were mean to you - she'll comfort you, you fucking sissy.
And seriously, if you are going to go away, see that you do. You will not be missed. You make Carol Herman look consistent, correct and concise.
It's a dirty job, CL, but someone has to do it.
J really got to you, didn't he, Tim?
Boyze, boyze I go to the ladies clothing show for one day and you can't get along?
Grumps. It's important to keep your sense of humor.
The thing is, it didn't used to happen. Things change though, and people change.
I distinctly remember a Trooper York who complained about Jeremy at Althouse and even wrote "If he came over here I'd delete his ass." I could find the exact quote if I looked for it. Even Althouse has her tolerance limits: (see Mary).
Trooper finds value in J; others don't. The asshole left a comment on my blog and sent me a separate email asking for what I think is "understanding."
Ha Ha
Aw shucks, Troop, I was just glad Tim was taking his CH act away. CL wanted a piece of the action. It's all good clean internet fun until someone loses his perspective.
Yeah, still too verbose, too much Carol Herman in there. You really can't help yourself, can you, Tim? That's just sad.
If you could care less, that means you care some. Thank you - I can't tell you what that means to me.
So go have your mommy tell you more words and this time, have her tell you how to arrange them in a meaningful way. You are such a good little boy, always pleasing your mommy. Her name is Carol Herman, isn't it. Carol and her "special" son Tim, always projecting, imagining, he is ever so smart that way.
So you are Jeremy - such a stunning retort you just made there.
Does your mommy let you use such language? She really shouldn't, you know. People might think you have a limited intellect and vocabulary. That wouldn't be good now would it, little Timmy.
Who's blathering now?
The asshole left a comment on my blog and sent me a separate email asking for what I think is "understanding."
That is creepy.
Keep doing it, Sixty. Yer on a roll.
Found some concision, did you Timmy? After the thousands of wasted words you have spilled here you have the audacity to use the word blather? Impressive. Go have your mother Carol Herman tell you how to spell "chutzpah" - you need to learn that word.
And just so we are clear, Timmy, you are a thin skinned, semi-literate, insecure little man with a limited imagination and absolutely no sense of humor. I am laughing at you, not with you, as you are pathetic.
Seriously, how can we miss you if you won't go away? Leave in a huff. If that's too soon, leave in a minute and a huff. Just leave. But be sure to have your mother stop by - she at least, is entertaining and on-point, well, she is when compared to you.
We await your pithy, expletive-laden response, you dead bug.
"Yer" - nice, and thanks for making my point that English is foreign to you and your people.
I seem to have really gotten to you, Sixty.
And just who are "my people?"
You missed a couple, Timmy.
Maybe I did, Sixty. So, why don't you be a good Samaritan and help out poor, illiterate, non-English speaking lil (to use your spelling) me, and make clear exactly what you mean by "your people?"
Some people just keep going off on each other. Why? What’s the point?
Trolls, troll to create that very thing that make you argue.
Both of you have something of valve to say. Why attack each other? Look at it this way; someone wants to hit you with a fast ball. You have two choices: catch it and return the anger it invoked or step aside as it flies by and laugh. It’s your choice.
You're absolutely right, Sorin.
But I'm afraid I've said enough on other people's blogs.
You've just seen one of the best arguments I know for the wonders of Facebook.
90+ comments and not one mention of Sarah Palin.
Trooper's gonna look at this comment count and put in an Amazon button link.
I plead guilty, john, to having too much to say about "J," which set this off.
Trooper's inadvertently taken a page out of Althouse, and started an insult-fest, if not a flame war. Nothing like it to get the Sitemeter going. Of course, Althouse is a comment-war artist that few can match. But Trooper has the greater freak show potential, so we'll see who will win in the long run.
Tim, seriously, I thought you were going to leave. You haven't.
Your people are the alcoholic delicate flower sort with delusions of literary adequacy, who drone on and on, but who write like idiots. You can't tell the difference between "could" and "couldn't", yet you think you know English. You are on par with Carol Herman when it comes to writing. But since you are her favorite tiny Tim, that just makes sense.
As for you being whatever ethnicity you claim to be, who fucking cares? I sure don't. But be sure to check the box when applying for anything - you need all the affirmative action help you can get - your intellect and talent are not going to help you a bit. Being from another country and having to learn English as a second language might explain your illiteracy, though. That's very special - it gives you yet another excuse for your inability to express yourself clearly in the language we use here.
Your race will also be important at your "meat up" with Titus, however - you know he loves the "little brown guys". Just be sure to wash your hands after shaking his hand - we know where its been, just sayin'.
That's it? Another long winded content-free screed rehashing the hdhouse meme?
You are a talent-free zone, Timmy. But keep hacking, you will eventually learn English and maybe, one day, get sober.
Tim, you claim to be "smart", setting aside your inability to know that "could" is different than "couldn't", but didn't you pay attention to your comment that you are "Spanish"? How can you be Spanish if you are from Scotland? You are mixed up, Timmy, but I guess having Carol Herman as your mother and teacher will do that, right?
Now put down the bottle and sober up - you are too drunk to write.
As for your "brilliant", "creative" writing, stealing from Don Marquis does not make you as smart as you seem to think it does - you are nothing more than a no-talent low-life plagiarist, a hack and a thief. If your brain was not pickled due to over indulgence in alcohol, you would know that.
Not to change the subject or anything, but I had an interesting revelation regarding this thread over the weekend.
Trooper York is known to write on multiple levels at the same time. Normally I do not have the time nor inclination to try and figure them all out but this time I was curious so I Googled the term "Hossaroni". One of the four hits I got was to my own little blog.
A couple of weeks ago J had left a comment to a post I had made containing some clever comments at EBL's on the topic of skinny jeans. His comment seemed to be about certain commenters faking their identity or something. Though Coketown and Paddy O, whose clever comments I had pointed out, were not among the ones J mentioned.
I left J's comment intact even though it was irrelevant to my post since I like to err on the side of free speech and there were no profanities used.
After the Google search, I went back to the post to revisit J's comment, but he deleted it. I can only presume he used the term Hossaroni in his comment.
Nobody expects the Spanish Scottishs Hossaroni.
I can't believe that all this was going on while I wasn't paying attention.
I will address it in another post soon when I come back from the show.
I just finished watching "X Men First Class."
Consider me Magneto.
Professor X is a pussy.
A mess of pottage regardless of ancestry.
What's the point of writing and self deleting?
Drown her Trooper, there's really no other effective method.
Drown her! Drown her!
I mean Burn Her! Burn Her!
What's the point of writing and self deleting?
2 reasons:
1. I no longer think the subject of "J" is worth the electrons.
2. My writing style riles up some poor old guy in a nursing home.
In both cases, mental defectives are involved.
save yr drama for yr mama,Timmyberg
Of course you need to weigh her first.
What's there to weigh?
The largest heap of wacky insults?
The comparative heaviness of religious accusations vs. racial ones?
The immeasurable glory of appearing most unhinged?
Too see if she is heavier than a duck.
You need to follow the thread Mama.
Tim can see and hear and imagine things that aren't there - he's just that "smart".
Too bad he is not even the least bit clever.
But he is delicate and sensitive, so we have to cut him some slack. He might wilt if anyone didn't worship his plagiarism and worthless drivel.
Whatever, Timmy. Get back to killing your few remaining brain cells with alcohol - you are a sad, sad case.
You need to follow the thread Mama.
Yes, John, says the MamaM obediently. She was stuck at the part where things got skinky and someone turned into a newt.
Tim, it is writing like the above which makes me miss your blog. I only understood every third word but still, I felt like it was making up for my complete lack of any musical education.
I did read GEB, but only understood every fourth word of that.
"Paging Dr. Phil..Dr. Phil, please report to the Trooper blog."
Ah, if you could hear the sounds tiny Tim hears in his mind, it would be the sound of a minor second. What, you ask is that? That's not possible! Oh, but it is - it is the sound of two oboes in unison, or Tim pontificating as if he was truly capable of original writing or a basic understanding of English. Sadly, he is a wheezy double reed, honking and squawking like a goose fart.
But in his limited, sodden mind, he alone is wise. He's a hack, but he doesn't know it. He is great - just ask him. Actually, there is no need to ask him - he will tell you unbidden. He us fugued up in the mind that way. He is fugued, but by his own admission, he is amazingly slow. That's the way with weak minds - they are slow but they do poor work.
Animus magnetism
"Fugue?" you might ask. Yes, my mind always has a musical bent.
Oh yes Hossaroni always has a Osmonds' medley ready to go. You don't know the structure of a fugue from your fave fairytale, Hoss. And Huxley! time for stoner nostalgia.
Bogus, as always
dbp: Thank you! I should have been visiting your blog more often, and I will certainly make the effort now. Your latest posts are very good.
Excellent, J!
Very much like a Messiaen bird imitation. Which mode of limited transposition did you make use of?
Ode to a Yorkian Wood: Link
Fugue in J-T Minor
We'd like to know a little about you for our files
Is there going to be a thread about the Pettibone Power Wagon?
X said...
Is there going to be a thread about the Pettibone Power Wagon?
How about Pussy Wagon instead?
MamaM does not know enough about music to determine which instruments are involved, but the piece starts with the question, "Hey Hossaroni?" and builds to a cacophony of shrill, high pitched, booming and bass responses, shuttling the question back and forth:
Who's the Hossaroni?
Who's the Hossaroni?
Who's the Hossaroni?
While who (or what)a Hossaroni is remains unanswered.
Ol' Sixty might still have some sand on his paper. He identified the Nimzo Indian before it was embellished and used to settle a score.
Who's the Hossaroni?
Given the italian plural ending, and also that ilunga professes to know that language, I'm guessing that "Hossaroni" is plural too.
The Unanswered Question.
Why the conductor shot? Best sound on YouTube. One answer.
Yeah Hossaroni as plural works.
Referring to the dozens of bogus s-names, doppelgangers, noms de plume, aliases, AKAs, phony appellations, handles, tags, IDs, designations, and denotations used by one B***n B*****y in his hopes to deceive and defraud persons online, in hopes they will buy some of his goods--- Osmond tee-shirts, phony chiropractor supplies, or most likely, dope.
(Wasn't this sort of about like Dash Hammett, and like jazz,TY? Not honkey Handel or Huxley).
Thanks Tim!
Facebook and Twitter have sucked away most of would-be smaller posts and so my output has dropped.
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