I just wanted to sit on my easy chair and rest and read my kindle and maybe have a nice ravioli dinner tonight.
But we had to continue our walking regime where we go all the way down to the waterfront and walk along the piers and back again over the Summit St Bridge.
Then we have to go out to Long Island.
No rest for the wicked.
Still waiting to hear what your special project was many months ago
Would you like some cheese w/ that whine? Buck up, buttercup!
That's what happens one marries a determined dynamo. Some presents keep giving beyond the initial surprise or two.
The words dynamo/dynamite
come from the Greek "dunamis" meaning:
strength power, ability
-inherent power, power residing in a thing by virtue of its nature, or which a person or thing exerts and puts forth
-power for performing miracles
-moral power and excellence of soul
-the power and influence which
belong to riches and wealth
power and resources arising from numbers
-power consisting in or resting upon armies, forces, hosts
Who knows, a miracle may be in progress. When the TY starts tweaking the colors on his pics, complete transformation will have taken place!
@MamaM: The "dyne" is also an older (cgs) physical unit for force, supplanted by the Newton.
La Esposa Hermosa prolly thinks so too
Troop's married to Carol?
You callin' me a Ward of Dick, dickward?
I totally get what Troop is trying foster here now. It's like the bell rings and we have to stand up again in the ring.
Anything that gets me closer to Julie Newmar.
Riddle me this:
If you add all the friends of The Riddler[aka 'J'] and The Ditz[aka Carol Herman]; then multiply by 22, then square that number..what is the total?
It's still zero, spinelli.
Actually, I rather like the appellation "Gallina." It sounds latinate and makes me swell with potentate. I may use it down the road.
Could your character name get any smaller, jot?
Every thread a movable flamewar.
J does a better Jekyll than heckle. Fredric March would be proud. Not surprised if J is Wisconsin Spahn too.
blake said...
Every thread a movable flamewar.
Troop closed down the bar, blake. He's moved his place to the gymnausium. It's a smelly old place with an old sparring ring and a bunch of rotting punching bags. He figures that if he has to get in shape, every has to too. What gets me is that he thinks he's The Penguin and gets to smoke cigars while we get knocked around.
That's my latest take on the place.
The thing is, the Internet doesn't need another cage match arena. So that's where I agree with Tim.
This freak pretends to be a lib-rall at pandagon and digby,DU ,other sites-- at times-they'll like this.
First: you have zero credibility regarding who does what where, even if you do speak some truth.
Second: Who the fuck cares? Who appointed you Internet Highway Patrolman? This must be some kind of wishfulfillment fantasy for you.
@J: You are a broad spectrum antiblog pest. The fact that you say you have 8 plus years experience blogging coupled with your MO, tells me that you know what you're doing here. You must be on some kind of personal vendetta against AA and TY and most of their commenters. There aren't a whole lot of people who fit that bill. Sooner or later you will trip up and expose yourself for real. It won't be pretty either.
That's correct chickenlittle...zero. The Riddler is about to implode, enjoy the show.
LOL...And so it goes that as a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly.
In regards to boot polishing:
"Polishing shoes regularly does two things: It covers and repairs the damage of daily wear and tear and it nourishes and moisturizes the leather, keeping it flexible and healthy. A good shoe polish keeps leather shoes shining like a new dime."
If everyone who visited TY left a comment, there'd be plenty to riff off besides the formulaic rantings of J. In the opinion of MamaM, some of the best columns lately have included real life stories and comment in addition to manufactured fun and games.
As for Jay's credibility, he's been singing the same song for the last two years at least. A regular Johnny-one-Note.
How was the Ravioli birthday girl? What kind of ravioli? Just cheese? Was it homemade? And most importantly sauce or gravy as my italian friend say?
When I posted this I didn't mean I needed new work.
It is still a bar chick but now I have to be the bouncer as well as the bar tender.
New policy.
Gloves off.
Full deletions of any post from this point foward.
Life is too short for bullshit.
I can't announce it SPQR until the other party announces it. But it will be big. You will be surprised.
And laugh your ass off.
Good job Trooper - this place was getting awful.
Happy belated birthday, too. What are you now, like 23 or something? Wait, does that make me a boot polisher? I meant 63.
HB, regardless, you ol' duffer.
Prost! Salute! Cheers!
J was getting so little rest here anyway.
But it will be big. You will be surprised.
And laugh your ass off.
Trooper's Dream On Titslings:
Breast Rests for the Bountifully Endowed.
"Whose that Girl?": Lee Lee's new line of personal support undergarments offering soft as clouds comfort beyond Spanx.
I am still trying to get Nancy Grace's tit out of my mind.
She has enormous nipples.
Oh Titus, don't stop now the runway has been cleared of debris.
Was it bigger than a bagel???
Wow, I just had a ribeye steak smothered in onions and a baked potato. And I cooked it just right this time, medium rare. Man that was good.
I hope that was an inconsequential enough post to make everyone happy.
Her nipples are huge MamaM.
Like the size of a large pancake.
Her tits are huge.
Are they real?
Her children were there when the tit slipped out.
BTW, Chaz Bono is a mess.
Titus: Who is Nancy Grace? Should we know her by her fruits?
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