"Sure Armand. Hey what kind of name is that. You one of the Eyetalians?"
"No Armenian actually. I am Rita Hayworth's manager."
"Really? So let me ask you. Are you getting any of that gash?"
"Oh no it is a strictly business relationship."
"That's too bad. I hear she is hot stuff. You know you remind me of my high school gym teacher. He taught me a lot of stuff."
"Really. Like what? Climbing up a rope"
"I guess you can call it that. Hey after this you can come back to the Ponederosa and I can show you my rare clumbers. Scooch in close now."
Oh, so that's what Titus looks like!
Like a brownstone cowboy...
Running like a hoss in a star-spangled rodeo...
Like a brownstone cowboy
Getting cards and letters from people I don't even know...
And offers comin' over the phone
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