Carol_Herman said...
FDR got elected 4 times. His first time out, in 1932, was AFTER the Great Depression took hold. He was depressed when he got elected because his pee pee stopped working. That would get anybody depressed.
We still had the depression in 1936. And, in 1940. Didn't interfere with FDR's ability to win presidential victories. He only wasn't depressed when he was with my girlfriend Lucy Mercer. We visited him at Hyde Park back when we were teenagers. We were interns and FDR took a personal interest in us. And we did the same with his depressed pee pee.
In 1944, FDR was so sick ... he won without actually even having the ability to campaign! (And, that's where he changed his veep from Wallace to Harry S. Truman.) No matter what Lucy and I did we couldn't get his ..spirits up. Plus Wallace was a commie.
Rick Perry's ad appeals to all those close-minded white people who thought they were doing such a heck of a job with slavery! Mean spirited doesn't even begin to describe these people! I mean every white person is personally responsible for slavery. Everybody knows that. Even the descendants of bog trotters and spaghetti benders who came here a hundred years after slavery was done. White peoples. They are the worst.
And, Rick Perry comes out appeal to these idiots? These stupid white peoples. Like they count. Just because they pay the bills. We need to only listen to egg head professors and tax eaters who should tell us what to do.
He should fire his media adviser. I mean how dare he tell the truth about people losing jobs. You don't have to work. We can get it all from the free buffet line of rich people who can pay all our bills.
Even if he decides not to run this ad to often ... it's VIRAL now! And, that's NOT a compliment! I mean I remember the viral from FDR.
He gave me herpes.
FDR: Hey, you wanna touch my bearskin?
Girl: Yes! it's so soft!
FDR: Wait just a minute, lemme move the damn rug!
She's saying Rickey Branch again, just sayin.
It's Ricky Branch in her world. She has a different word for everything, KAPISH???
tits and clouds and hogs.
rare clumbers.
Rare clumber. Only one. The other was given over to death with nary a word.
MamaM, its to difficult to speak about.
I am sure you can understand.
thanks much.
too before Sixty goes off.
Sixty has a short fuse lately. :(
And it's still not clear skies and rainbows at Trooper York's.
We'll muddle through somehow.
And it's still not clear skies and rainbows at Trooper York's
Rollicking Stories
Rivers of Bear Sh*t
Clouds and a Clumber
Hidden Hossaronis
Galloping Fugues
What fabulous and fantastic elements are missing from this landscape?
Steve, you have killed your dog before, then it was resurrected, then it died again. If it truly died, then I am sorry for your loss. Dogs are the greatest companions humans have. Their only fault is that they don't live as long as we do.
But since you are rarely honest, I assume you are just shittin' around again.
What fabulous and fantastic elements are missing from this landscape?
That's neither hic nor house.
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