My dear Holmes,
It is your most humble petitioner, Inspector Lestrade. It has been some time since I have last requested you assistance in the troubling matter of the disappearance of Lord Douchebag which you might not recall as it happened several years ago. This curious case has dragged on and on. It seems to have escaped the notice of so many who claimed the deepest interest and concern, but who have gone on as though nothing had happened. It is as though Lord Douchebag never existed. The anniversary of his disappearance has come and gone without a single note from his so called friends and admirers. But there some new and troubling developments made it such that I thought I might contact you as we have not corresponded about this matter for many months.
As I had previously noted in my last missive, I or my agents have attended many of the salons of the noted conversationalist and dilettante Lady Chatterley where Lord Douchebag was a frequent and much valued guest. In fact it has been told to me that the Lady in question has often referred to him as wonderful. What is most striking is that his name has not passed the lips of any of the many participants for lo these many months and it is as if he never existed. He is never referred to or referenced in any way which is passing strange since so many professed an acute admiration for his talents such as they were. But not a peep from anyone for lo these many months.
Inspector Gregson had informally visited the salon over the past few months to see if he might develop some leads. Or at least that was his stated purpose. In actual fact he had continued his visits because of some strange friendships he had struck up with some of the rather scruffy dezians of this talking shop. He first struck up a deep and abiding friendship with a young follower of Lady Chatterley who shared his interests in exotic spaniels and defecation. But it seems his new friend had spurned him due to his burgeoning relationship with a sepoy who had recently been detailed to Devonshire from his regiment in Delhi. This has led to some violent disagreements and words of rancor that are most unseemly for a professional of Inspector Gregson sterling character.
Currently Inspector Gregson has made friends with a new visitor to the salon who seems a rather mysterious character. He speaks in a jargon not normally heard in these precincts. It is an arcane and rhythmic argot not normally found outside the confines of Bedlam. Although it often contains vague threats and anti-social sputtering there seems to be a glimmer of a deeper intelligence and good humor that is artfully concealed. Inspector Gregson has continued his correspondence with this strange character who signs all of his missives with a single letter as his mysterious sobriquet. It remains to be seen if this path of investigate will be fruitful but if anyone will be fruitful it most likely will be Inspector Gregson.
Many of Lord Douchebags strongest partisans have given up the search and in fact have separated themselves from Lady Chatterley and her gardening consort. The noted flautist and raconteur has left the salon and stopped his advertisements in the agony column of Woodwind News. The balding and fierce smith who owned the motorcycle shop has also left the salon and wanders about in his own more parochial pursuits of porter and greasy sausages. Even the noted historian of the salon has left for many years now and has transferred her attentions to the doings of the nefarious Red Headed League of which you are so familiar. All of them must have decided that the fate of Lord Douchebag is not something they care to ponder. Would that we could do the same.
I hope all is well with you and Doctor Watson and wish that you convey my best wishes to your estimable brother Mycroft. I must tell you that I have purchased another one of his etchings for Inspector Gregson to thank him for his continued efforts in my Quixotic search for the elusive Lord Douchebag. He much enamored of your brother's techniques and continues to express his appreciation every day although I do not see why he would treasure these etchings so much. But I venture to presume that I am not as enamored of representations of naked street urchins bathing in the Thames and rubbing whale oil on each other as a prophylactic for the cold. My taste runs more to watercolors of lilies.
I remain as always,
Your obedient servant,
Inspector G. Lestrade
Scotland Yard
September 6, 1899
Your obedient servant,
Inspector G. Lestrade
Scotland Yard
September 6, 1899
Bissage, he be dead.
Although it often contains vague threats and anti-social sputtering there seems to be a glimmer of a deeper intelligence and good humor that is artfully concealed.
Still not seeing the latter part of that.
J is no Ritmo.
Ritmo, he be dead.
Ritmo, he be dead.
Yeah, but nobody mourned Ritmo. He left some good comments on my blog which I appreciated.
You kill me, Troop.
deborah said...
You kill me, Troop.
Let's hope not. It sounds like J is trying to though. :)
Rit's a good kid, just needs to grow up a little...from what he posted, he'd found Miss Right and was going to change his ways, or something.
Ritmo is alive and kicking and we are in contact.
He had his reasons. Good ones in fact.
I wish him well and miss his comments.
There is a lot of irony and subtext in Conan Doyle's writing. He was a very interesting cat.
Many of the writers of those days were very interesting to me. Kipling. London. Sinclair. Those were the days when authors were really appreicated.
I love to go back and read the works of extremely popular authors who nobody knows today.
I recently began rereading the works of Talbot Mundy who was a great science fiction/fanatasy writer. Max Brand and Zane Grey are also old friends of mine and I have collected many of their books. I even slogged through some Karl May. Did you know he is Cedarfords favorite author?
whooop! re-dux
--That's because you're an untalented, right wing snitch Chkie. You don't know creativity even when it's bitch-slapping your face.
--Some of us eschew the PBS-speak, TY. C-D often was being ironic with Holmes as well, IMHE--read some of those old chestnuts carefully and one notes that Watson often makes a suggestion which leads to the solution. Dr. Watson's the homely empiricist, and family man--Holmes the abstract logician, chess player, violinist--eccentric bachelor. OR something like that.
--Cedarford? I don't discuss him --when you do, the ..ahem Chosen think you're referring to Mein Kampf or something. And actually I don't quite agree with his rabid anti-sem.
I was being ironic again J. And obscure. You see Karl May was a certain historical personages favorite author. Since C4 shares many of his views I thought he might enjoy his favorite author too.
Der Fuhrer, perhaps?? Then Hitler liked Wagner too. That doesn't mean Wagner is a Hitler--does it. A common A-house fallacy.
Joseph Conrad--there 's a klassic Anglo writer I sort of enjoy (tho he was a pole)
Exactly right. In fact Uncle Adophs nickname among his intimates was Winnetou.
That was one of Kay Mays biggest characters.
Well, it's well known that Wagner was a raging anti-semite, and word on the street has it that Hitler was not exactly singing Hava Nagila, and Cedarford has been known to blame everything that has ever happened, ever, on the Jews, so there is that. But I am sure those are all just coincidences, right?
Max Brand and Zane Grey are also old friends of mine and I have collected many of their books.
Maybe you should book a room at the Zane Grey hotel in Avalon. I've never stayed there actually, but have seen it many times from below. We prefer the RLS side of the Island.
Hey, you guys oughtta read the Wikipedia write up on Karl May's life. He was quite a guy. Bit of a charlatan, bit of a rogue, bit of a flat out criminal, but also clearly talented, imaginative and most of all able to pick himself up from terrible setbacks (imprisoned twice for petty thefts, but served fairly long, 4 years each, prison terms) and get back in the race. A real 19th century lust for life type.
I thought he was a very interesting guy myself. That's why I tried to read some of his stuff.
Heavy going.
So refreshing to see Hitler mentioned although it took me deep into the unintelligible comments. Well played, lads!
Hey Darce, just because your backhand is stronger than my forehand doesn't make me a ner....uh, guess it does.
Hehehe. Don't get me wrong, I love nerds!
Hi, ricpic. ;-)
What does "gutless" mean here York? I'll tell you: it's the real troll/lurker here engaging in a little neo-nazi rallying (tho will deny it endlessly)
Trace that IP-- ylll find the culprit (ie mormon tee-shirts salesman from Sac.)--actually it's...Raul! And probably 2-3 of the phonies on here, and also trolling A-house with a variety of names. Nothing worse than somebody who tries to act like MR All American, PC democratic guy, and then salutes Hitler when no one's watching.
That's because you're an untalented, right wing snitch Chkie.
I'd rather be a right wing snitch than a left wing snutch like yourself.
Nicely done, Troop.
No chkita the dumbass, yr wrong again. Like most of the A-tards you seem to think if someone doesn't support the likes of Foxnews, Limblow, Perry, Romney, Palin etc they are marching with marxists. Not the case. One might call it the...dumbass fallacy. Politics is not merely a binary--either/or. I was for Hillary, slightly (originally Edwards).
It doesn't take much talent to insult people, you stupid-fuck-who-reminds-me-of-someone-I-used-to-respect.
(lol! I feel better now!)
we'll see, chkita joto ,little speck of plagiarist garbage. You have nothing to say. Yr lame insults and ad hominems are ...nada, like yr mind
Yo York--Ive figured it out-- Chkie here's a ...Mormon! Note how he's reacted to insults against Romney/LDS (on A house as well). And palsies wit' that sick creep "Raul" aka ...dozens of names --also LDS, or close to them (like...sucks their d*ck close).
Jus say NO to the LDS cult. Any real irishman does (or American for that matter).
Looks like we're done.
@J: Thanks for your little comment at my blog (which I deleted). Every little clue helps!
The MamaM is disappearing for a week at a conference, just when things are heating up at TY! Want to comment on the Deep Blue Goodbye but haven't yet had time. Heading east on the Ohio turnpike today, came on a huge group (200+??)of Harleys parked at the rest stop with riders in leathers, many with fire fighter insignia and flags. Found out they started out in Chicago this morning, Tues at 9:11 am on a memorial motorcycle ride from Sox Park to Manhattan, with a stop in Shanksville tomorrow.
Would have liked to have heard the bikes start up and seen them in motion. They were an impressive sight.
Well everyone is welcome here. I don't discriminate against anyonw.
Except for Sarah Jessica Parker.
See you when you get back Mama M.
I think this will all blow over by tomorrow.
I was busy watching Lee Lees on What Not to Wear and the seasons premiere of Sons of Anarchy.
Thanks Trooper. Woke up this am to find a convoy of 14 electrical utility trucks parked around the hotel perimeter, lined up and ready to head south or east.
It feels good to see disaster recovery and remembrance taking place.
someone called you a mormon joto? if it quacks like a duck, it is a duck--like your pro-Romney quacks on AHouse, your mormonish rants, etc. Ergo, yr a mormon joto, Chkie-snitch
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