Carol_Herman said...
Jimmy Breslin just wrote a wonderful book about Rickey Branch. I LOVE JIMMY BRESLIN! I used to write him letters in the seventies about my neighbor's dog and what he told us to do until they arrested my postman who lived downstairs from me in Yonkers and errr.....well let's not talk about that.
Rickey Branch was the baseball manager for the Brooklyn Dodgers, back when he signed Jackie Robinson to play. Followed very quickly by Roy Campenella. I remember seeing a movie about him. "Sunrise at Roy Campenella" or something like that. He was in wheelchair. Except in the movie he was white. And the President. I was very confused.
I am always confused. I always mix up my tampons with my fishing lures. They both have strings. And those hooks can be sharpe.
Who was Rickey Branch? The manager who broke the color barrier in baseball. He was the first one to wear white socks with black shoes. Or Negro shoes as they called them back then.
Who was Jackie Robinson? Well, you could say he was a Black fella. But his accomplishments were that he could run. And, he could hit! I even went out on a date with him. That was a big deal in the fifties let me tell you.
Well at least I ain't running for President.
Suck my dick Joe McGuiness.
Robinson was a very electric player. That said he was prickly as hell. Campy, on the other hand, seemed totally comfortable in his skin and of course was a helluva catcher as well, essentially the team's manager on the field. Many's the time I saw Campy pickoff a runner who had strayed too far from first. A flick of his wrist immediately after catching the pitch and the ball was in Hodge's glove and the tag made. A thing of beauty. Carol, of course, could care less about the wonderful intricacies of baseball. Her loss.
When I hear "Campy" I think Campagnolo.
Reading a book on Musial. Rickey was respected by many but Musial and most players considered him a pontificating asshole. I surmise that fact that he was well educated was part of it. There were few college guys in baseball back then. Now there's too many.
spinelli, are you reading Stan Musial by Joe Vecsey? Just got it out of the library but didn't start reading yet. I figured if it's by Vecsey it's bound to be well written.
Yes ricpic, it is well written and since I'm reading it on a kindle I can tell you I'm 71% completed! I have jury duty tomorrow, so the kindle will be handy. It's my 3rd stint of jury duty, a lot of sitting and waiting..for lawyers!!
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