All I have is the will to remember. Time revoked/fever dreams-I wake up reaching, afraid I'll forget. Pictures keep the woman young. L.A., fall 1958. Newsprint: link the dots. Names, events-so brutal they beg to be connected. Years down-the story stays dispersed. The names are dead or too guilty to tell. I'm old, afraid I'll forget: I killed innocent men. I betrayed sacred oaths. I reaped profit from horror. Fever-that time burning. I want to go with the music-spin, fall with it
(James Ellroy, White Jazz 1992)
A bit more impressive than you, Hoosier Sodbuster. I can read and know that Raul's no Jeremy. He's .....a thespian! A Big Hoss-Hamlet for yr Log Cabin self, Hoosier-joto. Toe tap for it, HDI keep it somewhat real York--"Raul"'s only PC when it suits him. We're arguing for Galbraithnomics....not Romneyomics or Ahhhnuld. Adjustable sales and gas taxes--a sound idea. The Fed. does it with income, and....state could via sales
(J, Althouse blog, 2011)
The same guy or what? You make the call.
J has peculiarities. Like his Wicca obsession and his Log Cabin obsession. I don't get the insult value of these things.
You know who else did this? The guy who obsessed over calling everyone a hillbilly. He thought it was insulting but for me it was kind of a badge of honor.
J's biggest insult is perhaps his use of the still from that Bergman film.
He is definitely a different kind of cat. I just think he is one crazy dude but does engage normally in the strangest ways about the strangest things.
That is one of my major failings. I have to find areas of commonality so even the craziest person has something we can talk about where he won't go off the rails.
That's why people like Ritmo and Hd have found a second home here.
No, Ellroy had class.
And was coherent.
He verges on incoherance quite a bit it seems to me.
I don’t recognize J but the old women in the picture is definitely
a Bilderberger, saw her in 1979 at the conference.
If hd and ritmo are hanging out here, it's only in the sense that they are as dead as Bissage, and hanging around, you know, like that black guy claims we want him hanging around.
But that's old noose by now.
Why, thank you York.
No Ellroy, alas (and mysteries--)tho' perhaps some influence--I don't read his books or Chandler as I once did, say 10 years ago or so, preferring klassic noir/detective writing--Jim Thompson, Hammett. Ellroy's a bit..chi chi really. But...the first time you get through the Black Dahlia, LA Con, White Jazz,Tabloid--quite dazzling though sordid. He went porno, really. His plots do nearly verge on incoherent at times--compared to say, Jim Thompson's books--very tightly constructed. No BS. Same with Hammett (and like Chandler, Ellroy's..streeet speak at times sounds a bit...bogus, unlike say Hammett/Spade's or Thompson's command of dialect)
I don't care for sinking to the level of the Ahouse regs... or chk-little-- or the crypto-klan ala Edu. and S-Tommy-- but Ive been insulted there for months (merely for fairly ordinary, moderate views--ie, not marxist) so now return the favor.
(don't even bother responding Edu/chk/etc)
I think they're all Carol_Herman.
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