Thursday, September 22, 2011

I am so upset I could cry!

So the wife is insisting that we have to start exercising. She made us put on our running clothes and sneakers and go for a brisk walk.

I was ready for it. After I had a good cry.

I hate to exercise.


Ron said...

yeah...I hate it I lost the wife! Ufda!

blake said...

Oh, I like it.

I mean, theoretically.

chickelit said...

Eat your peas too!

Ron said...

Don't get too healthy...this place will go to hell!

Peter V. Bella said...

What next? Give up the cigars, the booze, and all the Italian cuisine?

Just tell her that doing the nasty is exercise too.

J said...

Brooklyn streets? Yeah, not so copacetic: get yr exercise running from street thugs trying to rob you and la esposa.

You need some weights, stationary bike, dip bar--or neighborhood gym, TY (and drop cigars---evil itself) . Then like... Charlie... ah coulda been a contendah

ricpic said...

It's like an unwritten law that there's something good about taking walks. But once a woman I was dating came right out and said that walks bored her. It was kind of a shock to me because it broke the orthodoxy of the goodness of walking but on reflection I had to agree: taking walks is boring as hell.

The Dude said...

I watched the Sopranos. The main characters dressed like that. You are in much better shape than they were, just sayin'...

I have walked all over the place, but I found it makes much more sense and is a lot more enjoyable to walk dogs than to walk without dogs. Your mileage may vary.

Trooper York said...

Actually the streets of the waterfront are my old haunts and I used to be around there back in the day. They are filled with joggers and bike riders and hipster couples with strollers.

Trooper York said...

We are supposed to walk tomorrow again at the crack of 10am.

I don't know if I can hack it.

ndspinelli said...

Walking saved my life, big guy. I now miss it when I don't get a walk in every day. Your bride is righteous.

dbp said...

I was getting a little chunky back toward the end of 2001, so I started walking at lunch time every day. Within about 6 months I started jogging, very slowly. It helped that my office had showers. I kept at it and ran in some little 10K races. In October of 2008 I ran a marathon and qualified to run in the Boston Marathon. I have run four marathons (including one that ran through your fair city) since that first one in 2008.*

*The one in 2008 wasn't technically my first, since I ran one in 1980 as a senior in high school.

chickelit said...

Your bride is righteous.

I agree with Littlespin. She wants you to do this because she loves you. Left to your own devisives, you might not last as long.

The Dude said...

I have exercised, worked hard and watched my diet my whole life, am not particularly overweight, nor do I have arterial or cholesterol problems, yet I spent last Saturday in the ER with heart issues.

If you have family history of heart problems it is prudent to do what you can to extend your life. I have lived longer than my oldest brother by 7 years, am closing in on how long my next oldest brother lived and really don't want my youngest brother to be an only child. That's a selfish goal I want for myself.

It's good to have goals.

Trooper York said...

Well you see it is strange. Even though I look like an unhealthy fat fuck I went to the doctor on Monday because I had trouble breathing the last few months.

They took blood tests the week before and guess what? My blood pressure, cholestral and all my tests are great. No problems. Except I do have one problem.

I have a deviated septum.

I always knew I was a deviate but I didn't know it was my septum.

The Dude said...

And that's a problem? Who doesn't have that? That's weird. Did you get your lungs tested? Can you get Leslie Ann Warren's lungs tested?

Trooper York said...

Yes I had my lungs tested. Everything was perfect. But I have very bad allergies and a bad deviated septum. I have a nasal spray to use to help.

I hate it because I never take any medicines.

Trooper York said...

I will have to cut down on the cigars.

Trooper York said...

And I might have to get the deviated septum fixed.

Does anybody have Jennifer Grey's phone number?

The Dude said...

I had it, but my smart phone failed to recognize it after a while.

If you get the surgery does this mean you will have to switch your picture from The Duke to Bruce Jenner?