One summer when I was a kid I had a part time job in a supermarket. The worse part about it was when some douchenozzle knocked over a display and you had to put all of the cans and what not back on the shelves.
Back in the day they used to hire kids from the neighborhood who wanted to make a few dollars after school. Now all those jobs go to Mexicans who work off the books and get shit pay.
So having to clean up a mess in the aisle takes me back to old days. And it still really sucks when you have to clean up somebodies mess every day.
Maybe I will have to hire a Mexican. Just sayn'
Hmm, I wonder what the letter "j" is in Spanish...
Chiamata i lunga in italiano...
J was originally a swash character.
In the Romance languages J has generally developed from its original palatal approximant value in Latin to some kind of fricative
And what is a fricative? A consonant produced by forcing air through a narrow channel made by placing two articulators close together. Also called a strident.
A Frickative Strident seems fitting.
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