The Great Spirit called all his people together from all over the earth. There was to be a change. He would give names to the people, and the Animal World was to rule. The naming was to begin at the break of day, each one having the right to choose his or her name according to who came first to the Spirit Chief's lodge. The Spirit Chief would also give each one their duty to perform in the changed conditions.
It was the night before the New World. Excitement was among the people. Each one desired a great name of note. All wished to be awake and first at the lodge of the Great Spirit Chief. Everyone wanted power to rule some tribe, some kingdom of the Animal World.
Coyote was of a degraded nature, a vulgar type of life. He was an imitator of everything that he saw or heard. When he asked a question, when he asked for information and it was given him, he would always say, "I knew that before! I did not have to be told." That was Coyote's way. He was hated by all the people for his ways. No one liked him. He boasted too much about his wisdom, about everything. Coyote went among the anxious people, bragging to everyone how early he was going to rise, how he would be the first one at the Spirit Chief's lodge. He bragged of the great name he would choose. He said, "I will have three big names to select from: there is Grizzly Bear, who will be ruler over all running, four-footed animals; Eagle, who will lead all the flying birds; Salmon, who will be chief over all the fish of every kind."
Coyote's twin brother, who took the name of Fox, said to him, "Do not be too sure. Maybe no one will be given his choice of names. Maybe you will have to retain your own name, Coyote. Because it is a degraded name, no one among the tribes will want to take it.
(from Mourning Dove (Hum-isha-ma; Christal Quintasket), Coyote Tales (1933))
Coyote, the vulgar trickster
and humiliates
(or is humiliated by)
the animal-like
of pre-history,
yet he is also
a creative force
transforming their world,
sometimes in bizarre
and outrageous ways,
with his instinctive energies
and cunning.
Still waiting for J to:
Edward Hicks was not available for comment.
Exile on J street, apparently. Fascinating...
Wile E Coyote!? We thought you were a Catholic. Coyote is an interesting totem perhaps but the 70s newage-native schtick had little to do with the native tales that Miss Quinstasket presented but with like..suburbanites on drugs (raht, BongRonius).
Ethics? On York or Althouse? Hah. Ethics of like Al Caponay. real ethicists are..compliance guys. Against wise guys, hustlers, opportunists--coyotes. Karl Malden in OTW--an ethicist. But padres are hardly all ethicists.
(savor then delete)
Rabid coyotes are another matter.
All foam, froth,
and flecks of spittle.
Snapping, lurching,
staggering in circles.
Covering the same ground
over and over
Paranoid and confused,
with hallucinations
Progressing to delirium
Every swan is entitled to his song.
But the bird can overstay it's welcome.
Remember Willie Mays!
Whatever--an aging, white male from Sac. posing as female (MamaM). Yd think that would bug some people (especially conservatives).
Yo-- some hardboiled poll-- and Ellroy fans in da TY House! At least one, out of a total of 6 responses.
Another cool thing about authentic noir/detective writers--they don't fock around wit' the poetic flowery frothing or talent nite artistes. Nothing against genuine klassics--even the russki stuff like Crime and Pun. TY hates--, but Dash would reach for his Derringer reading the usual blog "poetry"
Yd think
it wood bug
the slow called
open and hi minded
to hear Jay Hoo
ex spoutz
dare Eye Deals
whilst slamin doors
n' fingerin
dose hoo don't.
Sac or no Sac
MamaM claims
2 live berths
and enuf wit
and Fort-a-dude
to sir five
n' ex-cape noxious
whiners n' weeners
wit no ballz
The last thing some people do is follow their own advice.
That's what makes us human Tim.
It's called original sin.
Well, as Jesus said, go and sin no more.
Jesus said two curve balls and then a slider on the outside corner.
Jesus Montero that is.
If he calls those pitches, and they strike out a Red Sox batter, it really IS a sin.
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