So I was finally reinstated on TWOP after I had been suspended for my "out of line" comments.
Here are the comments:
It is amazing to me how many people enjoy pointing out what a mess Kim Richards has become is in their eyes. Now I know she will never be as articulate as Teresa of New Jersey or as classy as Tamara of the OC or as loyal a friend as Nene of Atlanta. She will never have as happy a marriage as Vicki of the OC or be as talented as Kim of Atlanta or treat people as kindly as Jill of NYC. So the fact that she might enjoy a cocktail or two and be a little fuzzy at details like calling to RSVP on super important Wednesday afternoon barbeques is reason enough to heap criticism and shame on her head. There is no doubt that she should be the target of opprobrium because she did not take that golden opportunity to see Paul without his undershirt.
When it is all said and done I don't think we will see Kim force a man to spend his fortune to support a bogus lifestyle to the point where he would hang himself. A little perspective might be in order. Just sayn'
It seems to me that turning the focus to Kim's piddling issues and not so unusual behavior moves the discussion away from the elephant in the room. I bet the show will continue to focus on it by reediting the footage to avoid the questions involving Taylor and Russell and Bravo's responsibility if any in the upcoming tragedy.
Their strategy seem to be working. Maybe Kim will forget to mail out a Thank You card next week and we can all call for her to be incarcerated.
I'm much more sympathetic to someone who is kind and shy and socially awkward and "medicates" for it, than I am to someone like Kyle who has no excuse for the way she acts--and the "I'm bitchy because I'm tired of Kim's problems" doesn't work for me either because...Kyle's that way to others as well, often completely unprovoked (as with Lisa).
This is right on the money. Look at how Kyle went right after the new kids Brandi and the other one (tiara girl). What did they ever do to her? I agree that Kim has a problem with groups and is very anxious.....you can see it in her face and in every talking head. But she seems like a very nice albeit damaged girl and I would much rather have her not show up at one of my parties now and again than have the rest of these women show up and attack everyone else in sight.
But I am a big fan of Kim's and that colors everything in my eyes. So keep bashing away and enjoy yourselves.
So these are the offending posts that caused me to be suspended. Here is what the Nazi moderator had to say:
All of these posts are [mr]boards on boards[mr] and argumentative. If you disagree with others, great, but please just say so and why instead of telling other people how they should feel, or attack them for holding a different opinion from yours. It’s never appropriate to call out other posters or aim sarcasm at them, either. If you have that much difficulty disagreeing with someone and still staying within the rules, then take a break until you can.
Since you’ve been warned about this before, and since you derailed the thread with multiple rule-breaking posts, I’m suspending you for three days to give you a chance to regroup. Posts deleted
Now I don't think any of these posts are out of line. It is my usual post ironic ball busting voice. Very toned down in fact. But the moderator has to control every jot and tittle of the boards. This goes to Tim's point about moderation. I would never moderate my comments. I believe in the full and frank posting of ideas. Except for someone who spews hate and racism like J. Anyone who has read his stuff knows what I mean. So I am deleting him. Very reluctantly. But I am doing it all the same.
I will not be posting again at TWOP. If they value my contributions so lightly than they do not deserve to have it. You should realize that when someone deletes you like that you are not wanted.
It's not hard to take a hint.
But the moderator has to control every jot and tittle of the boards.
"Jot" is the German word for the letter "J." I wonder who "tittle" is.
Titus as a false flag operation?
I doubt it. But I agree with whomever said it earlier that the J vs. Trooper thing was/is personal. I just looked back through a few weeks of your comments, Troop. It's highly suspicious to me that the whole herpetic flare up with J coincided with the Carol Herman stuff. Maybe blake's right in that they're related. I'd hate to think that though. She showed up at my blog for a while and was quite stimulating if not overly so.
My theory is that J stands for jealousy. Of what exactly, I'm not sure.
I've always been jealous of people like Troop, who can keep track of a whole bunch of what are in effect strangers, not only their names but their situations as well. I guess it bespeaks an interest in the world, I should say the specific concrete world, which I lack. Okay, jealous is too strong a term, reminded mildly of how out of it I am in comparison is a better way of putting it. Absent minded. And not even a professor. That's me.
Hey, I've been kicked off two sites, Ace of Spades and Free Republic. That's not chopped liver.
Well Titus is definately a false flag operation as he posts in other names including and not limited to Americas Politico.
But I was just referring to the fact he is obsessed with Tits.
I don't think J is related to Carol Herman other than they might be both part of the San Diego connection that Tim talks about.
I always thought our old friend Maxine Weiss is mixed in there somewhere as well. Just sayn'
Wow you got kicked off of Ace ricpic?
That's pretty good. What did you do try to give them some of your bubbies latkes?
I welcomed J to the site and was willing to have him as a particpant until he pulled his anti-semitic homophobe shit. Which above all was not funny.
He belongs in the warm embrace of the evil blogger lady who does not mind what he has to say since she never deletes him.
Unlike people like....me for instance.
Unlike people like....me for instance.
Did you see ritmo's take on that? I missed the whole thing but it sounds like she just chopped a whole bunch of comments indiscriminantly. I don't think she meant anything personal by it.
She did.
Too bad you didn't cut and paste the deleted comments. Do you think she's going to "Mary" you?
Check out what Sockpuppers R Us had to say. In the last comment of the thread before she notices it and it gets iced as well.
I suspect that he is either Tim or Palladian. (It's not me)
I don't think she is going to consistently delete as she is much too lazy to do that.
This was just a one time only gratuitous insult when I was getting the better of one of her favored trolls.
She loves trolls. Especailly new ones.
It's the same dealio as TWOP. When they don't like how the conversation is going they delete.
Which is their right.
As it is your right not to give them any comments to delete in the first place.
I don't think she is going to consistently delete as she is much too lazy to do that.
Except for Mary. I see her comments now and again and they're usually insightful and add something to the thread/discussion. But I've learned not to respond to her or quote her because Althouse will delete anything Mary-related as well.
I understand that they had their differences earlier but honestly there are much much worse behaving commenters over there nowadays.
Why was I kicked off Ace? I said some un-PC things about our dusky brethren BEFORE Obama's coronation. If those PC rules were still in place today Ace of Spades would be a ghost town. As would Free Republic. Exposure to reality has scrubbed any trace of that I don't say certain things which makes me holier than thou BS. At least at sites that purport to be conservative. EBL is and always will be impervious to that scrubbing of 'tude by reality.
Yeah, Mary is great. And she seems to have come out of nowhere...or I wasn't paying attention...again.
I think EBL doesn't really want the trouble of deleting at all. In (her) ideal world, trolls are ignored and thus never become too much of a distraction.
What actually happens is that sometimes trolls are successful at drawing in normal commenters. Rather than deleting the troll, EBL gets exasperated by her own regulars and deletes them instead.
Her actions can easily be interpreted as "counter intuitive". I think that she figures the troll cannot be reasoned with and the regular will understand. I think she is right about the first part, not so much on the second.
I think Mary got banned from an insistence on bringing up EBL's gay son. It was creepy and stalkerish--especially since Mary was evidently an ex student of EBL.
As it is your right not to give them any comments to delete in the first place.
Maybe it's time to hold back some vital comment fluids.
I remember when ricpic got thrown offa Ace.
Ace is kind of funny. His commenters say the most awful things, right on the edge (and often well beyond) of some hard-to-define line, and Ace will warn and warn and warn, and then one day break out the ban hammer and start swinging it around like a drunken Thor.
I am the most occasional visitor to Ace. He has a sensibility much like mine but the comment section doesn't work for me. Too repetitive and doesn't give you the scope I need for my craziness.
They're very clannish, too.
I think it's easier to get Ace to let you post on his site than to get much traction in the comments, frankly. Well, for me, anyway. Heh.
Well, Troop, I can tell you categorically I am not Sockpuppets 'R' Us, or any other entity not "TTBurnett."
I am barely able to be myself these days.
I have a WordPress account, a Twitter account under the same name as my screen name here, and a Facebook account as something similar. I don't frankly remember, because I hardly look at Facebook. I have friend requests from people who have died. We'll all meet soon enough, I trust, in a better place.
I'm working two jobs, and don't have time for blog comments bullshit. I took a lot of time today to write what I did, and that was mostly pre-written this morning. The intricacies of Althouse blog comments are lost on me, simply because I hardly read them.
The gushings of Captain Dave's groupies are as the musings of philosophers compared to what I find in Althouse comment threads any more.
I'm still around here, because you, Trooper, have been kind and generous with me, and I appreciate that. I am remarkably loyal to people who don't get their jollies abusing those who should be their friends.
Thanks Tim. It was just that the comment was very well written and very knowledgable and on the point about trolls and their behavior.
I thought it was one of the well know commentors who wanted to comment but not under their real or screen name.
As always I appreciate your comments and insight.
I only comment here and on Althouse.
I don't have the energy to spread my seed everywhere.
It needs to be fast, convenient and easy.
I do love big bouncy tits though.
I was wondering what happened to you Trooper. Jeez. Picking Carol over you? And Crack has been gone for a long time too.
Titus, I hope you are not all those alternate personalities. Only because I have defeneded that you are just you and I do not like being wrong.
As for TWOP, what can you do. Idiots over there. I haven't been there since Season I of Lost (when I thought that show was smarter than it turned out to be).
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