Tonight is the next installment of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and the coming attractions are very interesting. It seems that one of the new girls Brandi is going to call out Kim Richards and call her a drug addict and drunk. Now that might very well be true and maybe Kim is wrong for going on TV where all this is going to come out. I don't know. I do know that I have a soft spot for Kim and hate how all the others gang up on her and smack her around when there are obviously rephrensible turds like Taylor Armstrong who spent so much of her husbands money that he ended up killing himself. Kim just likes to get high. Like a lot of us.
So I had been defending Kim on the boards of Television Without Pity. I had already been banned there prevously but I went back and tried to live by their rules. Which are very arbitary and stupid. I mean my posts and snark brought out a lot of other activity and posts which I thought was the whole idea. But they suspended my account. I guess for something but I don't know what. They really are little Nazi's over there. But that seems to be the trend everywhere that bloggers want to micromanage and control their comments. It seems totally against what blogging should be about. The free exchange of ideas. I mean I was only sticking up for a poor drunken ex child star. And I got suspended.
Oh well. Just another place to not go to anymore. I don't care if they reinstate me. That was another one of those studied insults you know. Time to move on down the highway.
Not mah Kimmeh!
(Not that I actually recognize her from the picture. But still, I have memories! Escape To Witch Mountain was one of my favorite movies as a kid.)
That's what I talked about in the threads. She was my imaginary girlfriend at the time.
I still have a soft spot for her.
I still have a soft spot for her.
No refraction here.
"Arbitary" totally doing a Sixty.
I'm seeking another series recommendation as good as Troop's "The Wire" recommendation a few months ago if that's possible.
I have been kicked out of better places than that.
Cher was on DWTS.
I totally creamed my jeans.
Love Cher.
Cher was on DWTS.
Whatsitsname is still in the running?
Cher's "shim" is still in it but "shim" is absolutely awful. Shim "danced" to Rocky last night.
Ricky Lake is the best.
You are not welcome here J. Your posts will be deleted.
Please post your insightful comments over at Althouse as she values your viewpoint much more than mine.
Please post your insightful comments over at Althouse as she values your viewpoint much more than mine.
I noticed that too. Too many tells.
Althouse loves trolls such as Jeremy and J. They bring lots of comments and activity to her board. Keeps the comments count and page views up.
Many people have left there because of it. Normally you can ignore it but sometimes you can't.
Especailly when it follows you home. As it did to you as well.
Especailly when it follows you home. As it did to you as well.
See my comment in the next thread.
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