Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Dummy Up!

Work continues on the new store. We had to go to the dummy factory and being a big dummy I fit right in. As usual I had to carry Lisa's purse as she ran around picking stuff out to fix up the store.

Lisa is kind of like Cinderella. Only instead of birds and mice to do her bidding she has a gaggle of homo's and Frenchmen who rush to help her spend money on the new store. The manikin store actually has a huge warehouse in the Brooklyn Army Terminal in Sunset Park.

It is huge factory with tons of stuff in it. This company is a big deal since they have contracts from Macy's and Walmart and Bloomies. We know them because we filmed in their store on the show. Joe the Manikin guy was on the show and we invited him to the premiere party with his partner. He loves Lisa so he is helping us out. They have a painting room where they can spray paint some more of the furniture without us paying a mint to Sean the refinishing guy. These aren't separate pieces that would be worth refinishing so we are getting them done in one shot.

The color scheme is very important to designing a store. We are using an Erte print as our guide. The wallpaper will be grey and we will have bright yellow and green accents.

But not yellow dummies. Only the furniture and other accents.
You just have to get the right pieces to show off the naughty bits. Or at least what you going to use to cover up the naughty bits.

A lot goes into getting a store right.


MamaM said...

I wouldn't let a guy with a watch that size choose my swatch.
But then, I'm running my mouth, not a store.

As for the Erte print, is it:

The famous X?

or the fabulous Ringmaster!

or something frenchily L'ESSENTIEL?

blake said...


Ruth Anne Adams said...

Yellow and green? It's a Green Bay Packer store! Cheeseheads unite!