Thursday, October 16, 2008

Joe the Plumber is gonna get reamed.

So Joe the plumber asks the Chosen one a question about buying his company that would make about $250,000 and would Obama be raising taxes on him. Then Obama made a big mistake and told the truth. Of course he is going to tax the shit out of him to give to other people to help them do well. Then all hell broke loose.

McCain used Joe the plumber to hammer Obama and he didn't like that very much. His minions in the press and the blogosphere have looked up the guys asshole and spread his whole life out on the Internet. If he ever farted in church it will be trumpeted to the high heaven. God forbid a regular person with bills and problems asks a question of his betters. He has to be destroyed. It won't be pretty.

I remember when they passed the law outlawing smoking in bars. One of my clients went on TV and talked about how much that was going to cost him in sales. I rushed to the bar to ask him what kind of idiot was he trying to be by putting himself in the line of fire. They would audit his ass if he crossed Nanny Bloomberg. Sure enough he got visits from the fire department, the health department, the workers compensation and the labor department in the next two weeks when he hadn't seen any of them in the prior four years he was open. That's what happens when you cross these commie big government types. Just be ready to be reamed.


I'm Full of Soup said...

I am tempted to go to Biden's "neighborhood" with a movie camera and knock on people's doors to see if I can find a plumber.

knox said...

There's a post on Ace about a guy who was ready to talk to Politico about Obama's relationship with Ayers--and to prove there's a lot more to it than Obama is admitting.

He has backed off, insists on maintaining his anonymity. Any wonder why? And so now, with only one anonymous source, Politico won't run with the story.

It's getting scary. The media really has become like an arm of the State. The Coming Obama State, that is.

Trooper York said...

I think about that all the time when I post stuff. I often edit myself because I not really anonymous and I don’t want to get in a beef. Plus it can affect your business. That why I deal in metaphor a lot. Most real liberals aren’t smart enough to figure it out.

One of the really liberal dudes who posts on Althouse lives in the neighborhood and I see him all the time. I knew who he was but he didn’t know who I was. But I went up to introduce myself one day when I saw him on the street. I think he was gonna shit his pants.

I'm Full of Soup said...

ouldsha artsta ashingsla MSM iersta.

Got it?

I'm Full of Soup said...


"iersta" shoulds say iresta.

blake said...

This should be Obama's "tank" moment.

It should strike terror into the hearts of every US citizen.

And not, necessarily, because of the big O himself, but because of the insanity of asking a question being grounds for destruction.

Zachary Sire said...

The problem is that "Joe" (a.k.a. Sam) is in no position to be "buying" any plumbing business anytime soon, so why was he misrepresenting himself? And even if he did buy the business, it, like the majority of other small businesses, wouldn't be making more than $250,000, so his taxes wouldn't be going up anyways.

Trooper York said...

That's not true Zach. Many small business could easily make $250,000 in net income. This could result in them having non deductable expenses like the principal on a loan which is not a deduction. So you would use funds to pay off the debt and not be able to deduct it on your taxes thus creating a "paper" income that you don't have because you don't have the cash to pay the taxes. Also since most small businesses are Subchapter S or LLC's the income at the end of the year is the owners compenstation. Thus that number is really easy to reach in net income. Don't believe the talking points. I know it is easier to trash the guy because he drew blood on your man but his point is valid. Obama told us what he is going to do. He is going to take money from people who earned it to give it to other people because that is what's "fair." If you like that, well that's fine. A lot of people don't like it. At all. The problem is he let the mask slip. And the guy who did it with a simple question must be destroyed. Right.

blake said...

Jesus, Zeeps, hang the guy for having a dream.

I'll be lucky to turn ANY profit on my business, but I don't like Obama's plan either. Why? Because I'd like to get to the point where I'm pulling in $250K.

With my current margins, of course, pulling in $250K means making something like $25K (pre-taxes).

It's supposed to be that the American Dream is a combination of a lot of hard work, a little luck and a stable economy, all of which are challenging enough.

Now it's a lot of hard work, a ton of regulation and a crushing tax burden because some guy who's never had a business wants a little class warfare.