In an incredible last minute surge, macaroni and cheese burst through and has emerged victorious in our comfort food poll. Meat Loaf was devastated by this defeat. The final results:
Macaroni and cheese 48
Meatloaf 37
Fish and chips 22
Fried chicken 20
So mac and cheese it is. Thank you to everyone who participated in the highest number of votes to date.
Next up, the cooking show host you would most like to stuff.
Macaroni and cheese 48
Meatloaf 37
Fish and chips 22
Fried chicken 20
So mac and cheese it is. Thank you to everyone who participated in the highest number of votes to date.
Next up, the cooking show host you would most like to stuff.
Aww. But he has his principles! :)
And just exactly won't he do? I never could figure that out from the song...
What exactly Meat Loaf won't do for love could be the next poll!
a.) Get Hitched.
b.) Lose 10 lbs.
c.) Have a third comeback.
d.) Take over the Frankenfurter role in Rocky Horror: The Next Generation
Can you imagine Tim Curry purring "Make it...so."?
I want you.
I need you.
But there ain't no way I'm ever gonna' love you.
Don't be sad.
Two outta three ain't bad.
So...mixing up his songs...he will do anything for love, but he won't ever love you.
Yay! Mac 'n Cheese. [That was gonna' be the tagline if Mitt Romney were named as McCain's running mate because he's so gosh darn cheesy.]
Brilliant, Ruth Anne!
Well "Pfft!" to him! Here's where I admit to liking both songs, though. And ABBA.
*runs away*
The fact that mac 'n cheese won out over meatloaf is a definite indication of the feminization of the culture. You don't want firm manly comfort food. You just want mushy cheesy blobby slippy gummy floppy comfort food. It harks back to the Romans in their decadent stage passion for risotto. It's...unseemly.
I like 'em all.
But I don't think of any of them as "comfort food". They're all pretty good (or equally bad) for you, depending on the metric you use.
Too much protein, white flour, dairy, chicken growth hormones, rancid oils....
Gosh, I'm hungry.
But you see the idea for comfort food is the food mom would make for you that brought you back to all those everyday dinners you used to have when you were a kid. You know you would come in and through you baseball glove in your room and wash up and go to the table and pour yourself a glass of Kool-Aide and get a big plate of what mom always made. It is the taste of home.
It is the taste of home.
None of it was the taste of my home (especially Kool-Aid which is delicious but which neither of my parents would ever have bought), but I love mac and cheese regardless, so I'm glad it won.
Meat Loaf was devastated....LOL.
Is definitely in your Top Ten of your greatest lines!
Also do you realize how special you must be to get a link from Althouse on a Friday night?
Well everybody is different. In fact this topic is one of the most fascinating ones that I know. Whenever I was about to get in a beef in a bar, I would turn the conversation around to food and what was the other guys favorite food that his mom used to cook and he would start talking about it and thinking about it and getting all emotional and would end buying a round.
So what food is the taste of home for you Freeman?
My real comfort food didn't even make the list. It would be a potato and egg sandwich on Italian bread with lots of salt pepper and ketchup. When you didn't want anything else you would always eat potato and eggs.
But I figured I would Wasp it up for this crowd. Potato and eggs is too guinea.
So what food is the taste of home for you Freeman?
Grilled beef, various cuts. Grilled pork tenderloin. And grilled squash and zucchini (drenched in olive oil and sprinkled with freshly ground pepper and kosher salt before grilling.) Homemade mashed potatoes with tons of cream cheese, cream, butter, and garlic.
My Dad and I ate those foods all the time. Like almost every night.
Oh, and peanut butter and honey sandwiches, but I made those myself. You have to give the honey a chance to soak into the bread and sort of crystallize. Big glass of milk required. Yum. Still eat that all the time.
My mother makes an excellent curry chicken casserole. Also, at one time, a German woman worked at our house and made dinner every weeknight. She made delicious breaded, pan-fried pork chops. We ate them with sauerkraut and mashed potatoes.
Actually, I think the sauerkraut was ON the mashed potatoes. Either way, it was good.
Now that's some good eating. Especailly the zuchini. I make a lot of that for my wife with grilled chicken that I have marinated in vinegar, salt and oregano. With a side salad with black olives, red onions and riccota salada cheese that is one of her favorite meals.
Sauerkraut and cabbage products per say are vasted underrated as a veggie. It is really the basis of your egg rolls and your spring rolls and can be served in lots of inventive ways with pork especially.
My comfort food would probably be home-made white bread, then.
My mom made (and still makes!) white bread in loafs and rolls that's so good, people ask her to make it as Christmas gifts.
Store-bought, not so much.
With a side salad with black olives, red onions and riccota salada cheese that is one of her favorite meals.
Yum! That would go perfectly. I'm going to try that chicken marinade. I mostly just roast chicken with butter, salt, and pepper on the skin and lemons stuffed inside. I should change up.
Any poll of favorite comfort food that doesn't include rum is suspect.
Potato and egg sandwich sounds great, by the way. Are the potatoes fried?
What could be better than home made bread spread with some fresh creamy butter spooned out from a newly churned crock. Or jam with the plump berries dotting the rough cut slice. Or a nice breaded veal cutlet with a slice of fresh mozzarella and a piece of basil between two big slices of warm freshly baked bread.
Sure. You cut the potato's like rough cut cottage fries. But I would take the skin off for the kids. Fry the potatos and when they are done pour four eggs over it. Flip it over once and when it is cooking on the oppisite side put on some fresh mozzarella. Then put it between some nice crusty Italian bread. Extra salt, pepper and ketchup is optional, but I like to just put on some salt and eat it nice and greasy.
Freeman, if you can, don't use the oregano you get in the jar. You can catch up with some dried oregano on the stalk in any salumeria or ethnic food joint. Greek oregano is paticularly good. I clean it right off the stalk, just be sure not to get the stems mixed in.
Mashed potatoes. Was my life so strange that these billowing mounds of starchy goodness do not even rate?
Gonna hafta try that, Troop, sounds great.
Trey--Mashed potatoes were included with the meat loaf that didn't win.
I did my best for Meatloaf.
Comfort food at our house was hot cornbread, slathered in butter, and covered with molasses.
And I think my Mom served cole slaw at every meal. Let's hear it for raw cabbage!
Well the entry was meat loaf and mashed potato, but it didn't go with the joke.
What an interesting plangent note from Trey.
Mashed potatoes: was my life so strange that these billowing mounds of starchy goodness do not even rate?
Whatever did I do to wander o'er the earth, the common spud's comfort in mashed form denied?
O cursed fate!
I got Trey's comment completely wrong. And then I made an ass of a poem out of it. Not me. I'm not the ass. The poem. The poem's the ass. But I know Trey, being a magnanimous sort will forgive. Hey, I'm makin' even more of a fool of myself tonight than Titus normally, or abnormally, does!
In honor of the contest....my Mac and Cheese recipe.
Nom Nom Nom
Be sure to have a full bottle of wine. Nice green salad and fruit if available.
I tried to vote for fried chicken, but I'm not sure if it went through, poll being semi-down at the time. Thinking of my Mom's chicken, fried in bacon grease. Mom fried everything in bacon grease. Very tasty, and we had never heard of cholesterol. That's my comfort food. Mom's comfort food was lamb chops, or any cut of lamb. With dry toast. A Scottish thing.
The potato and egg sandwich sounds great, and I plan to try one real soon. A little scrapple might go right in with that.
But you see the idea for comfort food is the food mom would make for you that brought you back to all those everyday dinners you used to have when you were a kid.
See, I misunderstood the whole thing then. I thought comfort food was your favorite food, not the same as what your mom might have made.
I voted for fish and chips because it best reminded me of the venerable Wisconsin Fish Fry. We always went out for that. I still "test" a first time new restaurant by trying their fish and chips.
For the record, my mom's best dish was either pot roast or pork chops--but those weren't on the list. :(
Actually comfort food and the food my mom would make for me is = same =same.
My mom wasn't the greatest "gourmet" cook, but her fried chicken, mashed potatoes and cream gravy were to die for. When I was a kid, I was afraid of the hot fat, but still learned how to cook chicken.
From Arkansas, Missouri and Lousianna roots, the best fried chicken I can tell you is from YOUNG fryers. Not these old stewing hens we have in the market today. AND as Beth in New Orleans can attest... half 'old style' Crisco half corn oil. Forget the stupid transfat broohaha. Just give me great crispy fried chicken. Stay out of my kitchen food police!!
The best compliment I have ever had from my husband was that my chicken and gravy were better than his mother's and even his grandmother's both of whom are from Arkansas bred and born and who are supurb cooks. He also said....don't tell his Mom. Good son.
Actually, I think the sauerkraut was ON the mashed potatoes.
The best!
"I know the territory
I've been around
Sooner or later
You'll be screwing around."
"I won't do that."
Dust Bunny Queen, that sounds delicous. Especially the gravy!
Hungry now, but that's nothing new.
Congratulations, Mac.
Today ended the four week fermentation for my home made sauerkraut experiment.
WOW! The home made stuff is nothing like the overcooked packaged grocery store sauerkraut. It's incredible; crunchy and tart.
I need to round up some spuds tomorrow so I can try the sauerkraut on mashed potatoes comfort food treat.
Note: If you are going to make your own sauerkraut - wait until a season when your windows can be kept open. My clothes smell a bit odd these days.
My fave comfort food remains chicken fried steak. Ahh, just the mention has set me to planning tomorrow's lunch.
My recipe for Mali-Dew. Malibu rum, Mountain Dew, ice, glass. Pour, stir until properly chilled, sip, smile.
Mountain Dew? Seriously? Dude, my hat's off to you.
Hi Trooper York. Nice place you got here, and thanks Althouse for pointing out where the foodies hang.
Sorry, Meat! Had I known earlier, I would have done my part to see you on top.
Thanks for stopping by Penny.
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