Well they have another three contestants on Idol this week and unfortunately it has gotten too predictable. I mean the format is all screwed up. They take one guy and one girl and one extra person. But what they really have is slots for types. That’s what this is all about. They have gotten even more blatant about it especially Kara who keeps talking about how commercial some of them are. Anyway some of them are just cannon fodder and comic relief like the Funny gay dude who didn’t sing at all during the group song that started the show. First they took the little red headed Mexican girl who can belt it. She is in the Jordan Sparks young girl spot. That eliminated a girl who I think is a better singer Mishavonna Henson. Hey a lot of them have weird names this year. Any way this Missionary position girl is also very young but she really reminds me of Jordan Sparks because she can really sing. Some guys are elimated right away like Matt the welder guy. They already took the oil rig dude last week so the straight working class Daughtry spot is taken. Now they need some cute black girls and I thought this Jasmine girl had a chance and they even gave her a pimp spot to lead off but she pretty much sucked. This year’s hippie chick also blew and she didn’t make it as they took another nondescript gay dude with a hat. And of course they took the gay Broadway dude who has been a professional singer since he was in diapers. Now don’t get me wrong, he is far and away the best singer. But he might be peaking too early. That’s what happened to that Archelata kid last year. You can’t lead wire to wire. People get tired of you quick. So even though he is far and away the best I don’t think he is going to win.
Next week they will take the blind dude and Lil Rounds the cute black girl since they need a black person to be in the top twelve. My other pick is this blonde chick Kendall Beard. The rest of them are really cannon fodder so unless they go crazy they don’t have a chance.
A new feature is that there will be three wild card picks. My prediction for that is Jasmine Murray since they need more black faces. The hippie chick since they think she is commercial. And maybe the dueling piano guy. I just hope they bounce that hippie chick first because she gets on my nerves.
You want to have fun watching this, not get aggravated.
Next week they will take the blind dude and Lil Rounds the cute black girl since they need a black person to be in the top twelve. My other pick is this blonde chick Kendall Beard. The rest of them are really cannon fodder so unless they go crazy they don’t have a chance.
A new feature is that there will be three wild card picks. My prediction for that is Jasmine Murray since they need more black faces. The hippie chick since they think she is commercial. And maybe the dueling piano guy. I just hope they bounce that hippie chick first because she gets on my nerves.
You want to have fun watching this, not get aggravated.
I dig Norman. I was entertained. Hope they bring him back and he dresses as Judy Garland.
I can't help it. I love Adam Lambert. The only thing I care about this season is Adam. The others are all just in the way. I want Adam!
I'm still not watching this show.
Adam is a refugee from an 80s hair band. Seriously, he's Bret Michaels from Poison, he's Tom Keifer from Cinderella, he's Joe Elliot from Def Leppard. I think he's good, but I don't get why they keep referring to him as "modern" and "relevant" when he's so twenty years ago.
This was the first week I watched this season, so I'm not going by anything that happened earlier, but I was kinda shocked that hippie chick lost to man-in-the-mirror dude. I didn't want to like hippie chick based on her appearance and schtick, but vocally I think she's got a different style than what Idol usually serves up, and mirror dude seemed completely Idol-ordinary.
I mostly agree with George about Adam, but dude does got some Elvis in him. It will be interesting to see how that plays out.
I have some resistance to Adam because he is so polished and slick. I suspect he's working real hard at his "gosh, shucks, this is such a great opportunity for a humble guy like me" thing. He's smart to know that he has to play that game in order to get votes. Of course, he better not overdo it 'cause then it gets real annoying. I can't deny he's one of the stand outs especially among the guys.
Thank God Norman is gone. Bleah.
I hope they wild card back in the Guy from last week that Paula is so up on. I suppose I should learn his name. (!) He rocked way better than anyone else last week, especially Mr. Pimp My Dead Wife. You'd think someone from Wisconsin would have a modicum of good taste about him. I think he moved here from Chicago.
I agree about the dead wife guy. I mean you can only cry that sad song for so long before people start to resent it. The favorites often fall by the wayside and the judges are subtle in the way they try to influence things. They build up someone like Bo Bice but in the later rounds they turn to praising someone else. I think Broadway Boy is peaking way too early. I have a sneaking suspicion that Missionary Position girl can sneak in. She has a real likeability and really reminds me of Jordan Sparks.
I always volunteer to do the dishes when this show comes on.
I have to remind myself that most of the folks we are seeing now, we would have not really seen much of, in the old format. That means it has more a popularity contest element than before, but hopefully the wildcard selections will solidify the final 12.
I'm not sure Adam will be able to survive the long haul but its hard to diminish his talent. I like the red haired 16 year old.
I think the key is to be in the background and then come on strong in the later rounds. That's what David Cook and even Kelly Clarkson did. It is real hard to maintain the lead from the wire. Too much presure.
The only reason I sometimes tune into this show is Simon. Now that they have four judges, that means less Simon time. At least for now, I find it almost unbearable to watch.
Simon seems to be getting bored. But the good news is that Paula is on her way out. And Kara rips right into Simon and can actually make some sense. So she is the rookie who is coming in to knock out the old veteran (Paula) who should have retired. She reminds me of Willie Mays at the end with the Mets. Whiffing at the easy ones and not even able to get to first base.
Simon is definetly bored at this stage because he knows that each group of 12 has only a couple with any real talent from his perspective. Having to "perform" for these elimination rounds is only dragging out the process for him.
"First they took the little red headed Mexican girl who can belt it."
Oh, Trooper, I loved her!
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