Sunday, August 10, 2014

Marilyn's Diary

My Uncle Herman was a big man. He loved to eat. It took a lot of fuel to run a body that was made up of a thousand moving parts that came from a bunch of different bodies. So he was always munching on something.

His favorite meal was breakfast. He loved bacon and eggs and pancakes and French Toasts. But his favorite meal was cereal. He would make a big heaping bowl of cereal all the time. Drink it down with a quart of milk. He would love to add fruit to it. He enjoyed blueberries and strawberries and of course banana's. But that there was one that was his absolutiest favorite of all time.

My cherry.


ndspinelli said...

It's been a great year for cherries. I consistently have been getting them for $2 lb. and less. Got them for $1.49 last week. Great antioxidants.

chickelit said...

Herman tried out for the L.A. Dodgers, right?

I missed out on a little piece of pink pie myself last night.

Details forthcoming...

chickelit said...

id you ever listen to the lyrics of "Mon Cherri Armor"? It's about chastity.