Thursday, February 5, 2009

Gratuitous bathtub photo for you survialists out there, enjoy.

Gratuitous bathtub photo for you survivalists out there, enjoy. Everything youse guys will need to survive in the upcoming nuclear holocaust.


Darcy said...

Oh, my gosh! Look at that precious German shepherd!

Aww. I love this photo.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I hope the safety is on the M4 otherwise he'll be eating hot dogs for while.

Meade said...

Finally a tub that looks clean.

knox said...

Darcy, don't see the movie if you like the dog!

Darcy said...

Oh, right, knox! Now I know what movie this is from. My son saw it, and that was the first thing he shared with me about it.

ricpic said...

Barak chose a German shepherd? And he's curled up in the bathtub. It's that bad, huh?

blake said...

The dog is a huge plot point in the novella. They couldn't really do that in the movie.

Trooper York said...

You see the way hack writers work in Hollywood is that they always kill off the kind,loyal black friend in the action movies. But since the only guy in the whole world is black, they had to kill the dog.

blake said...

Well, in the novella, the dog dying changes the character--which incidentally leads to the series of behaviors which in turns leads to the whole significance of the title "I Am Legend".

But they kept the dog's death and left out the entirety of why it was important. (Although as I understand it, they did film the original ending, then changed it because it tested poorly.)