Laura Bush’s Diary February 4, 2009
Well I got a call from Lynn Cheney today. We were always friends even though I tried to run over her “Dick.” She felt he deserved it and running in fear every once in a while is good for your marriage. She calls it the Nicole Simpson effect. Anyway she was griping about how they want to subpoena her husband while all of the Obama picks were sailing through the confirmation process. I told her that really wasn’t true. I mean they picked off Richardson but that was just an excuse with that corruption thingy. I mean we had those CIA photos of his junket to Thailand when he was the UN representative. He really likes them young. But we were holding those back for a rainy day. Now Daschle has bit the dust as well. He had almost as bad luck with his limo driver as Eddie Curry. President Obama should have check out his people a lot better before he put them out there to get roughed up.
I mean we got away with a lot of shit with our nominees. Everybody knew that Rumsfeld’s nickname was Rummy but I don’t think they knew it was because he was a stone alcoholic. It was a little tough when he kept striking that Captain Morgan pose at his press conferences. Thank God they didn’t look to close at Ashcroft either. I mean he had one of those Juniper Creek things going on in that church out in Missouri. He wasn’t just a holy roller he was a holy roller her over and do it again. What a sex addict. I remember when he covered up those statues in the press area at justice. Everyone thought it was modesty but he just wanted to cover up the sploog stains.
But as usual the worst was Condi. I mean you would never know with her prim and proper demeanor that she worked way through college as a drug mule smuggling dope in her vagina for Leroy Nicky Barnes. The only good thing was that it made me sure that those rumors that George was having an affair with her was all bullshit. I mean she smuggled that shit in three kilo’s at a time.
And one thing about George, he likes a tight fit.
Well I got a call from Lynn Cheney today. We were always friends even though I tried to run over her “Dick.” She felt he deserved it and running in fear every once in a while is good for your marriage. She calls it the Nicole Simpson effect. Anyway she was griping about how they want to subpoena her husband while all of the Obama picks were sailing through the confirmation process. I told her that really wasn’t true. I mean they picked off Richardson but that was just an excuse with that corruption thingy. I mean we had those CIA photos of his junket to Thailand when he was the UN representative. He really likes them young. But we were holding those back for a rainy day. Now Daschle has bit the dust as well. He had almost as bad luck with his limo driver as Eddie Curry. President Obama should have check out his people a lot better before he put them out there to get roughed up.
I mean we got away with a lot of shit with our nominees. Everybody knew that Rumsfeld’s nickname was Rummy but I don’t think they knew it was because he was a stone alcoholic. It was a little tough when he kept striking that Captain Morgan pose at his press conferences. Thank God they didn’t look to close at Ashcroft either. I mean he had one of those Juniper Creek things going on in that church out in Missouri. He wasn’t just a holy roller he was a holy roller her over and do it again. What a sex addict. I remember when he covered up those statues in the press area at justice. Everyone thought it was modesty but he just wanted to cover up the sploog stains.
But as usual the worst was Condi. I mean you would never know with her prim and proper demeanor that she worked way through college as a drug mule smuggling dope in her vagina for Leroy Nicky Barnes. The only good thing was that it made me sure that those rumors that George was having an affair with her was all bullshit. I mean she smuggled that shit in three kilo’s at a time.
And one thing about George, he likes a tight fit.
Don't we all (like a tight fit, I mean).
Like a drum baby, like a drum.
Laura Bush can't speel splooge?
I will never respect the Cheney's for having the lesbian daughter.
And they are supposed to be conservative? Yea, right.
No conservative gives birth to a dyke.
At least they could of sent her to get cured. Or made her grow her hair and not play sports.
And then she has a baby. Absolutely disgusting.
Her "partner" is a big dyke too. Positively sickening.
Lying whore! Everybody knows she worked for Bumpy Johnson!
ricpic, sadly, no. I have met girls who couldn't take the whole thing.
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