Saturday, February 7, 2009

What a freakin' crazy day.

Man today was a crazy day. It got warm so people came out and spent money which is really busy. But here is an example of a crazy thing. This guy my age comes with his girl who had to get a dress for a party. So she gets this great Tadashi dress and wrap and the whole boat with Spanks and Jewelry and everything. He is originally from the neighborhood and he is my age and we are talking rice balls, and fist ball and hanging out in Carroll Park and stuff. Anyway I ask his girl if she wants me to put it in a bag or do they just want to hang it right in the car. She says she will hang it in the car. So they pay and we are bullshitting back and forth and saying good bye and they leave to go back to Jersey. But they forget to take the dress! I can't call him because he didn't leave his number but I did email them, but they will have to come back to pick it up.

What a crazy day!

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