Michaleen Flynn: No patty-fingers, if you please. The proprieties at all times. Hold on to your hats
Monday, February 2, 2009
Today's gratuitous bath tub scene, comes to us from a blogger who took a photo of his girl in the bath.
Today's gratuitous bath tub scene, comes to us from a blogger who took a photo of his significant other in the bath. Hey who are we to criticize anyone?
I hate Sarah Jessica Parker, Robin Williams, Tim Robbins, Susan Saradon, the BJ Hunnicut guy, brussel sprouts, the Boston Red Sox, commies and well, lawyers.
This must be from one of your international correspondents, I don't think there are any Brown Swiss dairy cattle left in the US of A.
Does that sound racist?
Heidi used to carry a Brown Swiss cow-toe as to ward off the evil mountain spirits, sort of like NBC and Keith whats-his-name.
It worked well on JETS fans, too.
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