Toot’s Shors Saloon, May 5, 1962
Toots: Hey Joe, great to see you. I haven’t seen you in while.
Joe DiMaggio:
Toots: And look who you have with you….Charo baby where is Xavier? Does he know you are out?
Charo: (an extremely young girl who answers in a breathy sexy voice) Yello Tootise….mi Xavier is muy Viejo. He so old. He needs his rest. But Jose wanted to meet me for a drink and some food and maybe som cootchie-cootchi….how can I say no to the Yankee Zippper.
Toots: Hey Joe…..ah…Marilyn’s here…in the back…just so you know.
Joe DiMaggio:
Toots: I don’t want no trouble Joe, why don’t youse crumbums just go up and say hello.(Joe takes Charo’s hand and walks to the back and stands in front of Marilyn who is visibly drunk and looking blowsy at her table)
Marilyn: Joe….fancy meeting you here…and look …you are still robbing the cradle with that spic whore Chico.
Charo: Jello Miss Monroe it is your pleasure to meet you again. Me nombre is María del Rosario Pilar Martínez Molina Baeza. But you can all me Charo. No Chico. That means a boy. You know like the one you will never have with chu diseased conno. Nice to meet chu again tia(She extends her hand shyly, but Marilyn ignores it)
Toots: Hey lets siddown and have a couple of pops.
Charo: Bueno. (Charo sits down opposite Marilyn and as she does her legs are slightly open. She is not wearing any underwear. Neither is Marilyn. As each sit their tense twats queef at each other like two mallards about to fight) Senor Jose I remember when I was a little girl living in a small fishing village in Spain. My old grandfather used to take me out to the village to the cinema. And we would see Mrs. Monroe in the motion pictures. Mucho anos ago.
Marilyn; Jesus, Joe how young is this bitch, she must be all of sixteen.
Charo: I am old enough senora. But no so vieja as tu.
Marilyn: Joe you gonna let this bitch talk like that to me? Me? JOE?
Joe DiMaggio:
Charo: Why is ju so upset Mrs Marilyn? I am not making the funs. I respect my elders. By the way you have a lot of grey hair on your conyo…maybe you should put the dye on it or shave it like your moustache, no? Shouldn’t she Jose?
Joe Dimaggio:
Marilyn: What nothing to say…you gonna let this loopy latin cunt talk to me this way……well screw you… you know what I’m gonna do? I gonna call up Gus, you know GUS ZERNIAL !!! The guy who introduced us….I’m gonna call him up and fuck and suck him up and down Florida like I did in the old days…that’s right I gave it up to him before we ever met…and he was all man…not like you or that other fucking pussy hebe I married…he had a big one and I couldn’t get enough of it …that day I did him and the catcher too! ……FUCK YOU YOUR GUINEA MOTHERFUCKER (Marilyn throws her drink at Joe, picks up her purse and storms out of the saloon)
Charo: Oooooohh baby let me clean ju off. (Charo starts to wipe off Joe with a towel, he pushes her away)
Toots Shor: What a crazy broad man, forget about her Joe.
Joe DiMaggio: Get me her doctor on the phone. Tell I said it was ok to give her back her pills. The big ones.
Toots Shor: But Joe why do you want to get involved again? Just let it go and have some rice and beans with this hot young chickie.
Joe DiMaggio: I have to look after her Toots, I’m all she’s got.
Toots: You sure Joe?