Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hey for all of youse guys who hate banks and government grants....

Here is your chance to strike back and help me get one. Hee.

My bank Chase is doing a promotion where they will grant $250,000 to a small business. Now even though we had the show and all and we are doing good this is free money. Well at least it is money that I have been paying taxes and fees to give and I want a chance at getting some of it. It will let me open my factory and employ more people as I will put it right back in the economy.

So if you want to strike a blow for a Republican to get some gelt from the government please follow the link and vote for Lee Lee's Valise to be considered. I have to submit essays to see if they will pick me for the grant. I doubt that they will but I would love to be considered. Here is how you do it....

or put this in your browser do hickey.
Scroll down and click on log in & support.
Enter Facebook account info.
Scroll down and search " Lee Lee's Valise" under Vote Locals.
Scroll down again and you will see Lee Lee Valise and click on VOTE.

Scroll down and click on log in & support.

Enter Facebook account info.

Scroll down and search " Lee Lee's Valise" under Vote Locals.

Scroll down again and you will see Lee Lee Valise and click on VOTE.

We only need fifty more to be in the running.

Help a brother out.......


The Dude said...


Michael Haz said...


Anonymous said...

OK! Voted.

chickelit said...

Where's the Twitter version?

windbag said...

"Help a brother out....."

Funny that you used that phrase. I hired a black guy to cook and he started this week. We have redneck racist assholes left and right in this part of the world, so it's a stretch for these locals. The last time I hired a black guy (my business partner was out of town and mad as hell when he got back), I actually had customers ask "Is HE going to cook my food?" Damn right he is, mother fucker. Anyhow, my day supervisor was being a smartass with me and she said, "Help a brother out," and them clamped her hand over her mouth when she realized the new cook was right there. She isn't racist at all; when you're a recovering crackhead, you don't judge people too much. We all just laughed, but she teared up and kept saying "I didn't mean anything at all by that."

Can't wait for the crew to show up today, so I can tell them I helped a brother out.

Hope you get it. We need more beer.

Trooper York said...

You should apply too!

They do this periodicly so I will let you know the next time it comes up.

chickelit said...

Its over a 100 degrees here. I took the kids on a bike ride around Lake Monona and now we're at the City pool again.

Althouse comments looks like a hot mess today. Kudos to anyone who read them and can summarize them.

chickelit said...

The good news is that the sky is thickening a bit and there could be showers later.

chickelit said...

An old high school friend and I were talking last night and apparently one of our classmates is the pleasure craft king of southern Michigan. The shocking news is that 100% of boats (including yachts) are financed with loans.

The Dude said...

CL wrote "one of our classmates is the pleasure craft king of southern Michigan"

We just use the word "pimp" around here.

chickelit said...

I'm not talking about the man in the boat, LX-G

chickelit said...

I think the Health care outcome was fair. Casting the whole scheme as a tax will make it easier to overturn. People should have never expect SCOTUS to do the hard lifting for or against social change. It is incumbent upon people to reject taxes at the ballot box. It always was a new tax and Obama should be reviled as a liar for saying it wasn't.

Darcy said...

I think the SCOTUS opinion is discouraging. I think we're stuck with Obamacare.

Have you read the thread @TOP parsing Roberts' opinion? There is a commenter there under the name of "God" who was teasing me over about --- well, YOU. LOL.

I'm wondering what is up with that. Gotta be a TYer.

Darcy said...

I don't have a Facebook account, but I will vote through my son's account for your store when I get home, Trooper. Or if he has remembered to sign out (hehehe) I will ask him to vote for me.

chickelit said...

I'm wondering what is up with that. Gotta be a TYer.

Which thread? I had a run in with that God character before over there.

The role of false flags and "theatrics" was one of the disappointing aspects of my chat with Meadehouse. They were both like "If you don't like offensive commenters just grow and ignore them." Yet when I mentioned "Mary" they both shushed me.

Darcy said...

The "Chief Justice Roberts writes an opinion..." thread.

chickelit said...

This for Allie because we discussed Middleton politics several weeks ago:

I have learned so much forgotten local politician lore. Some pretty funny stuff there.
The "Civil War" goes on.

Darcy said...

At first I thought it was a coincidence that he was talking to me about "pollo" and "chick", but later on I'm convinced he's referring to you.

chickelit said...

Yeah he was trying to taunt me with royal clucker? I forget who coined that but it was here IRC. It's funny nickname and doesn't bother me. Some people play both sides here too I guess. :(

Darcy said...

I don't know what you mean about playing both sides.

chickelit said...

I mean that "God" never comments here (at least under that name) but obviously reads here and interacts. That's playing both sides. I consider anybody who uses more than one pseudonym as playing both sides.

Darcy said...

Ahh. Well, apparently so. What he posted didn't bother me, but it's a little out there.

The Dude said...

Well, let me make this perfectly clear, I am not God.

Yeah, as if there was any doubt.

Royal Clucker was funny, I thought, I have used that here. But I am still not God.

LX-G is good. XL-G is good, too.

And how about Darcy and chicklet being an item, at least in God's world. Oh yeah, the things He can see that we can't. More's the pity...

I kid, people, I kid!

And that "Mary" bomb is absolutely awesome - power to the chicklet - he rules! Way to Alinsky those two cocksuckers, the stupid fucking douchebags.

Now, I will post a picture of my house, with my butt boy painting it - isn't it lovely! Fuck them...

Michael Haz said...

Can't we all just get along?

Michael Haz said...

Or if we can't get a long, can I at least get a medium long? I'd like that.

MamaM said...

I'm wondering what is up with that. Gotta be a TYer.

Gosharoo, what a surprise! How many commenters here and there refer to chickelit as "chickie?" TY has proved to be fertile fishing ground, with words and phrases used here turning up regularly in the ever evolving troll/moby/black flag Ops at TOP.

The Dude said...

I might leave in a huff. Or, if that's too soon, a minute and a huff.

Groucho was the man. He shot an elephant in his pajamas.

Michael Haz said...

It's my opinion that the "God" commenter at Althouse is probably Crack Emcee.

The sentence structure, word usage and phrasing are pretty much identical to Crack's unique way of writing.

The Dude said...

I am reminded of the old joke about God thinking he was Jack Nicklaus.

I really can't see Crack ever tamping down his enormous ego sufficiently to take on the rather lesser persona of God.

Plus, he would then have to believe in himself and that's not going to happen. His head would explode. He would join a cult. Become a new age baby boomer.

Not crack.

But we still have some questions - who did EBL used to be? Where the fuck is Bissage? Who is Kissinger now?

Michael Haz said...

Mr Justice Roberts walks into a bar. The bartender says "Hey buddy! Why the long opinion??"

The Dude said...

Throws down a handful of nails - says it's not a mandate, it's tacks.

Michael Haz said...

Or to quote Titus, "If it's not a man date, it's tits."

The Dude said...

Tough crowd.

Say, is that a Haz Mike suit in that picture?

My wife said to me, 'For our anniversary I want to go somewhere I've never been before.' I said, 'Try the kitchen!'

Michael Haz said...

A what?

The Dude said...

Imagine if your parents had named you Matt. Oh yeah, different situation.

When I was a kid, my parents moved a lot. But I always found them.

Michael Haz said...

Ah! Got it! Nah, it's just a motorcycling jacket.

I once heard that 90% of all serious accidents happen within 10 miles of home, so I never go there.

Darcy said...

Well, I guess we don't know that it isn't God. ;)

But it definitely rates a "Gosharoo". I'd add a "Gee Whiz", of course.

The Dude said...

I told my wife the truth. I told her I was seeing a psychiatrist. Then she told me the truth: that she was seeing a psychiatrist, two plumbers, and a bartender.

No respect at all...

Michael Haz said...

Mickey Mouse could see that Minnie Mouse's behavior was increasingly strange. he took her to the Disney psychiatrist for an evaluation.

After she had had several sessions with the psychiatrist, Mickey called him one afternoon and pleaded "Tell me Doc, is Minnie crazy??" The doc sat back and calmly answered "No, Mick, I don't think she's crazy; but I'm pretty sure she's fucking Goofy,"

Anonymous said...

Interesting comments by "God", for sure. I read the comment in which he mentioned you Darcy and Chickelit, the "clucker". Appears God is a liberal, charming, yet edgy.

The Dude said...

I told my doctor I broke my arm in two places. He told me to keep out of those places.

AllenS said...

I don't know if God knows this, but when he meets the real God, he's going to get the shit kicked out of him.

Chip S. said...

What kind of douchebag uses "God" as a screen name?

The Dude said...

A liberal douchebag?

Michael Haz said...

You mean a charming, but edgy douchebag?

Chip S. said...

There are no charming liberals.

Anonymous said...

Can't make up my mind about him being a douchebag.

Darcy said...

I think Allie's charming. :)

I didn't guess that "God" is a liberal. I thought he was tweaking everyone. But my perception may have been clouded once the Tito's was mentioned.

ricpic said...

Could I walk around in your factory and crack my whip at recalcitrant workers, Troop? I'd also crack my whip at workers who were contumacious, refractory or fractious. And I'd do it for free. I would I would I would.

The Dude said...

I had to go over there and look - here I thought Darce was talking about Yugoslavia and one of the Jackson 5, but noooooooo - it was some sort of non-whiskey drink. Probably potato-based commie swill. Not that I have any strong opinions mind you...

Michael Haz said...

It's time for a cocktail. Blueberries and raspberries into the blender, some Tito's, some ice. A bit of lemon rind.

Mmmmm good!


Michael Haz said...

Tit-o's was actually the first name of Cheerios, because of where they could fit on a person, when the entire office staff in the ad agency got blind drunk, sorta like in Mad Men.

The lone Brit insisted on saying "Cheerio!", so that's how they got their name.


Anonymous said...

Why thank you Darcy, the feeling is mutual!

I don't know, he sounded pretty liberal to me, but my political identity has been a bit messed up as of late, I don't know what I am anymore.

I used to think independents were just fence sitters, now I find myself sitting on that fence too.

Anonymous said...

God didn't like rum, bah.

blake said...

What if God was one of us?

God is a concept by which we measure our pain.

Did you hear the one about the agnostic dyslexic insomniac who laid awake all night wondering if there was a Dog, only to decided he believed in Santa?

Darcy said...

LOL, Michael. And I'm jealous of the berries and Tito's!

@Sixty: Hmmph!

Darcy said...

Could "God" be Ritmo?! Aha! Tell me that's a good guess!

blake said...

Previously, Ritmo always announced his costume changes, but people attacked him anyway for having sock puppets, even though he'd spell it all out.

So maybe he just didn't bother this time.

The Dude said...

Once again, Ritmo Jungle mofo's ego is much larger than God's. Seriously, he could never accept being reduced to merely an omnipitent being.

blake said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael Haz said...

When I got my first grown-up job after college I moved into an apartment on the side of town that was supposedly "artsy"

It was actually "cheapsy" and "shitsy", but I was young and really didn't know much. (I am now older and have the same level of knowledge).

Anyhow, the neighborhood had cheap housing which attracted drunks, bums, and the mentally ill.

One of the goofballs was a guy who was clearly disturbed. He mumbled a lot, always looked down when he walked and would swear in some kind of French-sounding gibberish.

He'd take an easel, canvas and paints, set them up, and pretend to paint. His "painting" would be splattering paint in the canvas, and everything else, while yelling in gibberish.

We nicknamed him Toulouse le Screws. And we'd drop a few bills into his basket every now and then.

Years later a local newspaper exposed the guy. He was normal, well educated, lived in a nice home, and had been running the scam for years. He had, in fact, accumulated enough money to pay off his small home, buy a used car, and still had money in the bank. And a gallery in Chicago bought is paintings and then re-sold them for a lot more.

Some days, like today, I'd like to be that guy: Anonymous, derived identity, earning cash under the IRS radar.

All I need is a nickname and an accent.

Darcy said...

Well, I wrote "God". He provided his email.

I may not get a straight answer.

blake said...

o/~These prayers are the constant road across the wilderness
These prayers are
These prayers are
The memory of God
The memory of God~\o

The Dude said...

I wrote Santa once. Got the bike. And it was good.

Darcy said...

All I need is a nickname and an accent.

When he was little, my son asked how French people laughed. That tickled me. So I tried to laugh with a French accent if you can imagine that.

I still tease him about that.

blake said...

o/~I had a childhood that was mercifully brief
I grew up in a state of disbelief
I started to think too much when I was twelve
Going on thirteen
Me and the girls from St. Augustine
Up in the mezzanine
Thinkin' about God, yeah~\o

Darcy said...

Aww, Sixty. Good, cuz you woulda shot your eye out with the other thing.

The Dude said...

Didn't you used to write for the Simpsons? Hahn hahn hahn!

blake said...

o/~Silent Eyes burning in the desert sun
Halfway to Jerusalem
And we shall all be called as witnesses
Each and every one
To stand before the eyes of God
And speak what was done~\o

Darcy said...


Darcy said...

Laughing @ Sixty, btw.

That last one was beautiful, Blake.

Anonymous said...

I kind of think God sounds like EBL. But EBL is a conservative, could someone be that good at faking an ideology?

Well cows are gods in India.

Anonymous said...

Blake is waxing poetic tonight, nice.

blake said...

Little Mermaid!

Le poisson!
Le possion!
Hee hee hee!
Honh honh honh!

The Dude said...

Had plenty of BB guns growing up. Learned to shoot on a range we set up in the basement. I can still drive a nail with a small gauge rifle.

One time my oldest brother came home with a pistol. My father had one rule about firearms - no pistols. He made my brother get rid of it.

My father asked him what became of it "I sold it" said my brother, with almost complete honesty. Well, it was the truth as far as it went - he sold it to my next oldest brother.

There was hell to pay when my father learned of that transaction, I tells ya...

blake said...

o/~God bless the absentee
Lord, this country's changed so fast
The future is the present
The present's in the past
The highways are in litigation
The airports disagree
God bless the absentee~\o

The Dude said...

He's waxing wroth." To which Groucho ripostes: "Is Roth out there too? Tell Roth to wax the Dean for a while.

What can I say - my life is an endless loop of Groucho and Homer sound bites.

"The king of men had given them black benched ships to cross the wine-dark waves..."

Well, there's Homer, then there is Homer "D'oh" Simpson. They're both good.

blake said...

O/~The last guy nearly ruined this place
He didn't know what to do with it
If you think this country's bad off now
Just wait'll I get through with it~\o

The Dude said...

There has been much discussion on some sites about the Gaped Crusader and how no matter how one might try, eventually the assumption of a persona will fail. The mask slips. That, combined with some spinelli style sleuthing can reveal the true identity of someone trying to be someone they are not.

And while it might not be obvious, I am me. There are levels of profanity and blasphemy that just can't stay hidden for long.

Even though I no longer proof read for free, I did get a kick out of someone writing "Polk weed" the other day. I have a bumper crop of poke weed going this year - it's about all that will grow in this heat and drought.

But I didn't even mention that the 11th president had nothing to do with the naming of that plant.

Chip S. said...

I don't know who the commenter in question "really" is, but I can set the record straight about the alleged divinity of cows in the Hindu faith:

In Hinduism, the cow (Sanskrit: go) is revered as the source of food and symbol of life and may never be killed. Hindus do not worship the cow, however, and cows do not have especially charmed lives in India. It is more accurate to say the cow is taboo in Hinduism, rather than sacred.

If I had to pick a relatively new TOP commenter who was likely to be EBL, it'd be Colonel Angus. Smarter than "God", loved by the ladies, and a breed of cattle to boot!

Anonymous said...

Blake you had to go and mention the Liitle Mermaid, now I have that song Under the Sea playing in my head.

Anonymous said...

Did you catch that Sixty?

Anonymous said...

God said he lived in Texas, didn't he?

The Dude said...

It must have gone right over my head, Oopie - voooom...

Anonymous said...

My spelling error, lol.

Anonymous said...

Ah well, night Troopers.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Dude said...

I am shocked - not you Oopie! I now refrain from pointing out such things, and I appreciate you not pointing out my horribly inadequate German abilities.

Ich bin in der Lage, auf jedermann Schreibfähigkeiten zu kommentieren. Ich habe viele Fehler und meinen, ein Wichtigtuer hilft niemandem.

AllenS said...

Hey, where in the hell is Spinelli? He hasn't been around for a while. Did he go undercover?

Michael Haz said...

Dud you mean Sir Angus, a cow dead these sixteen hundred years and more?

What ever happened to him?

Michael Haz said...

Spinelli is out "negotiating" payment for my boat repairs.

The Dude said...

Good one Haz - you have hired the right man for the job. He, a bag of cement and a glare should be all that is required to set things right.

Chip S. said...

All that is true, but a pic of AllenS's new toy wouldn't hurt, either. It'd be able to disappear somebody pretty well.

AllenS said...

There's two pics on the older thread from yesterday, Chip. I posted them this morning.

Chip S. said...

Thanks, Allen. I've blown most of my time online today arguing about John Roberts, so I missed those pics.

The Dude said...

That is a beauty AllenS. Is there a tensioner that will allow you to take the slack out of the tracks? Or do you need new ones? Or remove a tread? That's a much larger scale than I am used to dealing with when it comes to chain stretch...

AllenS said...

If you click on the Side picture, and zoom in, you'll see a big spring running horizontally to the front sprocket. There is a 3/4" threaded rod that you adjust. That slides the front sprocket forward to tighten the track. What's on there now are not original parts. I'm planning on fabricating something that looks original. I power washed it off today, and there are a hydralic leak on the hydraulic cylinder and on one of the hose connections. It's a 1955 so you have to expect that.

This is fun. Not as much fun if I was to see Christie Brinkley under the Christmas tree on Christmas morning, but what the hell.

The Dude said...

Hey, at some point in life a tracked earth mover is a far more useful.

But if we were talking about Courtney Thorne-Smith maybe I could be convinced...

AllenS said...

I'm not familiar with that name, so off I go to look it up.

The Dude said...

Think CB about 20 years younger.

And I am kidding. I am in no hurry to shuffle off this mortal coil.

AllenS said...

Nice, but no Christie. How long would Courtney last on Chuck Norris' workout contraption?

The Dude said...

Okay, I am laughing just thinking about the implications of what you wrote. I cannot answer. Laughing too hard...

blake said...

I suppose it'd be just greedy to wish for BOTH CB and CTS under the tree?

Meh. So sue me.

Chip S. said...

In their respective primes? Yes.

At their current ages? Not sure. Probably, if only on the grounds that asking for a two-girl three-way is always greedy.

Trooper York said...

It was Ritmo who coined the chickie and Royal Clucker usages here. I did not read the posts at TOP and don't intend to so I will take your word for it.

As far as growing up and overlooking things that is pretty funny coming from the mad king of deletions. They really are quite a pair.

Trooper York said...




The Dude said...

I was thinking more of Jim Belushi, but whatever.

ndspinelli said...

AllenS, Thanks for asking. I've been up in the Twin Cities putting together my daughter's wedding in September. I'm in charge of food, booze and accomodations. We're heading home today.

I've not taken any cases since we returned from San Diego. I thought I was ready to fully retire but the nut for this wedding makes me think I need to take a few cases. However, I'm getting pretty fucking old to do surveillance in this heat. You can't know how tough it is to sit in a car/van in 90 degree heat. It's a young man's game..and even tough then.

Anonymous said...

Ah so your daughter's wedding in in September too, fun and crazy times ahead soon. We have so many out of town guests, we are taking over a floor at the Concourse.

Chip S. said...

I'd think twice before marrying the daughter of a PI.

He must be one fine young man.

Dust Bunny Queen said...


Good luck.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

How many commenters here and there refer to chickelit as "chickie?

I have seen Allie call him chickie at TOP. It may not mean much.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I did call him Chickie, I blame Ritmo for that;)

Anonymous said...

I'm not nearly smart enough to be God.

TTBurnett said...

As far as growing up and overlooking things that is pretty funny coming from the mad king of deletions. They really are quite a pair.

Yep. When I announced I was quitting blogging, someone with a MacBook from Madison carefully searced my old blog for EVERY teeny thing relating to the A-word. Not long after, Merde accused me here in this very venue of "innuendo," and said the reason I was closing my blog was, because I must be ashamed of all the terrible things I had said about them.

I didn't post anything nearly half as bad as what had been said about me over the years, or, the last straw, my son, on the Nutty Professor's very own blog. And what I wrote was pretty innuendo-free. I guess their desktop thesaurus was a little cranky that day.

No, I was flat-out making sport of them. Parody. Lampoon. Pie-in-the-face. And all better-natured than the crap I had put up with on the professor's Bad Karma Generator of Topicks.

Highlights on my site included a Goth makeover of la professora (thanks to Siouxsielaw), and some fun with kissy-face pix they put up on their anniversary or something.

You post smoochy pictures of a semi-decrepit Boomer couple, and you DON'T expect satire?

If I still had a blog, I'd do a poll, asking whether their reaction was, a) humorless, b) un-self aware, c) incredibly thin-skinned, or, d) all of the above, in spades.

ndspinelli said...

ChipS, He's a great guy..a male RN, we call him a murse.

TTBurnett said...

I should amend that.
If I still had a blog, the LAST topic I would touch is the aforementioned.
Sorry to take your bandwidth about this, Trooper, but Chickelit's personal encounter stirred me up more than is healthy.
I'm heading home to a nice dinner and too much Zinfandel. My mood should improve presently.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

the last straw, my son, on the Nutty Professor's very own blog.

What did they say about your son, if you don't mind disclosing. If you do mind I understand. Curious though.

I guess I don't pay that much attention, so I didn't know you have a sone.

TTBurnett said...

Well, DBQ, thanks for asking.
First, I should say, dinner eaten, too much Zinfandel consumed, and eyeing the bottle of J. Lohr Merlot intended for tomorrow. Hmm...

Mood much improved, though.
I am glad you missed that little Althousian contretemps, DBQ. Frankly, I don't want to repeat it. And I'm really torn about relating the circumstances. Ten minutes ago, I wanted to tell the story and to explain exactly howI came to loathe Madame after having had such a charmed relationship with her, and after one or two of my alter-egos had been called "beloved" by la Reine Herself.

But, it is all a story that turns on things I cannot give a fair account of without tedium. And my disagreement with our self-possessed Portia came about through something tangental to the main action, which was the humiliation of my publicly identifiable son. It was her justification of it in three or four words in an otherwise reasonable and responsive e-mail. She herself may wonder why I became one of the Dirty Dozen, when she was all calm reason in her private answer.

Well, I can't write any more about it without ruining my evening, and I want to save the Merlot for tomorrow. I will attempt to tell the story another time and in enough detail, so that even Her Honour may understand that decent people do not justify the indecent to those who have been wronged.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

a story that turns on things I cannot give a fair account of without tedium.

S'okay. I shall remain curious and be satisfied with that.

Ron said...

I'm late to the party, but I voted for you, Trooper!

Good Luck!

Nine-El said...

Got a vote in...just under the wishes for continued success

TTBurnett said...

Well, in addition to complaining about She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, I, too, got a vote in just under the wire!

Gotta say, I was suspicious of yet another thing that wants my information. But, hey, I'll help a brother out.

Good luck!

The Dude said...

Too many log ins, too many clicks, too much sharing. Not gonna do it. Facebook already knows way too much. At least they don't have my medical records. Yet...

Trooper York said...

Thanks guys. We just submitted the application. If we get the money I will be opening up a factory and going global.

Thanks you for supporting us in our attempt to move to another level.

blake said...

Global Trooper?

A frightening thought! First globally, then on to starships...

Trooper York said...

Hey we are getting a bunch of comments from England on our Facebook page so they must be showing it in Europe. It is a BBC production so who knows?

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Dude said...

They must use a translator or something - I have no idea what that gibberish is that they speak over there, but it's not American.

Spot on you knackered boffin! 'E went missing 'e did, when 'e was in hospital in Bond Street. Now don't be a one off in your scrum, Nigel, or we'll all be sacked. Lee Lee's are a good company, and they'll have the best colours, and Bob's your uncle, you clapped out gobsmacked blinkered bladdered ginger-hued whinger.

Damn Britishisms - there was a typo in that mess. The incorrect usage of their abominations? Who gives a flip. They need to stick to speakin' Paki.

TTBurnett said...
This comment has been removed by the author.