Saturday, June 9, 2012

TerriW said...
 I saw on FB the store post about them screwing with your timeslot. Hope all is well. 

MamaM said... I saw on FB the store post about them screwing with your timeslot. Hope all is well. From what I'm reading, it sounds like they're switching it to an afternoon slot. If so, I'm not liking the change. It sounds like the show is being pigeon-holed for women watching afternoon TV, when the clientèle shown so far has been mostly working women. 

Yes they are changing our time slot to the afternoon. Not good for us.

What has happened is that "What Not To Wear" has imploded. They have the worst ratings they have ever had. Cancellation worthy ratings. So they are panicking. The entire TLC lineup has been destroyed. Every show is down severely in the ratings. Even the Cake Boss. So the executives are scrambling like crabs in a bucket. They have to save WNTW which is a flagship franchise for them. So they are slotting in two new "Cake Boss:"episodes at 7pm on Tuesday and sandwiching the new WNTW with two repeats. I don't think that is going to mean anything. WNTW is a spent force. It has been around for ten years and people have moved on.

The one thing I was counting on was that we had Stacy in our corner. I hoped we would have a chance to develop an audience. I figured they didn't want to screw with Stacy so they would not screw with us. But now that WNTW is in question they are not worried about pleasing her. If they don't turn it around then WNTW goes down the tubes. And Stacy will move on and be just fine.

We are not worried. We got a massive influx of sales and new customers. That is what I have been dealing with right now. BBC who produced the show doesn't want to turn in the towel. We did what we were supposed to do. As a new show we kept 2/3's of WNTW's audience. The goal was to keep at least half and grow from there. We did better than that. But if WNTW was a 2 rating and we were a 1 there would be no problem. But if WNTW is a .7 and we are a .4 then all bets are off.

We might do well in the afternoon.

The new executives who will come in will reevaluate everything. Another channel might be interesting. Our numbers would be great for Lifetime or Oxygen network. So they might come sniffing around. Lisa is a hot commodity in the TV world because she is a natural and they would love to build a show around her. It would be great if I was not on camera since I hated almost every moment of it. A show with Lisa doing the makeovers of one per episode would be so much better. We don't know what will happen yet. Nothing is written in stone. A million different things could happen. Stacy told us that they waited till the day before the option lapsed before renewing WNTW in her first season. Our option extends to a year after the last episode airs. So we have to see.

The main thing is that we made some strong episodes that still have to air. The last four are a lot better than the first four. Check them out and let me know what you think about it. It has been a wild and crazy ride.

And it ain't over yet. Not by a long shot.


windbag said...

One possible scenario is this: find yourself a good accountant, peel off enough cash to open that bar you dreamed of, drink to your heart's content, and don't forget to get a girlfriend because Lisa will focus her rage at her and forget about the missing cash and the bar.

Let me know how it works out.

In the meanwhile, I hope enough viewers liked it and will follow. TiVo might be your best friend, if enough are inclined to record and view later. Glad to hear the on-line sales are strong.

Michael Haz said...

You are both naturals, and your show got good ratings. They will want more of you. Ratings are everything.

Brushing all that aside, the bigger deal is to max the store's revenue, and it sounds like that happened in a Big Brooklyn way.

Good for you, and best wishes for continued success.

blake said...

I'm not sure where the cutoff is, but at some point along the line, timeslot matters not at all.

It's fun to watch live with others, but most of the time, we don't watch live TV at all. Everything is recorded first.

I hope the sales make up for the stress and loss of business during shooting, and do so many times over.

And I agree about Lisa. She could easily be a regular fixture on TV.

rcommal said...

Good luck with it all, Troop. I did watch last this past Tuesday's episodes while I was in WV, but I wasn't able to lived-comment because my son had run down the iPad. I even got my husband to watch them with me while we were finishing packing up (these types of reality shows really aren't his thing at all). He thought Lisa was a total charmer and that you'd be great to have a beer with. And he really liked the motorcycle jacket (hey, maybe I can get him to get me one)!

Please let me know to what time and day your show is moving, because I hadn't noticed that. Does it take effect this week.

ndspinelli said...

Sorry for the horseshit you're experiencing. But, one doesn't "turn in the towel" unless you're @ one of the health clubs that Titus frequents. The phrase you were seeking is from boxing and it's "THROW in the towel." I know you're under stress. How you respond to this will indicate your true mindset. You need some testosterone in the mix my friend. Too much estrogen.

The Dude said...

A change of time slot is almost inevitable. When you get to change two or three is when people lose track of where to find you.

Keep us up to date.

Also, the ride is nowhere near over, my friend. Being more famous than the Kardashians is in your future. If you need an intro to Bruce Jenner, I can arrange that.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the time slot change, but it may not be a bad thing after all. Lots of stay at home moms, looking to chill out while the kids are napping. I think some of the afternoon shows are more interesting than in the ones in the evening time slots.

Are you really not getting that NPR show? I do hope that was true.

Trooper York said...

Sorry Allie I was just being a dick.

Although NPR doesn't know what it is missing.

But I would last about a week.

Trooper York said...

The DVR thing is a big point because they don't know it works. Most of you told me you dvr'd it and didn't watch it live. Tons of people in our own family and neighborhood did the same. So maybe a daytime slot is better.

We couldn't do the same show in the daytime because it cost too much. But we could do a show.

It all remains to be seen how it shakes out.

Darcy said...

Darn it. Sorry.

I do hope it's well-watched wherever it ends up.

rcommal said...

Timing so far has allowed me to watch both Tuesdays live, but we, too, make heavy use of our DVRs. Some day someone's going to figure out how to meter that (it strikes me there ought to be a way to do that specifically in the case of satellite providers such as DirecTV--but I confess I'm speaking with no expertise in the related technologies).

In any case, let us know the new time. I assume it starts this week? When will they let you know?

chickelit said...

We might do well in the afternoon.

Your blog does better in the afternoons. :)

I hope the suits catch on to tapping your unique sense of humor and timing. It would a real shame if they pass it by.

rcocean said...

Actually daytime would be better for us. We're old fogies who can't stay awake past 9 PM, and when we do we're usually drunk.

Trooper, your analysis was pretty insightful. Maybe YOU should be a network exec.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I missed Tuesday's show because when I turned on it was not there. I need to DVR it. But Lisa is a real talent and it is a well done show. They should work with you and try to develop it. The audience will come.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

What station and when is your radio show?

chickelit said...

Others noticed it first but look at the male-to-female imbalance in that photo. That alone is new and probably worth writing a show around, given the Mormon thematic potential.

But instead of the minority XY voice being heard it is drowned?


The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Dude said...

Herz und mund und tat und leb. Even after nearly 300 years that work is still profound.


Titus said...

Hi Troop, I know everything will work out. Much of this is beyond your control.

The good news is today you are getting lots of order and business is good.


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Troop and Lisa will always be successful. That is due to Troop and Lisa.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

This one is for Titus...

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Just got back from a much needed weekend away from the business. Didn't see that they were moving your time slot.

Like Blake, we end up recording almost everything because we go to bed pretty early or things conflict with each other. So a time slot change may not be such a bad thing. It might even be a good thing if you were not so closely tied to the WTNW time slot.

My personal take on all of your points.

No wonder WNTW is slipping. After that last show with a live studio audience, I never wanted to see it again.

Yes. A show with Lisa doing one make over per show would be nice. Get more depth on the person. Another thing that would be great is follow up on previous make overs. How are they doing. Are they still keeping up the new look? Making changes in their lives?

They are missing the boat by not allowing more Trooper and more of the male viewpoint. Just as long as they don't try to make the male character a stupid doofus like they wont to do in most television.

I would like to see more about the store and the process of how you design and construct the clothing. Buying the fabrics, marketing, etc. Maybe even more about how you do an online businesses.

Frankly, we are fed up with these moronic 'reality shows' with all of their fabricated drama. The artificial deadlines and made up conflicts.
Basically stupidities that we KNOW that the 'real' people in the shows would never allow to happen that just make us roll our eyes and want to change the channel.

Chin up. Just think of the online sales booming!!!

BJM said...

Noooo!!!!! I am hooked on Lisa, she's so fabulous (man you really married up, but then you knew that).

Do you know yet when will the show air next?

btw- I am not surprised that WNTW finally jumped the has been subpar for a couple of seasons..Stacy carried it way longer than the show deserved on merits. The current season was awful, I deleted the season pass after half of the first episode...what a pity as I am a long time Stacy fan...but she'll bounce back.

Trooper York said...

We will be on at 3pm EST on Tuesday so set your DVR's

ndspinelli said...

So, it looks like Judge Judy and Dr. Phil will be your competition. At that time slot we'll be fast forwarding through a lot of ambulance chaser commercials.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I used to go to Cake Boss before it was cake boss. It was okay. A decent bakery.

I went two years ago and the line was out for five blocks. Needless to say, I did not want a cream puff that bad. Maybe now you can go and get a cream puff without having to wait half a day.

MamaM said...

I hold with 3 pm as no man's land. It's not a let's-sit-down-and-watch-some-TV time of day in my neighborhood. More of a let the TV play on and on in the background while shifts change and life happens.

Thankfully, who Lisa is and what she's about was clearly established in the first 4 evening shows. Her sense of design and interest in quality product, style and fit came through along with her ability to invite the women to see and experience themselves differently.

It will be interesting to see where this goes. With as many site hits as you received, something was "sparked" and ignited.

BJM said...


It will be interesting to see where this goes.

Exactly, we have to find out how the jean saga resolves...although one can make a pretty good guess. *G*

BJM said...


Thanks! BBS is on at 3PM PDT in the SF Bay area (Comcast) the tivo set.