Saturday, September 15, 2012

Michael Haz shares his collection....

I get photo's emailed to me all the time that youse guys want me to share with the congregation.

Michael Haz recently emailed me one from his personal porno collection.

This was the least risque.

 I don't think you want to see the one with the Kielbasa and the Kool Whip.

Just Sayn'


chickelit said...

Haz sure got that one blurry. Did the photo emulsion run?

Chip S. said...

Where is Darcy these days?

MamaM said...

HaH!! and Hah!! again!

Read a post on Ambiance tonight referring to an artist named Van Orsouw who has a sculpture called 2 FACED MAMA which looks very much like the picture posted here from the MH personal porno collection!

Michael Haz said...

The photo was sent by a friend who took it at the Giants cheerleader training camp.

The Dude said...

Chip S - I read what you wrote in response to the commie nurse over at TOP - all I can say is - well done sir, well done.

Yo Darce - you out there girl?

Chip S. said...

Thanks, Sixty.

My tolerance for bullshit over there has hit zero since the EBL's post about that Harvard "human rights" law journal.

The Dude said...

Well, there is plenty of BS over there, that's for sure. I didn't see EBL's post, but it's easy to imagine that everyone's response would fall in line with their previous lines of BS.

Chip S. said...

Actually, she got a lot of pushback. You might enjoy reading that thread.

The Dude said...

Well, it's not easy being a cheese eatin' Cindy Sheehan full of moral superiority while basking in the service of others and demanding that due to X then Y must be true because she said so, free speech be damned.

As I have stated before the stupid is strong in that one.

ndspinelli said...

ChipS, I went back and read the threads. You're one tough dude!! Great slap downs over there. I've drifted away lately.

The Dude said...

Crack Emcee truly is insane. The slaves who raised him should have done a better job of it.

Chip S. said...

Nick, high praise indeed coming from you.

Trooper York said...

I went to check it out too Chip,

Well done!

I have to admit I am ashamed of Allile.

AllenS said...

She's very worried about her daughter.

The Dude said...

And yet she sides with the enemy - that's a curious bit of cognitive dissonance.

The Dude said...

Glad the Gints won that mess - now their record matches the Panthers.

MamaM said...

Noted with tremulous fluttering: Trill: The rapid alternation of two tones either a whole or a half tone apart, probably ultimately of imitative origin

Trooper York said...

Here's the thing Allen.

To paraphrase something she said "Sometimes adhering to a principal is not worth it."

Meaning the first amendment.

Trooper York said...

So like the President she is perfectly happy to throw someone under the bus and arrest them because of the Muslims. Because they decided something was "offensive" to their religion.

When the government pays for a crucifix in piss and a painting of the Virgin Mary covered in shit.

Trooper York said...

Right after the anniversary of 911.

I have zero tolerance for this.


She is dead to me.

Michael Haz said...

Which thread? I don't want to read through all of them.

The Dude said...

Here is the thread...

Darcy said...

Where is Darcy these days?

Back. :) But I'm going away again if that nasty photoshop brought me to mind!!

I was up north. What a gorgeous weekend. I wish I could live there. The world where brownshirts, aided by the media and our President, are arresting citizens for exercising their free speech seems so far away.

The Dude said...

Welcome back.

What photoshop? ;^)

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

How did you get a picture of Bill Clinton in a bathing suit?

Michael Haz said...

I read that thread. Stunned by the arguements against the rights granted under the first amendment. How can someone be so willing to accept diminished freedom?

The exchanges with others prove that a person cannot be reasoned out of beliefs she did not reason herself into in the first place. So typical of many on the left.

AllenS said...

Welcome back, Darcy. I hope you are tanned and rested.

Allie's fears for her daughter have overwhelmed her senses. Nothing that you can say to her will change that.

chickelit said...

Allie's fears for her daughter have overwhelmed her senses. Nothing that you can say to her will change that.

I think that's dead-on, Allen. People forget that. That said, it doesn't make what Allie writes right or rational.

AllenS said...

I agree, fear makes one irrational.

Michael Haz said...

I understand what you said Allen. But I don't expect Allie's point of view to change after her daughter's military tour is completed.

AllenS said...

Hopefully, she'll be less irrational, but I doubt it. For some people, there is always a boogieman.

The Dude said...

Did I mention I met the great Oriole player Boog Powell? Some might say he was a boogie man.

A better boogie man was Meade Lux Lewis. Of course he was boogie and woogie.

Michael Haz said...

*Changes Topic*

Hey evereyone, this is Ruth Anne Adams's birthday week. Friends like Ruth Anne are a rare thing - Army officer, paratrooper, smart attorney, great mom and wife, CCW permit holder, gun owner. Mistress of all things punny.

Happy Birthday Week Ruth Anne!

The Dude said...

Happy birthday, RAA!

Michael Haz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael Haz said...


Something happy to begin RAA Birthday Week!

AllenS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
windbag said...

Okay, I got curious enough to see what the hulabaloo was over, so I peeked at the comments.

I won't go into an analysis of Allie, but I did think of a news item I saw yesterday. A woman in the military tried to avoid deployment by having her husband shoot her in the leg.

Those who serve, typically do so to preserve freedom. People like that woman desire comfort and safety in the moment. Principles are nice and lofty ideals, but are negotiable when they become inconvenient.

I agree that fear can be a strong incentive to cave in, but I'd wager that Allie's daughter is up to the task. Those who remain stateside may be those who would cave, so thankfully they aren't on the front lines and faced with the choice of turning tail and running. The best and bravest are the ones I want in the military, not those who simply want to coast and take advantage of the GI Bill.

The things Allie said over there are unbelievably...well, insert your own adjective. I read through the 400 or so posts and noticed that Allie went silent when challenged. I will attach an adjective to that. Cowardly.

She is rightfully concerned about her daughter. I would be in the same circumstances. I would also support my kid by supporting the Constitution that he/she had sworn allegiance to uphold.

Darcy said...

My first reaction to the discussion linked was outrage. Disgust. I felt like I'd have to consider someone willing to appease the killers of our embassy staff as...well, certainly an enemy of our freedom.

And then I read Allen's comment here and I really thought it through. (Thank you, Allen.)

I've said this many times since I supported the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan: As soon as the pictures of the young men and women who were killed started getting published, the profound realization dawned on me that I would not be willing to sacrifice my child for these causes. Any cause. Would I support his enlisting? Yes. But I'd probably try to talk him out of it. He means more to me than anything.

I have not personally had to look into the eyes of a mother who has made that sacrifice. I dread it, because I am totally unworthy.

So I have to withhold my judgment toward someone who has a loved one serving in the war zones at this time, especially when the topic is current events making the danger seem more likely.

AllenS said...

Happy birthday, Ruth Anne! All the way!

Darcy said...

And happy birthday to Ruth Anne from me, too!

chickelit said...

windbag said...

I won't go into an analysis of Allie, but I did think of a news item I saw yesterday. A woman in the military tried to avoid deployment by having her husband shoot her in the leg.

Slightly off-topic, but I recall Allie sympathizing with the character Thomas in Downton Abbey after he held his hand high in the air during WW I trench warfare so as to be wounded and relieved of frontline duty. She was the only person in my tiny circle of internet acquantances who did so. So at least Allie is consistent in her pacifism.

Pacifism is a whole 'nother kettle of fish.

I live surrounded by USMC veterans, some of whom suffered PTSD from combat. Yet none of them did anything like that and none of them became pacifists.

chickelit said...

I wished Rutha Anne a happy birthday on Twitter but in case she didn't see that,

Happy Birthday Ruth Anne!

windbag said...

Pacifism is a whole 'nother kettle of fish.

And dhimmi is another.

chickelit said...

Yes, it is windbag. Dhimmitude is passive aggression.

chickelit said...

I mean, every person I try to understand over at TOP who is saying "apologize" seems to be agrieved by some aspect of traditional American culture which they cannot fathom nor join. So they are motivated in part by nuanced vengeance.

Chip S. said...

So they are motivated in part by nuanced vengeance.

My reading of them is that they're motivated solely by the need to distract attention from Obama's colossal malfeasance. What's strange is that they can't even comprehend why people are angry about this. They call it "hyperbole". That's a sign of an utter lack of principles, not nuanced analysis.

If I had a loved one in harm's way over there, I'd be furious at our president and his administration for their inattention to security. Hell, I don't have anyone over there and I'm still furious at him. He's supposed to do his best to protect Americans and--not inconsequentially--the US Constitution. He's done neither.

Blaming this schmuck in LA is ridiculous. What about South Park? Or the Everybody Draw Muhammad people? Or Ayaan Hirsi Ali? Or Salman Rushdie? Where is the nuanced line?

chickelit said...

Chip: Obama is motivated by nuanced vengeance; I say "nuanced" because a lot of seemingly intellegent people buy into it. Nuanced is synonymous with veiled.*

*How's that for double entendre?

chickelit said...

I was greatly moved last week by all the Lincoln stuff in DC. I was also struck by Booth and the thought that the most insidious, harmful, double-crossing, worthless traitors are the thespians--especially the good-looking ones.

chickelit said...

I was actually cheered that Booth was paralyzed first before he died--able to fully grasp the worthlesness of what he did with his own hands.

MamaM said...

So at least Allie is consistent in her pacifism.

The willingness of the person who comments as AllieOop to snipe, hit from behind, deliver low blows, provoke and run from a fair fight is has been revealed numerous times here and at TOP. What she's been doing and continues to do is consistent, but it's not the work of a pacifist.

While Grace recognizes and honors parental fear and concern over the safety of loved ones in harm's way, Truth acknowledges the fact that a sincere and honest expression of those feelings rarely involves the use of talking points.

chickelit said...

Yes, MamaM: Allie appears to have allies in talking points. A plurality of bad faith.

ndspinelli said...

ChipS, Exactly regarding security. When I went to the American Embassy in Colombia in 1987 it was a fortress. Escobar ruled the country. Just a couple years prior they took over the Colombian Supreme Court, killed judges and destroyed files. Well, the US Embassy was never attacked because of the deterrence of Marine security. And Escobar was every bit as ruthless as these terrorists, much richer and smarter.

Ruth Anne, May I buy you a drink?

ndspinelli said...

I'm afraid to report Allie is doubling down on stupid today. I was w/ Allen and Darcy regarding her kid but not so much anymore. Good heart but a 10 cent head.

Darcy said...

Oh, I'm not defending. I'm just not going to say she's dead to me over irrational statements she's made while her daughter is in harm's way.

I think the angle Chip brought up is interesting. Why aren't more Democrats criticizing the lack of security? Well, we know why. So yeah. Blind defense of this administration doesn't really fit very neatly with the idea that someone is solely worried about their son or daughter.

The Dude said...

We each find our own path through life and only when we look back do we learn. I didn't serve, and wonder how different my life would have been if I had.

My sister is currently serving, her husband is deployed, she is worried sick about his safety, but when you serve during war time, that's what you get.

I guess when I take the time to reflect on the wars of recent memory I think about how much things have changed. Car companies have not stopped making cars and switched to making aircraft. We don't have ration books. We don't have 17 million people in the ranks. We don't take this current war seriously, and that, in my opinion, is a huge problem.

Either we deal with those crazed-ass jihadis over there or we will be dealing with them here. They are not stopping. They are at war with us, whether or not we are at war with them.

Sadly, as with Viet Nam, our political class is letting us, as a civilization, down. But they are getting rich, and that's what counts.

AllenS said...

It's a hell of a lot easier for the families to get in contact with their loved ones over there, than when I was in a war. I wonder what her daughter is telling her. Even if her daughter is saying to her "mom, don't worry, I'm fine" she probably doesn't believe it.

My old unit is back in Afghanistan. It's their fourth deployment there. Last week on the local news one of them was KIA. This week another.

Every time a local is KIA from around where Allie lives, her heart must break a little more.

I know, I know, it doesn't excuse what she's been saying, but I have a hard time chastizing her about it. I've tried to explain the big picture, but there's only a picture of her daughter that she sees.

I don't know what else to say.

ndspinelli said...

Allen, No need to say anything else. I agree w/ you to a large extent, others to varying degrees.

ndspinelli said...

Well, maybe not MamaM.

windbag said...

I thought what MamaM said was spot on.

Trooper York said...

Hey there are degrees we are talking about. Read my post about bar friends.

You are entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to voice your opinion. That is the essence of free speech. But when you justify the government squelching free speech by middle of the night police action....well you lose me. Right there.

Trooper York said...

I respect what AllenS has to say.

And Darcy is once again too nice.

But I have had enough myself.

I don't ban anybody. Everyone is entitled to talk.

But they better get ready to be smacked around.

You know like the Packers.

Trooper York said...

Or like Aaron Rodgers with Ryan Braun's dick. Just sayn'

AllenS said...

Back in the 1970s and 1980s Green Bay had a quarterback named Lynn Dickey. We used to say: "if you want to smack around the Packers, you'll have to lick our Dickey."

chickelit said...

The bitch just told me to knock off the "personal stuff" at TOP.

Pot kettle. Maybe she will delete.

Darcy said...

What bitch?

Trooper York said...

You have to listen to a George Thorogood album to know.

Trooper York said...


It is not Long Tall Salley or Brown Betty or Peggy Sue.

Just sayn'

Trooper York said...

Chickie I just saw that shit.

Man what a nerve.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Wow. Go away for a few days and have hotel sex with your husband and see what you miss....or not miss on the internet.

I agree, as always, with MammaM.

Trooper York said...


Trooper York said...


chickelit said...

Trooper nailed it, as always.

chickelit said...

We're back from DC. My wife gave an invited talk at a nurse's conference there. We stayed at the DuPont Circle Hilton with the kids. The conference only paid for one room and we were too cheap to spring for a second so there was no hotel sex like DBQ enjoyed. It was nice to have 4 days of nothing but museum going.

Chip S. said...

Jeez, a guy tries to take a day off from TOP to detoxify and he's gotta go there to read about Oopsie's latest insanity.

A couple of drinks first, tho. Scusi!

Chip S. said...

Or like Aaron Rodgers with Ryan Braun's dick. Just sayn'

So you mean, she'll get smacked around and like it?

Chip S. said...

OK, chickie, I found the TOP thread you're talking about. It was worth the trip over there to witness Allie find common ground with Cedarford on the 1st amendment.

She's ready to root out the traitors among the Hollywood Jews now.

I have maximum respect Allen S, who is a wise man and a mensch, but I've also gotta say that if Allie's worries about her daughter have made her this fucking stupid then she should just stay the hell away from the internet.

AllenS said...

Wow, you drink fast. Are you from Wisconsin?

AllenS said...

She's lost all sense of balance. It isn't coming back either, if it was there in the first place.

Chip S. said...

Haha, no Allen. I went straight to shots of whisky. To get the whole thing over with fast.

windbag said...

And, Allie, just in case you wander in, looking for whatever it is you look for on the web, yes, we are talking smack about you...deservedly so.

TTBurnett said...

I wrote this yesterday on Facebook about free speech.

I don't read Althouse, and I don't care what Allie says.


Sorry if that Facebook update is a little high-falutin' and includes what passes for scholarship these days.

Gotta keep up appearances. Chip S, I believe, called me the "Emerson of this blog."

Emerson's dead, two miles from here. But I'm still alive, right here, for a while.

Happy Birthday, Ruth Anne!

chickelit said...

I don't read Althouse, and I don't care what Allie says

You wisdom (and others) is becoming more apparent. I was away from there for several days and came back today, only to step in Allie's and Althouse's shit.

chickelit said...

Gotta keep up appearances. Chip S, I believe, called me the 'Emerson of this blog.'

I liked ELP, especially Lucky Man

Michael Haz said...

Wow. Go away for a few days and have hotel sex with your husband and see what you miss....or not miss on the internet.

Trooper nailed it, as always.

I don't want to start any rumors, but.....umm...

Darcy said...

Thanks for the clues, Troop. lol

I had it narrowed down to two. ;-)

On another topic, this photoshopped pic bugs me - and not because it reminded Chip of me. Well, okay, that too. BUT!

My big problem with it is the implants. I mean, if you're going to get new boobs, why would you be satisfied with them situated so low?

A friend of a friend has done some research, is all.

The Dude said...

I could respond to why those bolt-ons look as they do, but the bottom line is that your "friend" needs to do research on any potential surgeon she is considering.

As always, as a person who has gone under the knife many times, I am opposed to voluntary cosmetic surgery due to the dangers involved. YMMV

Darcy said...

But if they're done right, they don't look like "bolt-ons"!

My friend can't afford it, anyway. She just dreams.

The Dude said...

Dreaming is good. Doing the kind of in-depth research that I have done is useful, too. ;^)

MamaM said...

if you're going to get new boobs, why would you be satisfied with them situated so low?

I'm wondering if this pair was situated there originally or this is this where they hang since gravity and age took over? The forearm does not look young.

With a ;), I note that it could've been the word "run" that prompted ChipS's trill. Highly doubtful, but possible.

As for clues...What clues???
Did I miss something? I'm still trying to figure out if Honey Boo Boo was created or made.

Michael Haz said...

That isn't my photoshop, by the way. It was sent to me by a friend who said that Anthony Weiner found it on his wife's cell phone.

Regarding careful to find the right surgeon. Done wrong, they are a disaster.

My niece has had four kids, is in triathalete shape and wanted implants. Small ones, just enough to correct the sag caused by nursing four babies. Her MD husband talked her out of it, first because he loves the sag and how it was earned. Second because his studied opinion was that implants reduced the accuracy of mammograms

Your mileage (and friend's boobs) may vary.

Michael Haz said...

That isn't my photoshop, by the way. It was sent to me by a friend who said that Anthony Weiner found it on his wife's cell phone.

Regarding careful to find the right surgeon. Done wrong, they are a disaster.

My niece has had four kids, is in triathalete shape and wanted implants. Small ones, just enough to correct the sag caused by nursing four babies. Her MD husband talked her out of it, first because he loves the sag and how it was earned. Second because his studied opinion was that implants reduced the accuracy of mammograms

Your mileage (and friend's boobs) may vary.

ndspinelli said...

Haz, Is that the same doc that fucked up your boat prop?

Michael Haz said...


Chip S. said...

With a ;), I note that it could've been the word "run" that prompted ChipS's trill

Maybe subconsciously.

But I was mostly thinking of the pic of the woman passed out on the July 4 picnic table. You know...another true patriot.

Obviously a better comp for our Darcy is the Nurse Julie London pic. But this one seems to have served as a cautionary tale about implants, so there's that.

Darcy said...

Aww. Just as I was about to "run" with MamaM's kind interpretation! ;-)

You ALL are thoughtful and kind, though. I'm going to get over this obsession.