Thursday, September 20, 2012

You can't deal with someone like this....

Have you guys been watching "The Real Housewives of New York?"

They have changed the cast around by dropping Jill Zarin, Kelly the pyscho and Alex McCord who is blogging about the show and just killing them. They added Heather who owns a shape wear company and a shnozz like Jimmy Durante......a half a Kennedy in this Carole Radizwill person....and a total trainwreck called Aviva Drescher.

 Now this twat has two claims to fame. Her current husband is the cousin of Fran Drescher  "The Nanny" and she lost a leg when she was a kid so she has a prostheses. Now you would think she would be a sympathetic character but she is bat shit crazy. You see she tells everyone that she doesn't want to be treated differently than anyone else. That she just wants to be "normal" and not to make a big deal over her leg. But she seems to bring it up in every episode. Along with all of her phobias and anxiety that paralyze her and make her demand attention all the time. Everything has to be about her. How she feels. What she thinks. What they are doing to her. Or what they are thinking about her. It is out and out crazy.

All these broads went a vacation to St Barts and Aviva caused a major shit storm. Long Story short......she just started lecturing and arguing with everyone about they didn't treat her right after she faced down death by flying to the island in a small plane like everyone else. She felt that they didn't greet them properly and wouldn't let it go. It is a continuing fight for the last three episodes or so.

Anyway happy go lucky drunken whore Sonja Morgan had a lunch to talk out their differences. Now you think Sonja might be at a disadvantage because she got butt fucked by a male prostitute that was sort of caught on camera but hey what's the big deal with that after all? She tells Aviva straight out "I don't care what you think. I am so over you and your nonsense." She just put on her Dr Zhivago had and lurched out of the restaraunt.

You see when people make everything all about them all the time you just have enough after a while. They turn every discussion to make it about them and push their agenda on every dinner or lunch or get together.
I mean you get exhausted after a while and want to say "Get over yourself bitch....everything is not about you. STFU and go away."

I think Aviva has outlived her usefulness to this franchise and will be cut from the show.

Everything you need to know about life you can learn from reality TV.


Chip S. said...


Michael Haz said...

Third last paragraph. Heh. Yes.

Titus said...

The tits are ok but the face is a train wreck.

I would still fuck her though. And so would the rest of you whores.


MamaM said...

When things are exactly as they seem, I get almost as confused as I do when things are not as they seem.

Like where did this fucking consideration come from with Titus??

chickelit said...

Titus said...
The tits are ok but the face is a train wreck.

Plunger implants are not OK, Titus.

We just don't know in this case.

Michael Haz said...

I would still fuck her though. And so would the rest of you whores.

As strange as it may seem to you, some men only have sex with the women they are married to.

And the deal here is this: Monogamy since the first date, all the way through engagement and marriage. And marriage is ended only by the end of life.

And agreement that monogamy will not devolve into a lazy form of celibacy; that sex will remain vital, regular, interesting, fun and highly engaging.

Not sure who you included as "whores", but it wasn't anyone I know on this blog, whether married or single.

chickelit said...

Titus has a Savage-style marriage.

The Dude said...

And not in a good way...

Trooper York said...

Wait....Titus is married to Michael Savage....that would explain a lot actually.

ricpic said...

Titus' problem is that he is untouched by the mystery of the female; my problem is the opposite. Like those boy scouts giggling and hamming for the camera as they climb over the semi-nude female statue in the French park (I think it's a French park from the gravelly ground and the statue so they must be French boy scouts). It's the only way they can cope with the awesome mystery of the female which holds them in thrall though they would die before admitting it to their little buddies.