Thursday, February 5, 2009

Yeah right, Althouse's are bigger. Hardee har har.

New York Post Weird but True February 5, 2009

Top this!
Sheyla Hershey (above), a Houston dancer who had already undergone eight breast-enlargement surgeries, traveled to Brazil for her ninth one after learning that Texas law limited the amount of silicone that can be injected into boob implants. She had already been carrying a full gallon.
Sheyla, who had been a mere 34 FFF, is now the proud owner of a 38 KKK bust, a world record.


Trooper York said...

Boy Texas has stupid laws.

Trooper York said...

Of course this is one of the skinny girls that we are idealizing.

dr kill said...

Nice set of fully modified Barbeaus. Texas does have some stupid laws. Did GWB sign this one? Probably. I bet there is something about it in Laura Bush's diary.

Fill 'em up, suckers.

chickelit said...

Yeah right, Althouse's are bigger. Hardee har har.

I think you've blown that little tiff way out of proportion.

Trooper York said...

Hey these are the proportions I am talking about baby.

Trooper York said...

Plus it's like one of those radio fueds. It builds up ratings, hee, hee.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Well I guess she'd never have to worry about drowning.

Those float don't they?

Darcy said...

Ok...but don't you guys think those are too big? I think she has a right to look the way she wants, it's her body, but just generally?

TitusSendsSpecialHugs said...

She will probably have back problems when she gets older don't you think?

Still, I think those are a little too big.

It must be a bitch to find a something to where to support those things.

knox said...

She looks gross. Come on. It looks like butt cheeks have been grafted onto her chest.

TitusSendsSpecialHugs said...

I wouldn't mind sticking my head in them though.

TitusSendsSpecialHugs said...

I love Sarah Jessica Parker's tits. Very nice, round, perfect size.

Susan Sarandan has nice tits too. Nice big full bustline. I love both of them.

ricpic said...

Darcy, of course they're too big. With the exception of a few way marginal guys most men like them medium to medium-small, not big. Uh oh, now I've done it.

chickelit said...

It looks like butt cheeks have been grafted onto her chest.

Ten-four there Knox--she's got a bad case of plumber's crack.

dannyboy said...

Ok...but don't you guys think those are too big?

Damn right they're too big. I mentioned on Althouse yesterday, that more than a mouthful is a waste.

Then again I have a phobia about big breasts. It happened about 7 years ago after finishing up the 4to 12 shift a bunch of us went to the local gentlemen's club and I got a lap dance from this big bosomed girl who thought I would enjoy having them slapped in my face.

I ended up with a broken nose and a knocked out filling and it took 4months to lose the stutter.

ricpic said...

Silicone breasts can hit harder than a swinging door.

Darcy said...

Yeah, you've done it now, ricpic!

Oh, well. :)

blake said...

You know, they're very American.

One of our genuine faults is the obsession with size. From serving portions to anatomy to, hell, special effects in movies.

Everything's got to always get bigger.

Men don't know how lucky they are there's no penile enhancement that actually works. A significant percentage of the male population would end up needing a special sock that doubled as a holster.

Darcy said...

Well, I'd like to be smaller, so discussions like this always make me...oh, not insecure, but just feeling more that way.

It's not a big deal, though. Just interesting to me. I agree with knox, but was trying to be mild about it. Probably too mild. I admire her bluntness!

chickelit said...

Game, set, match. Darcy

You're the real deal. :)

Darcy said...

Aww, thanks, chickenlittle!

Hoosier Daddy said...

I wonder if her feet get wet when she takes a shower.

knox said...

Men don't know how lucky they are there's no penile enhancement that actually works.

The only reason they haven't got to that point is because it's invisible to 99.999% of the population. It's just a matter of time, though.

blake said...

Mmm. Maybe, knox, but I don't think so. Stuffing a bag behind (or on top) of a pec muscle is far less complex than extending a muscle--which has to either be filled with intermittently blood or some other fluid.

Nichevo said...

Don't worry, Darcy, to me C, D, DD are juuuuust fine! C-D is just about in my wheelhouse, but I have had smaller women who were well worth appreciating. But "more than a mouthful" is crap. Don't listen and if you are my kind of girl, PLEASE don't change! (Esp. not at knifepoint, Heaven forbid.)

A false D, C, E or in any size is less desirable than a real A, B, C or in any size.

Nichevo said...

And where did I miss Ann's breasts? Link please?!?!?!?

knox said...

Stuffing a bag behind (or on top) of a pec muscle is far less complex than extending a muscle

and there's always sports cars!

blake said...

Yeah. Some would have it that women are really only interested in the size of a man's wallet, eh, what?

Hey, that's what we all need: Wallet Enhancement Surgery

Darcy said...

It's not the size of the wallet, it's the handling of the resources.

blake said...

<phew> Good thing.

Er, not that I have a small bank account or anything.

What have you heard?

It's fine. Really. Normal. In proportion.

Darcy said...

LOL, Blake! There was no doubt in my mind.