Just kidding - I have read that Outhouse is not very bright, and she sure seems intent on proving it. She and Inga are in a cage match fight to the death to see who is least intelligent. I hope they both lose.
Palladian bowed out over there, remarking something about "sweeps week". This got me to seriously thinking whether the whole "race" brew ha ha over there is really about a whole different race.
Sixty, She is also quite needy and feels compelled to try and show she's the smartest person in the world, when in reality she's not even in the top 10 of her own blog. One of her pathological ploys is when she is being outwitted on a thread she starts getting into tedious semantics. I've said this many times, but it always needs repeating. She and the lawnboy are friendless. That's sums it all up.
I agree, Titus; bowls are the best venues for football. I've been on the field at (an empty, alas) Michigan Stadium, and it's just amazing. The Rose Bowl is great, too.
She is also quite needy and feels compelled to try and show she's the smartest person in the world, when in reality she's not even in the top 10 of her own blog.
She thinks she is clever and introspective, when in reality she is not either of those things. Unoriginal thinking and totally self delusional about her real motives. Allie is the same except instead of getting into diversionary semantics, she just becomes shrill, paranoid and goes into a juvenile attack mode trying to get people to gang up on each other.
I enjoy discussing politics and economic stuff on other blogs as long as the discussion is honest and interesting. I like the joking and interpersonal stuff that people share with each other here at Trooper's place and that we don't get into arguments about politics.
I too love old stadiums, particularly bowls. What's so cool about Bowls are how they look so quaint from the outside. You walk through the portal and a beautiful venue appears. I've never been inside Michigan's bowl but did drive past it. The Bowl of my heart is Yale Bowl. Went to many games there back in the 60's and 70's w/ my old man. Saw Calvin Hill, Ed Marinaro, Tommy Lee Jones[didn't know it @ the time], Gary Fencik and many others. I also went to games the years W was a cheerleader! Harvard/Yale games were the best...The Game! Went to several pro games @ Yale Bowl, the year the Giants played their season there in the 70's w/ Yankee Stadium being renovated and Giants Stadium being constructed.
You walk through the portal and a beautiful venue appears.
That's why I love Fenway Park. From the street it looks like an old warehouse. When you first enter, it's like being in the smelly wet basement of an old frat house.
Then you walk up the steps and get hit with a blast of green. Wham! You've been transported out of the city and into the pure realm of baseball.
Completely sucky baseball this season, but that's a story for a different thread.
DBQ: I agree completely. I just don't bother with her or it any more. Except for having met a few interesting people via that blog, I am very sorry I ever heard of it.
As for being wasted on box wine, I will give her credit for drinking good stuff. Her house wine is J. Lohr cab, not bad for about $15/bottle. Sometimes you see it discounted to $10, but around here, the high retail price is $17. I got a 1.5 liter bottle last night marked down from $29.95 to $19.95, which is the only way I can afford it. I plan to make further inroads upon this noble product of Paso Robles this evening.
In the old days, she frequently sipped wine during her podcasts. It was amusing to hear a female academic getting smashed as she chatted, a bit like a slice of a Faculty Club party any of us could go to.
At a real faculty club you could generally slip away from fun-seeming drunks when they started to turn nasty, which is, of course, exactly what I've done and recommend to everyone else.
Kezar was amazing. I lived just a few blocks from the stadium,near Golden Gate Park. We could hear the games from our tiny San Francisco back yard and through the windows. So sad when the last Niners game was played there. SF is a beautiful town.
DBQ, I remember watching John Brodie throwing bombs in Kezar Stadium. Isn't that where Dirty Harry caught the serial killer and got his mind right? That was a classic scene. Thanks for the photo.
ChipS, I remember the awe of walking into ballparks as a kid, both Fenway and Yankee Stadium.
There is also a Pharaoh of Fluff, Dog Fluff Costume Competition and someone dressed as a whoopie pie just walked by my expensive loft. The filling in him was actual fluff and people were taking bites out of him.
Titus, My brother lived in Allston back in the 80's and we walked to Harvard Stadium. It is historic and I understand your attachment, but it is really not in the same category as the others on your list.
The stupid law bitch soiled Instapundit this week. He had some guest posters, while he was busy. What an arrogant loser she is. Here is one of her (mercifully) few posts...linking to herself.
Kezar has sure changed over the years. I remember it being mentioned in Herb Caen columns years ago, along with Playland, the Cliff House and Sutro baths.
I ate at the Cliff House once, but I think most of the other places were gone by the time I got to SF.
I saw the O's play Oakland at Alameda County Stadium once - the hills in CA are yellow or brown except when it rains, and walking from that sere landscape into a green-grassed ball park was stunning. Even to me, and I can't even see green. That's the only time I experienced anything like that.
Candlestick - meh. I nearly froze there one August, but other than the cold, I don't remember the park at all.
Oriole Park at Camden Yards is nice, but since Maryland is usually pretty green, the contrast was not too great. Nice park, though.
I liked the old Durham Bulls park - when they were a single A team you could walk right down to the players and talk to them. Well, I couldn't as I don't speak Spanish, but other than that...
Out of all the Ivy School cities New Haven is the biggest fucking dump. Cambridge is the most fab because it is much more than just Harvard-biotech capital of the world that it is.
New Haven is Yale surrounded by housing projects and blackies.
It's disgusting.
Although, New Haven pizza is fucking amazing. Cambridge pizza is not amazing.
Evanston is the most fab big ten city. Lincoln is the least fab.
I went to Fluff Fest and there was a woman who was naked with just fluff on her tits and snatch. What a statement she made. I wanted to start chanting "shame".
Another woman had a handbag that said, "God Hates Bags".
And there were so many fucking spics and dykes. The smell of tacos, anchovies and fluff was enough to make you puke. No fags though. Did you know that my hood isn't a fag hood-are you surprised? I could never live by a bunch of fags.
This is a fucking family event not the Folsom Street Prison Fair and Cotillion.
Ha! Over at Legal Insurrection, they are kicking the stupid law bitch's ass around. Much politer than we do here. Someone called her jejune, which absolutely cracked me up. I wonder if her lawn boy will jump into the fray. I doubt it, since Professor Jacobson runs a respectable joint.
Wonderful picture of those white San Francisco hills outside Kezar Stadium. When I was 16 I ran away from home, took the Greyhound bus all the way from NYC to San Fran and walked all over her white hills. It's almost unreal to me, the me that did that, but it did happen. I wrote a long stream of consciousness type post about the experience and just as I was finishing it the computer shut down on me and erased the comment so you'll have to be satisfied with this abbreviated and therefor less lyrical version of what was a genuinely lyrical experience, which can only be had when you're 16. I even thought it was romantic staying in a skid row hotel on 3rd Street. Now THAT'S young.
Wonderful picture of those white San Francisco hills outside Kezar Stadium.
I found it on line, but it is so reminiscent of my time in SF from 68, when I graduated from high school and moved to go to college, to the mid 1970's when I moved to the Sierra Nevada area. Those were the days :-) My hippie dippy days.
SF was and still is a beautiful city, even if it is crawling with liberals and panhandlers and is really dirty in some areas. You just have to know what areas to avoid. Nice parks and open spaces surprisingly in the middle of the city. The restaurants and ethnic foods are something I really really miss about the city life.
It is a very nice city for walking, if you know which areas to avoid. I used to walk from Market street up to Coit tower then back down through North Beach and China town, back to Market. I kind of miss being able to take that walk - you could see some stuff from Telegraph hill.
DBQ - there is a site, http://www.curbsideclassic.com/, that every so often posts a closeup picture of a detail of an automobile and the object is to guess what the car is. Could provide an interesting challenge for your husband. I rarely get them right, but my younger brother is pretty good at it.
Titus was probably right in that earlier thread here. I should layoff off the TOP for a bit. I'm so close to just unloading on Crack MC. I know some of you guys adore him (I'm looking at you EBL) or think he has interesting things to say, but this non-stop Romney smearing is starting to wear down my patience. I wrote my feelings about this back here a while ago. I still stand by what I wrote.
Althouse seems to love the guy for some reason.
Did anyone else notice that Instapundit deblogrolled Sullivan and Crack MC? About time. Bigotry should not be tolerated. Too bad Althouse falls for them.
I stopped arguing w/Crack, for the same reason I don't usually talk back to my tv.
I highly recommend the quick-skim method to detect and avoid useless comments at TOP. After a while, you can move the particularly awful commenters to the scroll-past list.
My new twist on the scroll-past list is what I call the "shiloh list," which is where the truly loathsome commenters wind up. Once someone's on the shiloh list I don't just scroll past all his comments, I also scroll past any comment by any other commenter who is responding to the person who's on the shiloh list.
It's easy, it saves time, and it really cuts down on acid reflux during visits to TOP.
@ Sixty. Thanks for the link. Hubby is perusing the site as I am typing.
Re: Crack. I think the guy is too focused on his pet paranoia to think logically. There is no arguing or even discussing with someone who has their mind made up. As my ever lovin' says: "Like trying to teach a pig to sing. Waste of time and only annoys the pig."
Ditto what ChipS said: I see a post by Crack and others and usually just scroll on by.
And....now we are off for the day to take a drive around the area through the mountains and woods and just get the heck away from the business phone. We shouldn't complain about work, since soon it will be winter and we will not be busy, but after over 10 days of straight through 10 hour days, The Dumbplumber needs a break. If they are out of water....wait a day.
I never have liked San Francisco that much. I went there a few times during the early 90's in the height of the AIDS epidemic and it freaked me out. I hardly ever go there now. I know fags are supposed to LOVE it but I don't. Also, I am an East Coast Girl. I hate LA and San Diego is too sunny and I need a change of seasons. I love snow and fall foliage.
I am picky about states. I don't like Florida either-it's just weird.
Seattle rains too much.
Forget the South and the midwest is boring.
If I didn't live in Boston I would be in some euro metro, natch-I know they are all going broke, but still they are fab. Tel Aviv I would do too. One of my fave cities is Prague. Next, I loved Istanbul.
I saw skeletons walking all over the streets in San Francisco and I never wanted to go back.
It is beautiful but back then looked so terribly depressing.
Yup. TOP's a mess o' pottage. Amid the stewing broth seasoned with guile, some good sized chunks of meat and vegetables can still be found and fished out for consideration and consumption.
Meanwhile, I know who I am. I know what I do. I know what it means to do the right thing as a man. I know what it is to take stands against those in power. Real power, not rhetorical blogginess power.
It just isn't all that macho to spend all the time explaining to people what macho is and what I've done to express it.
I think you take on the world and have a mission and a voice--but your failing won't be ignoring what you see as truth, your failing will be needing to get the popular kids to put a stamp of approval on your message. Which dilutes the mission.
(From, "Why are you making this about race?" post, PaddyO response to CMC.)
Writing like this, along with the responses of several others (some new, some old) are why I continue to read TOP and find myself heartened. Even if this type of clear, centered expression isn't par for the course, when it shows up, the difference is obvious.
As far as jejune goes, I get it mixed up with ingenue, 1. A naive, innocent girl or young woman. 2.a. The role of an ingénue in a dramatic production. b. An actress playing such a role.
Which tracks back to questions of guile and the absence thereof in performance art and dramatic productions.
Allie went postal on me when I made a run of the mill ball bust. She has been commenting in rapid mode on many posts and I just noted that on an innocuous male dna post. I don't dislike her as much as most here, as I've said. But the "manic" seemed to strike a nerve that was not intended to. I mean I like to look @ an opponents cut above the eye and hammer it. But, that's just w/ folks I dislike. C'est la vie.
I picked up the old man today and took him for a drive and then lunch.
It was a beautiful autumn day here in Wisconsin; clear, crisp, sunny and warm. The leaves are turning, kids playing. Just perfect and it's the last autumn he'll see.
We drove past a Civil War reinactment. A man dressed in a Union Army uniform stopped us and driected us toward the parking area. The old man said to him "Sarge, some of your guys are going to be pretty irritated when they find out the Civil War ended a while back." Sarge didn't laugh. And we didn't stay.
He wanted lunch so we went to his regular lunch place - a Chinese buffet. We walked in and the owner saw us. "Missa John - you no eat buffet today. I cook special for you. Same price." I had the buffet; the owner brought out some wonderful looking, smelling and tasting steak and vegetable meal for the old man.
When the place opened three years ago the owner who could barely speak English had big trouble with the local jerk building inspector as the remodeling was being wrapped up. The old man found out about it, walked in the door of the place and tuned up the inspector (he knew him for years in the building business). Occupancy permit three hours later. Missa John gets special treatment even though he doesn't want it. He told the owner "I don't want anything. My parents were immigrants; I know how damn hard it can be."
He wanted to talk about World War Two today. It was the first time he did so voluntarily. "I'm not gonna tell yo about the combat stuff, just the other stuff."
He was in the Navy, spent time on Guadalcanal. The enlisted guys made camp away from teh officers area, along the beach. They scrounged tents and other things. They build a tent village, then found scrap tin to put protective covers over the tents to keep then cooler and drier. And white sheets in the ceilings, and light bulbs in makeshift tin fixtures. They planted palms near the tent area because they sprouted and grew in a few weeks.
One of his buddies decided they needed palm roof on their tents to look authentic. Rather than climbing the palm trees and cutting the fronds, they told the guys at the Army base that there were snipers in the palm trees. The Army guys shot the tops off the trees; the fronds fell to ground.
A junior officer came around to announce inspection, followed by a Captain. The officers were furious that the enlisted men had better quarters and demanded to know where thy got the material. "From the Army base", they lied with a straight face.
A major came around later that day and congratulated them for showing the junior officers exactly how to make things happen in a war.
One of the Old Man's buddies was a shoemaker in civilian life. He took everyone's GI boots and cut them down to oxfords. The company tailor cut everyone's pants short, just below the pockets.
They found a Japanese soldier who had been living in a cave for months. He didn't want to surrender because that would dishonor his family in Japan and they would be killed. After he was debriefed by an officer who spoke Japanese, it was decided that he could stay on the island. He became the company cook, fishing in the ocean, finding fruits on the forest. The old man likes mango and papaya with lime juice to this day.
There are more stories I'll save for another day.
He remains happy, funny, alert and engaged. It's hard to tell by looking at him that his days are few. He sees his friends, tells stories and puts a box of water bottles on his walker so he can water the mums he planted around the doorway of the seniors' apartment building where he lives.
When it's my time to reach for the next life, I hope I can do it with as much grace and fearlessness has he is. "We all have a purpose", he says, "Mine right now is to show my family how to die. It's not so bad as it sounds."
I have to tell you as you head off to the nethers, I'm in the throes of another conundrum. I thought the Fluff stuff was something you'd personally whipped up to entertain the Troops, until I discovered there really was a Fest and a Pharaoh of Fluff! In Boston, no less! Now, I'm at 6's and 7's, wondering if the pungent pinched loaves and scallop shack shitter stories were also flushed with truth???
As penance, I offer the following indupitable jujubious factoids:
In Italy, jujubes are known as "puntini"...
In India, jujubes are soft, semi-gooey and sugar coated. Rajinikanth is credited, though unverifiably, with the introduction of the word "ju-ju-bi" into contemporary Tamil slang to mean "easy pickings"
Some thug and I just got into a screaming matching about him thinking I didn't clean up my rare clumbers shit.
He stopped in the middle of a busy street and yelled at me " are you going to clean up his shit". I said, " he didn't shit you fucking low life bitch and then he said I can smell it and I said it's probably your fucking breath or ass you uneducated piece of worthless trash". And then he said fuck you and I said get back to the ghetto and I will call you when I need my toilet cleaned and ran into my expensive loft building. He had a wicket Boston accent and looked kind of hot under his huge hoodie.
I was talking on the phone with my mom the entire time and now she is freaking out.
How are you?
Now I am going to locate my third eye and focus on breathing techniques.
Mamam I didn't eat any fluff, it looked gross. But on Sundays for some reason I pinch tons of loaves. Today I pinched like 5 loaves each special in it's own way.
I am work for a employee owned contractor Windy. I never worked in this type of organization before and it is kind of weird. They are all Phd Economists. I always worked in Biotech, High Tech or Health Care.
I do makes tons of money though because I am smart "corporate" wise, present well, and know how to bullshit and "listen". In the work place I never ever talk about myself (believe it or not) I just listen to other people's shit.
Michael Haz, what a fantastic comment. I was transfixed by "The Pacific," and to me your father's stories are the chords that turn a stark musical line into a rich composition.
Boston is fucking libtard and commie and incredibly expensive but it also has a strong undertone of thugs and gangs and trash. Think Whitey Bulger and Ben Affleck movies. But don't forget fags married and Barney Frank and Harvard and Elizabeth Warren.
It's a weird dichotomy.
I have been held up more times than I can count but I still keep on "moving on".
Nigs always ask me if the rare clumber is expensive and my reply is "no, he is a mutt". Yuppie scum ask me and my reply is, "yes he is very rare, there are only 200 registered in the U.S.". The good news is that the rare clumber is so huge they could never kidnap him. He just wouldn't fucking move and he weighs 90 pounds and no one would ever be able to run too far with him.
My dad was in the Korean War, built a successful road construction company, has a beautiful farm and has Alzheimers, can I get some fucking love? He is totally blue collar and still loves his fag son-I mean hello? Now suck my cock.
Deciding who likes and dislikes whom here may not be quite as clear cut or black and white a proposition as it might seem.
I have a fondness for Titus, appreciate his ability to spin and provoke, and at the same time am personally repelled by some of his descriptions, lies and machinations. Like or dislike? Who's to say?
The picture at the top of this post unsettles me for several reasons. I don't enjoy the connections that come up for me when I view it. I do, however, respect TY's freedom to post whatever he wants, aware I'm granted the similar freedom to form my own response and comment as I please. I like and appreciate this arrangement. I dislike behavior that attempts to derail, devalue, or shut down either of those freedoms.
After reading Michael H's description of the day and connect he experienced with his dad, I had a mixed response there too. I was touched by the poignancy, the ordinariness and the specialness of a life well spent, the sadness and fullness of an autumn day well spent, the power of ingenuity, humor, and forbearance in the midst of difficulty, destruction and death. While I liked hearing of this, the awareness was accompanied by tears. I dislike loss and am thankful whenever courage, honor, faith and hope are shown to be real and present. Thank you.
Michael, nice post about your father. You are so lucky to have him and be able to spend the time with him. Discovering who your parents really are in an adult relationship, as opposed to a parent/child relationship is a wonderful thing.
I was going to type a long story about my mother who died early....but it is too depressing and sad....so I deleted it. Maybe some other day.
DBQ, Just give us a heads-up when you want to comment about your mom, we'll all just double up on the prozac. It can't be that depressing, she created a wonderful daughter.
There have been some great father posts and comments here. Here's a list of posts with the tag "father's day." In Trooper's style, there's everything from a poll to a picture of a beer. Even a picture of Erin Moran when she had a roof over her head.
It can't be that depressing, she created a wonderful daughter.
Yes, it can be. Some people are wonderful because they were raised in a wonderful environment. Some people are wonderful because they longed to be raised in a wonderful environment. As much as nd tries to pass himself off as an expert in human nature, I would expect him to know that.
windbag, I'm quite aware of horrible, dysfunctional enviroments. One of my first jobs was as a juvenile probation officer, dealing w/ young criminals from mostly bad family enviroments. What was puzzling to me was once in awhile the kid was bad, but the family was loving and normal. In those cases, it was the peer influences.
My words to DBQ were positive. I'm a glass half full guy. It was not intended to slight whatever dysfunction DBQ suffered, but to acknowledge she turned out great. I apologize if my kudos to DBQ offended you. I normally would tell someone in this case to go shit in their hat. But I sense you may have some issues yourself in the family background dept. and if that is the case, I'm sorry. Just remember, resentment is like wanting to kill someone by taking the poison yourself.
windbag, You apparently have read my comments. I've spoken glowingly about my parents, particularly about my old man. You admit even your friends don't like you. So, I'll end on a positive note, although you're an asshole, you are honest. Now, just let it go.
I don't know DBQ much at all, and I certainly don't speak for her--which she doesn't need--but for God's sake, read what she posted, asshole, and take it at face value. DBQ is a straight shooter.
If I could purchase you for what you're worth and sell you for what you think you're worth, I'd be a wealthy guy. No, I don't know about your family relationships, because I don't read you posts for the most part, because they're shit. And the bit about "even my friends don't like me" is what is known as self-deprecating humor. Sort of like Rodney Dangerfield made a killing doing. You're too obtuse to get it, though.
You can Google the big words later, in the meantime, go fuck yourself.
Woah. I didn't take offense at Spinelli's comment. Took it as a joking comment.
I was inspired (and envious a bit) by Haz's relationship with his father and wished that I could have had the same with my mother. Circumstances were otherwise. I had a wonderful childhood and am proud of both of my parents and even my bratty younger brother :-) Nothing more dysfunctional than anyone else I suppose. Unfortunately, some bad things happened to my mother that caused her to suffer and be diminished for many years and to die before I had a chance to "know" my mother as an adult woman. Like Haz is getting to know his father as a man instead of just as a son.
Those were tough times for us all as a family, but I think it made us stronger.
I just pine for the fact that I never was able to make the connections with my mother that come with maturity.
If I knew anything about sports, I would make a comment here to get us all back on track.
To this picker, grinner, lover & sinner, Pompitous Windbag seems a fine handle. Another version of the Bag O Water thing. No need to double up on the Prozac to appreciate the difference between influence and control. I've added MamaMaurice to my list of seconds.
For as many times as I've heard the song, this is my first encounter with pompitous!
I hate Sarah Jessica Parker, Robin Williams, Tim Robbins, Susan Saradon, the BJ Hunnicut guy, brussel sprouts, the Boston Red Sox, commies and well, lawyers.
I thought ChipS was a southpaw.
Gotta adjust to the dominant eye, Nick.
But that does bring back misty watercolor mem'ries of Camp Nixon. The most fun we had was when our counselor, Ollie North, taught us Contra dancing.
He'd bring in some Sandinista bastard he'd caught and we'd kick the shit out of the guy.
Ahhh, sweet childhood memories. Did Ollie bring Fawn Hall along?
What about me Troop?
Titus wins the narcissist/needy award monthly and annually.
He's a black hole of needy, just like my mother-in-law.
RACIST! Take that crap over to TOP.
Just kidding - I have read that Outhouse is not very bright, and she sure seems intent on proving it. She and Inga are in a cage match fight to the death to see who is least intelligent. I hope they both lose.
Palladian bowed out over there, remarking something about "sweeps week". This got me to seriously thinking whether the whole "race" brew ha ha over there is really about a whole different race.
Sixty, She is also quite needy and feels compelled to try and show she's the smartest person in the world, when in reality she's not even in the top 10 of her own blog. One of her pathological ploys is when she is being outwitted on a thread she starts getting into tedious semantics. I've said this many times, but it always needs repeating. She and the lawnboy are friendless. That's sums it all up.
Bruce, Bingo!!
Which race do you think she is going on about?
I think she was badly wasted on box wine when she wrote that mess - a needy alcoholic is just about the worst thing in the world.
ndspinelli said...
Bruce, Bingo!!
Bingo wings!
Do you guys like college football?
I like the stadiums.
My fave is University of Michigan-just an old time bowl, no decks and shit. The old stadiums are so much cooler than the new ones.
I agree, Titus; bowls are the best venues for football. I've been on the field at (an empty, alas) Michigan Stadium, and it's just amazing. The Rose Bowl is great, too.
She is also quite needy and feels compelled to try and show she's the smartest person in the world, when in reality she's not even in the top 10 of her own blog.
She thinks she is clever and introspective, when in reality she is not either of those things. Unoriginal thinking and totally self delusional about her real motives. Allie is the same except instead of getting into diversionary semantics, she just becomes shrill, paranoid and goes into a juvenile attack mode trying to get people to gang up on each other.
I enjoy discussing politics and economic stuff on other blogs as long as the discussion is honest and interesting. I like the joking and interpersonal stuff that people share with each other here at Trooper's place and that we don't get into arguments about politics.
Ah well, a time and place for everything.
I think she was badly wasted on box wine when she wrote that mess
Finally, it all makes sense. Thanks, 60.
I too love old stadiums, particularly bowls. What's so cool about Bowls are how they look so quaint from the outside. You walk through the portal and a beautiful venue appears. I've never been inside Michigan's bowl but did drive past it. The Bowl of my heart is Yale Bowl. Went to many games there back in the 60's and 70's w/ my old man. Saw Calvin Hill, Ed Marinaro, Tommy Lee Jones[didn't know it @ the time], Gary Fencik and many others. I also went to games the years W was a cheerleader! Harvard/Yale games were the best...The Game! Went to several pro games @ Yale Bowl, the year the Giants played their season there in the 70's w/ Yankee Stadium being renovated and Giants Stadium being constructed.
I wonder if Troop ever had any pizza at Nguyen Ngoc Loan's place - just for comparison and whatnot.
You walk through the portal and a beautiful venue appears.
That's why I love Fenway Park. From the street it looks like an old warehouse. When you first enter, it's like being in the smelly wet basement of an old frat house.
Then you walk up the steps and get hit with a blast of green. Wham! You've been transported out of the city and into the pure realm of baseball.
Completely sucky baseball this season, but that's a story for a different thread.
Kezar Stadium. Beautiful.
Great pic, DBQ. Those goal posts are amazing. What are they, 10 feet high?
It's easy to find the point in the stands where ticket prices fell abruptly.
DBQ: I agree completely. I just don't bother with her or it any more. Except for having met a few interesting people via that blog, I am very sorry I ever heard of it.
As for being wasted on box wine, I will give her credit for drinking good stuff. Her house wine is J. Lohr cab, not bad for about $15/bottle. Sometimes you see it discounted to $10, but around here, the high retail price is $17. I got a 1.5 liter bottle last night marked down from $29.95 to $19.95, which is the only way I can afford it. I plan to make further inroads upon this noble product of Paso Robles this evening.
In the old days, she frequently sipped wine during her podcasts. It was amusing to hear a female academic getting smashed as she chatted, a bit like a slice of a Faculty Club party any of us could go to.
At a real faculty club you could generally slip away from fun-seeming drunks when they started to turn nasty, which is, of course, exactly what I've done and recommend to everyone else.
And, yes, DBQ, a very nice stadium and a perfect setting!
Kezar was amazing. I lived just a few blocks from the stadium,near Golden Gate Park. We could hear the games from our tiny San Francisco back yard and through the windows. So sad when the last Niners game was played there. SF is a beautiful town.
DBQ, I remember watching John Brodie throwing bombs in Kezar Stadium. Isn't that where Dirty Harry caught the serial killer and got his mind right? That was a classic scene. Thanks for the photo.
ChipS, I remember the awe of walking into ballparks as a kid, both Fenway and Yankee Stadium.
I don't like the new stadiums-too much flash.
My favorite stadiums are Harvard (natch), Yale, Michigan, Ohio State, Penn State, Tennessee, Wisconsin and Lambeau.
It's Fluff Fest here today. There is a fluff parade, fluff food, fluff costumes, fluff queen.
Fluff is a big fucking deal out here.
There is also a Pharaoh of Fluff, Dog Fluff Costume Competition and someone dressed as a whoopie pie just walked by my expensive loft. The filling in him was actual fluff and people were taking bites out of him.
Fluff and forced busing is Old Boston
Biotech, VC and Gay Marriage is New Boston.
I finally figured out that Titus was talking about this fluff.
Previously I assumed that it was a celebration of sociology and the assorted victim studies programs.
Is there a nastier-sounding sandwich than a fluffernutter?
Something w/sausage, I suppose.
Titus, My brother lived in Allston back in the 80's and we walked to Harvard Stadium. It is historic and I understand your attachment, but it is really not in the same category as the others on your list.
Nick is right. Harvard Stadium is pretty meh. Also, it's the only place I've been where the most common tailgating drink was white wine.
The stupid law bitch soiled Instapundit this week. He had some guest posters, while he was busy. What an arrogant loser she is. Here is one of her (mercifully) few posts...linking to herself.
What a classless, shameless, clueless, parasite.
Do you know at the Yale/Harvard games Waspy guys wear full length Beaver Coats?
Male Black Americans that go to Harvard are the most pretentious people in the entire world...I kind of dislike them.
Years ago some fag libtard in the house of representatives here wanted to ban Fluff in schools.
Well that didn't go over well.
She ended up resigning and now is some HRC whore.
She lives in my hood and I absolutely despise her-Jarret Barrios is her name-she was replaced by another fag in the house, natch.
You have never heard of a fluffernutter Chip?
Wow, come on!
It sounds like some sex act.
Ok, I am leaving getting ready to be bombarded by fluff.
There were also "flufferettes".
I love that term-flufferette.
Of course you love fluffernutters, Titus. The fucking thing looks like a jizz sandwich.
by the way they serve fluff in the schools here.
I don't like chiz Chip.
The stuff never gets near me.
Some guys actually like you to chizz on them-gross.
If I am wanking someone and he tells me he is about to blow I immediately yank the shaft to the right or just let it go and let him finish it.
Cum is gross.
Today this guys dog was humping another dog at the park and when he pulled him off the dog had a huge red hardon and was dripping with cum.
It took forever for the dog's hog to go down.
We all laughed.
Kezar has sure changed over the years. I remember it being mentioned in Herb Caen columns years ago, along with Playland, the Cliff House and Sutro baths.
I ate at the Cliff House once, but I think most of the other places were gone by the time I got to SF.
I saw the O's play Oakland at Alameda County Stadium once - the hills in CA are yellow or brown except when it rains, and walking from that sere landscape into a green-grassed ball park was stunning. Even to me, and I can't even see green. That's the only time I experienced anything like that.
Candlestick - meh. I nearly froze there one August, but other than the cold, I don't remember the park at all.
Oriole Park at Camden Yards is nice, but since Maryland is usually pretty green, the contrast was not too great. Nice park, though.
I liked the old Durham Bulls park - when they were a single A team you could walk right down to the players and talk to them. Well, I couldn't as I don't speak Spanish, but other than that...
Jackpot! More awesome than Bingo!
Jackpot is the big "things are not as they seem" payout, the bells and whistles response to performance art for effect.
The jizz-chiz Titus purports to eschew as he trots out The Fluff to once again out perform the performance artists in the Great TOP Race.
Out of all the Ivy School cities New Haven is the biggest fucking dump. Cambridge is the most fab because it is much more than just Harvard-biotech capital of the world that it is.
New Haven is Yale surrounded by housing projects and blackies.
It's disgusting.
Although, New Haven pizza is fucking amazing. Cambridge pizza is not amazing.
Evanston is the most fab big ten city. Lincoln is the least fab.
I went to Fluff Fest and there was a woman who was naked with just fluff on her tits and snatch. What a statement she made. I wanted to start chanting "shame".
Another woman had a handbag that said, "God Hates Bags".
And there were so many fucking spics and dykes. The smell of tacos, anchovies and fluff was enough to make you puke. No fags though. Did you know that my hood isn't a fag hood-are you surprised? I could never live by a bunch of fags.
This is a fucking family event not the Folsom Street Prison Fair and Cotillion.
Ha! Over at Legal Insurrection, they are kicking the stupid law bitch's ass around. Much politer than we do here. Someone called her jejune, which absolutely cracked me up. I wonder if her lawn boy will jump into the fray. I doubt it, since Professor Jacobson runs a respectable joint.
Wonderful picture of those white San Francisco hills outside Kezar Stadium. When I was 16 I ran away from home, took the Greyhound bus all the way from NYC to San Fran and walked all over her white hills. It's almost unreal to me, the me that did that, but it did happen. I wrote a long stream of consciousness type post about the experience and just as I was finishing it the computer shut down on me and erased the comment so you'll have to be satisfied with this abbreviated and therefor less lyrical version of what was a genuinely lyrical experience, which can only be had when you're 16. I even thought it was romantic staying in a skid row hotel on 3rd Street. Now THAT'S young.
I always get jejune mixed up with jujubes.
Wonderful picture of those white San Francisco hills outside Kezar Stadium.
I found it on line, but it is so reminiscent of my time in SF from 68, when I graduated from high school and moved to go to college, to the mid 1970's when I moved to the Sierra Nevada area. Those were the days :-) My hippie dippy days.
SF was and still is a beautiful city, even if it is crawling with liberals and panhandlers and is really dirty in some areas. You just have to know what areas to avoid. Nice parks and open spaces surprisingly in the middle of the city. The restaurants and ethnic foods are something I really really miss about the city life.
It is a very nice city for walking, if you know which areas to avoid. I used to walk from Market street up to Coit tower then back down through North Beach and China town, back to Market. I kind of miss being able to take that walk - you could see some stuff from Telegraph hill.
DBQ - there is a site, http://www.curbsideclassic.com/, that every so often posts a closeup picture of a detail of an automobile and the object is to guess what the car is. Could provide an interesting challenge for your husband. I rarely get them right, but my younger brother is pretty good at it.
ricpic said...
I always get jejune mixed up with jujubes.
I always confuse jejune with duodenum and ileum.
That's alimentary, my dear Watson.
They're all full of shit, 60.
Titus was probably right in that earlier thread here. I should layoff off the TOP for a bit. I'm so close to just unloading on Crack MC. I know some of you guys adore him (I'm looking at you EBL) or think he has interesting things to say, but this non-stop Romney smearing is starting to wear down my patience. I wrote my feelings about this back here a while ago. I still stand by what I wrote.
Althouse seems to love the guy for some reason.
Did anyone else notice that Instapundit deblogrolled Sullivan and Crack MC? About time. Bigotry should not be tolerated. Too bad Althouse falls for them.
Too bad Althouse falls for them.
Althouse is a whore who will do anyone if the traffic meter ticks. There's the difference.
I stopped arguing w/Crack, for the same reason I don't usually talk back to my tv.
I highly recommend the quick-skim method to detect and avoid useless comments at TOP. After a while, you can move the particularly awful commenters to the scroll-past list.
My new twist on the scroll-past list is what I call the "shiloh list," which is where the truly loathsome commenters wind up. Once someone's on the shiloh list I don't just scroll past all his comments, I also scroll past any comment by any other commenter who is responding to the person who's on the shiloh list.
It's easy, it saves time, and it really cuts down on acid reflux during visits to TOP.
The ileum and the odyssey.
If the journey through the ileum seems like an odyssey, you might have a problem. Possible solution
@ Sixty. Thanks for the link. Hubby is perusing the site as I am typing.
Re: Crack. I think the guy is too focused on his pet paranoia to think logically. There is no arguing or even discussing with someone who has their mind made up. As my ever lovin' says: "Like trying to teach a pig to sing. Waste of time and only annoys the pig."
Ditto what ChipS said: I see a post by Crack and others and usually just scroll on by.
And....now we are off for the day to take a drive around the area through the mountains and woods and just get the heck away from the business phone. We shouldn't complain about work, since soon it will be winter and we will not be busy, but after over 10 days of straight through 10 hour days, The Dumbplumber needs a break. If they are out of water....wait a day.
Avoiding TOP is always a good thing.
Poor Crack - well, that's about all I can say - he is poor. But he is monomaniacal.
I never have liked San Francisco that much. I went there a few times during the early 90's in the height of the AIDS epidemic and it freaked me out. I hardly ever go there now. I know fags are supposed to LOVE it but I don't. Also, I am an East Coast Girl. I hate LA and San Diego is too sunny and I need a change of seasons. I love snow and fall foliage.
I am picky about states. I don't like Florida either-it's just weird.
Seattle rains too much.
Forget the South and the midwest is boring.
If I didn't live in Boston I would be in some euro metro, natch-I know they are all going broke, but still they are fab. Tel Aviv I would do too. One of my fave cities is Prague. Next, I loved Istanbul.
I saw skeletons walking all over the streets in San Francisco and I never wanted to go back.
It is beautiful but back then looked so terribly depressing.
Yup. TOP's a mess o' pottage. Amid the stewing broth seasoned with guile, some good sized chunks of meat and vegetables can still be found and fished out for consideration and consumption.
Meanwhile, I know who I am. I know what I do. I know what it means to do the right thing as a man. I know what it is to take stands against those in power. Real power, not rhetorical blogginess power.
It just isn't all that macho to spend all the time explaining to people what macho is and what I've done to express it.
I think you take on the world and have a mission and a voice--but your failing won't be ignoring what you see as truth, your failing will be needing to get the popular kids to put a stamp of approval on your message. Which dilutes the mission.
(From, "Why are you making this about race?" post, PaddyO response to CMC.)
Writing like this, along with the responses of several others (some new, some old) are why I continue to read TOP and find myself heartened. Even if this type of clear, centered expression isn't par for the course, when it shows up, the difference is obvious.
As far as jejune goes, I get it mixed up with ingenue,
1. A naive, innocent girl or young woman.
2.a. The role of an ingénue in a dramatic production.
b. An actress playing such a role.
Which tracks back to questions of guile and the absence thereof in performance art and dramatic productions.
The jejune ingenue was full of jujubes from her duodenum to her ileum. It was odd to see.
Hi Mamam.
I have to go to work in DC this week Monday-Wednesday-I also dislike DC immensely. Everyone there is either a government employee or contractor-gross.
Allie went postal on me when I made a run of the mill ball bust. She has been commenting in rapid mode on many posts and I just noted that on an innocuous male dna post. I don't dislike her as much as most here, as I've said. But the "manic" seemed to strike a nerve that was not intended to. I mean I like to look @ an opponents cut above the eye and hammer it. But, that's just w/ folks I dislike. C'est la vie.
I picked up the old man today and took him for a drive and then lunch.
It was a beautiful autumn day here in Wisconsin; clear, crisp, sunny and warm. The leaves are turning, kids playing. Just perfect and it's the last autumn he'll see.
We drove past a Civil War reinactment. A man dressed in a Union Army uniform stopped us and driected us toward the parking area. The old man said to him "Sarge, some of your guys are going to be pretty irritated when they find out the Civil War ended a while back." Sarge didn't laugh. And we didn't stay.
He wanted lunch so we went to his regular lunch place - a Chinese buffet. We walked in and the owner saw us. "Missa John - you no eat buffet today. I cook special for you. Same price." I had the buffet; the owner brought out some wonderful looking, smelling and tasting steak and vegetable meal for the old man.
When the place opened three years ago the owner who could barely speak English had big trouble with the local jerk building inspector as the remodeling was being wrapped up. The old man found out about it, walked in the door of the place and tuned up the inspector (he knew him for years in the building business). Occupancy permit three hours later. Missa John gets special treatment even though he doesn't want it. He told the owner "I don't want anything. My parents were immigrants; I know how damn hard it can be."
He wanted to talk about World War Two today. It was the first time he did so voluntarily. "I'm not gonna tell yo about the combat stuff, just the other stuff."
He was in the Navy, spent time on Guadalcanal. The enlisted guys made camp away from teh officers area, along the beach. They scrounged tents and other things. They build a tent village, then found scrap tin to put protective covers over the tents to keep then cooler and drier. And white sheets in the ceilings, and light bulbs in makeshift tin fixtures. They planted palms near the tent area because they sprouted and grew in a few weeks.
One of his buddies decided they needed palm roof on their tents to look authentic. Rather than climbing the palm trees and cutting the fronds, they told the guys at the Army base that there were snipers in the palm trees. The Army guys shot the tops off the trees; the fronds fell to ground.
A junior officer came around to announce inspection, followed by a Captain. The officers were furious that the enlisted men had better quarters and demanded to know where thy got the material. "From the Army base", they lied with a straight face.
A major came around later that day and congratulated them for showing the junior officers exactly how to make things happen in a war.
One of the Old Man's buddies was a shoemaker in civilian life. He took everyone's GI boots and cut them down to oxfords. The company tailor cut everyone's pants short, just below the pockets.
They found a Japanese soldier who had been living in a cave for months. He didn't want to surrender because that would dishonor his family in Japan and they would be killed. After he was debriefed by an officer who spoke Japanese, it was decided that he could stay on the island. He became the company cook, fishing in the ocean, finding fruits on the forest. The old man likes mango and papaya with lime juice to this day.
There are more stories I'll save for another day.
He remains happy, funny, alert and engaged. It's hard to tell by looking at him that his days are few. He sees his friends, tells stories and puts a box of water bottles on his walker so he can water the mums he planted around the doorway of the seniors' apartment building where he lives.
When it's my time to reach for the next life, I hope I can do it with as much grace and fearlessness has he is. "We all have a purpose", he says, "Mine right now is to show my family how to die. It's not so bad as it sounds."
Everyone there is either a government employee or contractor-gross.
Which are you?
Hi Titus. I don't like DC either.
I have to tell you as you head off to the nethers, I'm in the throes of another conundrum. I thought the Fluff stuff was something you'd personally whipped up to entertain the Troops, until I discovered there really was a Fest and a Pharaoh of Fluff! In Boston, no less! Now, I'm at 6's and 7's, wondering if the pungent pinched loaves and scallop shack shitter stories were also flushed with truth???
As penance, I offer the following indupitable jujubious factoids:
In Italy, jujubes are known as "puntini"...
In India, jujubes are soft, semi-gooey and sugar coated. Rajinikanth is credited, though unverifiably, with the introduction of the word "ju-ju-bi" into contemporary Tamil slang to mean "easy pickings"
Michael, God bless.
Awesome comment, Mr. Haz. You are fortunate indeed to get some time with your father. He sounds like one heck of a man.
My hood is fab but it does have it's thugs.
Some thug and I just got into a screaming matching about him thinking I didn't clean up my rare clumbers shit.
He stopped in the middle of a busy street and yelled at me " are you going to clean up his shit". I said, " he didn't shit you fucking low life bitch and then he said I can smell it and I said it's probably your fucking breath or ass you uneducated piece of worthless trash". And then he said fuck you and I said get back to the ghetto and I will call you when I need my toilet cleaned and ran into my expensive loft building. He had a wicket Boston accent and looked kind of hot under his huge hoodie.
I was talking on the phone with my mom the entire time and now she is freaking out.
How are you?
Now I am going to locate my third eye and focus on breathing techniques.
Mamam I didn't eat any fluff, it looked gross. But on Sundays for some reason I pinch tons of loaves. Today I pinched like 5 loaves each special in it's own way.
I am work for a employee owned contractor Windy. I never worked in this type of organization before and it is kind of weird. They are all Phd Economists. I always worked in Biotech, High Tech or Health Care.
I do makes tons of money though because I am smart "corporate" wise, present well, and know how to bullshit and "listen". In the work place I never ever talk about myself (believe it or not) I just listen to other people's shit.
Michael Haz, what a fantastic comment. I was transfixed by "The Pacific," and to me your father's stories are the chords that turn a stark musical line into a rich composition.
Boston is fucking libtard and commie and incredibly expensive but it also has a strong undertone of thugs and gangs and trash. Think Whitey Bulger and Ben Affleck movies. But don't forget fags married and Barney Frank and Harvard and Elizabeth Warren.
It's a weird dichotomy.
I have been held up more times than I can count but I still keep on "moving on".
Nigs always ask me if the rare clumber is expensive and my reply is "no, he is a mutt". Yuppie scum ask me and my reply is, "yes he is very rare, there are only 200 registered in the U.S.". The good news is that the rare clumber is so huge they could never kidnap him. He just wouldn't fucking move and he weighs 90 pounds and no one would ever be able to run too far with him.
My dad was in the Korean War, built a successful road construction company, has a beautiful farm and has Alzheimers, can I get some fucking love? He is totally blue collar and still loves his fag son-I mean hello? Now suck my cock.
Haz, Thanks and my prayers for you and your family.
Great comments Haz.
Great comment, Haz.
Wow! Practically the same comment at the same moment. GMTA
Thanks again, Michael. Reminds me of why I regard you as one of the best writers in this old gang.
Titus. Your dad is a hero. Thank you for his service.
Michael Haz. Your dad is a hero. Thank you for his service.
Deciding who likes and dislikes whom here may not be quite as clear cut or black and white a proposition as it might seem.
I have a fondness for Titus, appreciate his ability to spin and provoke, and at the same time am personally repelled by some of his descriptions, lies and machinations. Like or dislike? Who's to say?
The picture at the top of this post unsettles me for several reasons. I don't enjoy the connections that come up for me when I view it. I do, however, respect TY's freedom to post whatever he wants, aware I'm granted the similar freedom to form my own response and comment as I please. I like and appreciate this arrangement. I dislike behavior that attempts to derail, devalue, or shut down either of those freedoms.
After reading Michael H's description of the day and connect he experienced with his dad, I had a mixed response there too. I was touched by the poignancy, the ordinariness and the specialness of a life well spent, the sadness and fullness of an autumn day well spent, the power of ingenuity, humor, and forbearance in the midst of difficulty, destruction and death. While I liked hearing of this, the awareness was accompanied by tears. I dislike loss and am thankful whenever courage, honor, faith and hope are shown to be real and present. Thank you.
I am work for a employee owned contractor...
...so, by definition, you think yourself to be gross?
Michael, great post.
Troop - the iggles? Really?
Michael, nice post about your father. You are so lucky to have him and be able to spend the time with him. Discovering who your parents really are in an adult relationship, as opposed to a parent/child relationship is a wonderful thing.
I was going to type a long story about my mother who died early....but it is too depressing and sad....so I deleted it. Maybe some other day.
DBQ, Just give us a heads-up when you want to comment about your mom, we'll all just double up on the prozac. It can't be that depressing, she created a wonderful daughter.
There have been some great father posts and comments here. Here's a list of posts with the tag "father's day." In Trooper's style, there's everything from a poll to a picture of a beer. Even a picture of Erin Moran when she had a roof over her head.
It can't be that depressing, she created a wonderful daughter.
Yes, it can be. Some people are wonderful because they were raised in a wonderful environment. Some people are wonderful because they longed to be raised in a wonderful environment. As much as nd tries to pass himself off as an expert in human nature, I would expect him to know that.
windbag, I'm quite aware of horrible, dysfunctional enviroments. One of my first jobs was as a juvenile probation officer, dealing w/ young criminals from mostly bad family enviroments. What was puzzling to me was once in awhile the kid was bad, but the family was loving and normal. In those cases, it was the peer influences.
My words to DBQ were positive. I'm a glass half full guy. It was not intended to slight whatever dysfunction DBQ suffered, but to acknowledge she turned out great. I apologize if my kudos to DBQ offended you. I normally would tell someone in this case to go shit in their hat. But I sense you may have some issues yourself in the family background dept. and if that is the case, I'm sorry. Just remember, resentment is like wanting to kill someone by taking the poison yourself.
Cowboys versus Bears on Monday Night Football.
I hope they both lose.
And a meteorite lands on the stadium.
But I sense you may have some issues yourself...
Psychologists call this projection.
♪ Bear down, Chicago Bears, make every play clear the way to victory. ♫
♪ Bear down, Chicago Bears, put up a fight with a might so fearlessly. ♫
♪ We'll never forget the way you thrilled the nation
with your T formation. ♫
♪ Bear down, Chicago Bears, and let them know why you're wearing the crown. ♩
♫ You're the pride and joy of Illinois, Chicago Bears, bear down! ♫
windbag, You apparently have read my comments. I've spoken glowingly about my parents, particularly about my old man. You admit even your friends don't like you. So, I'll end on a positive note, although you're an asshole, you are honest. Now, just let it go.
...you're an asshole...
There's that projection thing again. You might want to lie down on a couch and talk to someone about your childhood.
Thanks, Doc. Please send me your bill.
"Wow! Practically the same comment at the same moment. GMTA"
Except yours were grammatically correct.
No charge, nd, but here's a prescription for you.
Stop being a dismissive, condescending dick.
I don't know DBQ much at all, and I certainly don't speak for her--which she doesn't need--but for God's sake, read what she posted, asshole, and take it at face value. DBQ is a straight shooter.
If I could purchase you for what you're worth and sell you for what you think you're worth, I'd be a wealthy guy. No, I don't know about your family relationships, because I don't read you posts for the most part, because they're shit. And the bit about "even my friends don't like me" is what is known as self-deprecating humor. Sort of like Rodney Dangerfield made a killing doing. You're too obtuse to get it, though.
You can Google the big words later, in the meantime, go fuck yourself.
Woah. I didn't take offense at Spinelli's comment. Took it as a joking comment.
I was inspired (and envious a bit) by Haz's relationship with his father and wished that I could have had the same with my mother. Circumstances were otherwise. I had a wonderful childhood and am proud of both of my parents and even my bratty younger brother :-) Nothing more dysfunctional than anyone else I suppose. Unfortunately, some bad things happened to my mother that caused her to suffer and be diminished for many years and to die before I had a chance to "know" my mother as an adult woman. Like Haz is getting to know his father as a man instead of just as a son.
Those were tough times for us all as a family, but I think it made us stronger.
I just pine for the fact that I never was able to make the connections with my mother that come with maturity.
If I knew anything about sports, I would make a comment here to get us all back on track.
@DBQ, I'm glad you're good with it all. Like I said, I'm not pretending to speak for anyone.
DBQ, Thanks. I figured that was the case but it's good to hear it from you.
Windbag wrote: Stop being a dismissive, condescending dick.
Everyone knows spinelli is private dick. I once called him an "infestigator." Darcy laughed and that's important to me.
Did you know my first name is pompous?
Did you know my first name is pompous?
That's still less pompous than pompitous
Pomposity doesn't go with love as well as the pompitous does.
To this picker, grinner, lover & sinner, Pompitous Windbag seems a fine handle. Another version of the Bag O Water thing. No need to double up on the Prozac to appreciate the difference between influence and control. I've added MamaMaurice to my list of seconds.
For as many times as I've heard the song, this is my first encounter with pompitous!
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